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Everything posted by Bresler

  1. +1... You can count on me
  2. Agree with you. All possibilities should be evaluated...
  3. Hi Thanks for ask. I was talking about this feature: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.5/#!/api/Ext.grid.feature.RowBody Thanks God I already solved it, here was the solution I found (maybe could there a better one): RepDBGrid.JSControl.JSCode('features:[{' + ' ftype: "rowbody", ' + ' getAdditionalData: function (data, idx, record, orig) { ' + ' return {' + ' rowBody: ''<div style="padding: 3; font-size:9px"><b>Chapa:</b>'' + record.get("5") + ''<br/>'' + ' + ' ''<b>CI:</b> '' + record.get("4") + ''<br/>'' + ' + ' ''<b>Cargo:</b> '' + record.get("8") + ''</div>''' + ' };' + ' }' + ' }]'); Any suggestion will well receibed.
  4. Hello Can anyone share a little example about how to use the UniDBGrid RowBody feature? Thanks
  5. Would be good you could check Memory Leaks on your App. Maybe the issue is not the Apache Server.
  6. Hello fellows Have anyone of you used the RowExpander plugin on a uniDBGrid? Can you share a little example please? Thanks for your time
  7. Hi Mr. Farshad Any plan about Buffered Grid?
  8. Yes you're right. But what if I want to show a big amount of records, and let the client to apply the filters he wants. It already exists on EXTJS since long time ago. http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.5/#!/api/Ext.grid.plugin.BufferedRenderer http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.5/#!/example/grid/buffer-grid.html I hope this pluggin could be inserted on the Roadmap. Would be great!!!!
  9. This situation seems to be solved when Buffered Grid comes. Any date about it scheduled?
  10. Hi all I made a simple test to for the same quantity of records but on a simple table with two fields and UNIGUI reponses are too slow. UniDBGrid paged too. DB: Firebird 3.0.2 64bits.
  11. Hi Tonivi I'm using almost the same scenario except for FB 3.0.2 and it's working perfect... BlobField is SubType 1 like Delphi Developer asked. Cheers
  12. Hola Jaime El señor Farshad aconseja que los Datasets sean colocados en sus respectivos formularios, de manera que se haga uso solamente de los recursos necesarios. Irte por la via de los DataModules provocaría que por cada sesión abierta se creen los DataModules, y si, te recargaria mucho la memoria del server con un montón de recursos innecesarios. Saludos y que tengas un buen día.
  13. Looking for new opportunities

  14. Bresler

    IIS 8.5

    Hi I was having something like that, not downloading the DLL but error 500. So I disabled 32 bits apps in the pool too and it is working perfect. Thanks for share
  15. Hi people I'm agree with Ronny, I hope Linux implementation be soon!!! Cheers
  16. Disculpen tanta morosidad, el tiempo se me ha acortado en gran manera desde el nacimiento de mi bebe. Saludos
  17. Hi guys Here is an update of BMUniDBGrid supporting Delphi Tokyo and last version of UniGUI. I'm sorry the delay. I hope it could be useful to you. Best regards Link
  18. Hi Mr. Farshad I would like to control how to create or resolve the MainForm. There is any way to do it??? I'm using Spring4D on my project and I want to register all the TUniForms in the Spring4D Container allowing me resolve them by a ServiceName(String) for better uncoupled code... Thanks for your time
  19. Hola Guillermo Si te refieres a los botones del TUniDBNavigator, no tengo idea...
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