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Everything posted by Bresler

  1. TreeGridTestCasePrepared.rar
  2. Hi I need my TUniDBTreeGrid to be sorted by two numeric fields and display the node text of a field3 (text field). Actually it is ordering (A-Z). I give the query sorted as I want and it still does not work. There is any workaround to fix it? Thanks
  3. Hi Farshad Would be very good to potentiateTUniDBGrid adding RowBody feature support. Here is the doc. Regards
  4. Hi, I'm using two Line Series in a Chart object and first labels of both series are been truncated. How can I fix it? Regards
  5. Hi This issue still ramins. You have to change the Rtti visibility of your Forms if you want to see your custom methods, private objects or custom properties. Workarround: {$RTTI EXPLICIT METHODS([vcPrivate..vcPublished]) PROPERTIES([vcPrivate..vcPublished]) FIELDS([vcPrivate..vcPublished])} This way everything will be visible using Rtti. Regards
  6. I'm using Firebird since version 1.5 in all my Apps too, with very good performance.
  7. Hi I'm interested too, my email is mvbressler2008@gmail.com. I have Full Unigui License.
  8. Hi, I'm sorry for be late, I hope this subject still be worm. I had published some time ago a simple post about MVVM in UNIGUI using KNOCKOFF (from Stefan Glienke) adapted to UNIGUI. Here is the link. Post´s Link Since that time, I have been working with this pattern in UNIGUI with TMS Aurelius, and yes, code is cleaner. The limitation I found on this approach is the creation of an adapter for each component. But it is working. I hope this could help. Regards
  9. Hi guys I had been developing something like this but based on QZ Tray for a private requested job , unfortunately unfinished yet. It allows chained print (impression queue). Regards
  10. Hi Delphi Developer RTTI actually sees published properties nor private or protected or public. In my case, TUniDBGrid.SelectedRows can't be see be RTTI, I had to alter the source code and change the visibility from public to published. Are there any planed change in this area? IMO would be good to have full RTTI access. Thanks for your time.
  11. Hi Farshad I'm trying to use RTTI in uniDBGrid SelectedRows property but RTTI can't locate it. Does RTTI disabled for components? Regards
  12. Hi Maybe I could help to make it clientSide alignment. Just let me know. Best regards
  13. En mi experiencia personal, me ha ido muy bien con TMS Aurelius (Spring4D lo considero muy bueno también), y he podido palpar las grandes ventajas que arroja el usar un ORM en el desarrollo de apps. Me ha sido mucho más fácil el mantenimiento, hacer cambios, añadir nuevas funcionalidades, estas cosas que anteriomente eran un tanto complicadas en dependencia de la magnitud de los cambios, ahora vienen a ser exponencialmente mucho más sencillas. Concuerdo 100% en tu criterio del cómo usar una herramienta.
  14. Saludos colegas: Primeramente debemos tener presente que UNIGUI es un Framework que traduce de Pascal a EXTJS. Los Datamodules que existen en UNIGUI, desde mi punto de vista son para mantener la compatibilidad con Delphi y como comodidad para aquellos que trabajamos con Delphi y mejor aun para aquellos no saben o no dominan el EXTJS, pero esa estructura no existe en EXTJS. Ahora, lo de los recursos que se crean, igualmente esta es mi opinión, pues no tengo definido como funciona UNIGUI internamente, los objetos en EXTJS para la carga de datos y su manipulación en son los Ext.data.Store, por lo que seguimos supuniendo, al crearse un Datamodule con unos cuantos Datasets, se crearían en el código EXTJS los Stores correspondientes, con sus respectivas definiciones de los campos con sus tipos de datos. Ahora, la magnitud de lo el señor Farshad se refiere está dada en la cantidad de Datasets que tengas en tus Datamodules, y la complejidad que estos tengan, multiplicado por la cantidad de sesiones que se abran. El impacto directo en el consumo de memoria se podría ver con el StressTestTool. Espero haber sido de ayuda. Saludos cordiales y que tengan un buen día.
  15. Hi, Don't worry about limited knowledge, just keep pushing forward and studying. Have a nice day
  16. Hello guys I'm sorry for delay. I'm thinking seriuosly on a new version of the Grid, in fact, a set of components for better configurations, so paginations, popupmenus and others could be made through visual components related to the Grid. What I'm thinking is to stop the maintenancy of this free version and start working on this new project that will allow me better and faster maintenancy and adding new features easier. Initial features are: - Pagination Component - Grid PopupMenu Component - Grid Seach Component These component will allow easier configuration and customization even to EXTJS and Delphi low experienced people. Any sugestion will be appreciated. Best regards
  17. -1 35 years old 8 years with Delphi 4 years with ExtJS + PHP since version 1.1.1
  18. Hi Georges Not yet, mainly beacuse it is in beta stage and can't coexist two versions of UNIGUI, I should tried to do it in a VM. So, it is possible for next week to have a version for uniGUI-ExtJS 5.6 Thanks for ask.
  19. hello any idea how to use Delphi chromium with uniGUI???? thanks
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