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Everything posted by herculanojs

  1. how can i pass this code at runtime. I can't make it work with dynamic component creation
  2. Would it be possible to place UniCalendarDialog in an area instead of in the middle of the desktop? Determining Your Top and Left
  3. The Click to Close param does not seem to behave as expected. Even checked the message is closed after a while. The same situation with the Wait for mouse move and autoclose after param.
  4. Sorted out. I just left the client-aligned Panel, and the server-aligned main form
  5. The accordion layout apparently only works with AlignmentControl = uniAlignmentClient However when I switch to this form instead of uniAlignmentServer, the Main form gets weird. Attached are two images for comparison. How to resolve to make background color and anchored controls look similar to uniAlignmentServer
  6. I don't know anything that can be compared to Unigui. Until there is something really that can be compared to what there is today, the advances that Unigui will have already made will be difficult to achieve. Everything we need we can do it one way or another at Unigui. The support of the Unigui team is without comparison. Certainly having responsive layout and not having to create a mobile form and a web form will be fantastic. Looking forward to it. Não conheço nada que possa ser comparado ao Unigui. Até que exista algo realmente que possa ser comparado ao que hoje existe, os avanços que a Unigui já terá sofrido serão difícies de serem alcançados. Tudo que necessitamos podemos de um jeito ou de outro conseguir no Unigui. O suporte da equipe Unigui é sem comparação. Com certeza termos leiaute responsivo e não ter que criar um form para mobile e outro para web será fantástico. Aguardando ansioso
  7. It couldn't be this way, because I need to resize UniEdit, UniMemo, UniNumberEdit, etc ...
  8. Is it possible to resize UniMemo runtime? I tried this approach but couldn't get result
  9. Is it possible to resize too many components, such as a UniMemo?
  10. Estão me enviando mensagens no privado, para inclusão no grupo de WhatsApp. Eu não sou o administrador do grupo.
  11. Bom dia meu nobre

    Estou com idéia semelhante a tua, de fazer tudo ou quase tudo via script.

    A problemática que estou enfrentando a na execução do projeto Scripter.

    Estou tentando executar isso através do IDEEngine1

    IDEEngine1.OpenProject - carrear o projeto

    IDEEngine1.RunProject; - executar o projeto.

    Num projeto de exmplo, coloquei dois forms. Um principal e um segundário que é chamado dentro do principal. Ocorre que ao executar o IDEEngine os dois forms são criados.

    Como você esta executando?

    Tem criado um projeto do TMS e executado através do IDEEngine ? ou através de alguma outra forma.

    Você tem SKype para que possamos trocar umas idéias e vc me ajudar nisso?


  12. Boa tarde meu nobre Conseguiu avanço ?
  13. Leveraging the subject Is it possible in a hybrid application, when it is accessed from a particular device, for example tablet, it uses the desktop instead of mobile? For example: I would like to access via tablet the desktop application and only by mobile, the mobile application. Is it possible to get around something like that?
  14. How can we avoid that when maximizing a form, it does not cover the MainMenu of the main screen
  15. herculanojs

    form parent

    as far as I know, it is not possible change the parent What are you needing to do?
  16. I think it will take a few years until they get close to the unigui. And when they reach the current stage, unigui will be much more ahead. The embarcadero continues as always with problem of focus. They shoot everywhere and can not close something ripe and easy. Firemonkey is a great misfortune, the infinity of bugs made the product unusable. For demonstrations as they are made, and small applications you even get some results. For real-world cases leaves to be desired.
  17. Once again the support of Fmsoft is unsurpassed. Forgive us Farsha for the hot head, too much pressure from customers and we go crazy. You as always are the savior of the motherland.
  18. Together with Farshad we solved the problem. An old verification code if it was running on the mobile platform, was failing and moving on to creating a desktop application form. result := UniSession.isMobile; // result := false; // // uPlat := UniApplication.UniPlatform; // // if (upMobile in uPlat) then // result := True;
  19. ext-modern-all.js not found Where is this from ?
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