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Everything posted by mhmda

  1. As a server side you can't assign two apps to listen to the same port !! beside that you have more than 65,000 ports, try to use a different port
  2. mhmda

    Version 1.0

    Our company already purchased unigui and it woks just fine.
  3. mhmda

    report tool

    For desktop apps. and Web apps built using UNIGUI we use FastReport, it's flexible and powerful.
  4. This is by the uniGUI Framework itself.
  5. Very nice app. good job: -)
  6. mhmda

    Eid Mubarak

    أعاده الله على الجميع بالخير واليمن والبركات
  7. It's not so easy as you think, give it try and see....
  8. Well I would love that too, but doing things in client side (at least for me) has two advantages: 1. Knowing better how extjs works. 2. Less connections to the Server (saving bandwidth and delay) Also validating things that could be done in client side I do in client side for example: /* regex for email validation */ var ereg = /^\w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$/; if(!ereg.test(frmSignUP.edtEmail.getValue())) { Ext.Msg.alert('Invalid email address'); } If I do that in delphi I would send all data to server and do validation there: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function IsValidEmail(const Value: string): Boolean; function CheckAllowed(const s: string): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin Result:= false; for i:= 1 to Length(s) do if not (s[i] in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_', '-', '.']) then Exit; Result:= true; end; var i: Integer; NamePart, ServerPart: string; begin Result:= False; i:=Pos('@', Value); if i=0 then Exit; NamePart:=Copy(Value, 1, i-1); ServerPart:=Copy(Value, i+1, Length(Value)); if (Length(NamePart)=0) or ((Length(ServerPart)<5)) then Exit; i:=Pos('.', ServerPart); if (i=0) or (i>(Length(serverPart)-2)) then Exit; Result:= CheckAllowed(NamePart) and CheckAllowed(ServerPart); end; if not IsValidEmail(edtEmail.Text) then begin ShowMessage('Invalid email address'); end Using client side is more efficient, faster and less code.
  9. Yes you can, here is how to do it: Calendar event color depends on EventID. id1=.ext-color-1 id2=.ext-color-2 id3=.ext-color-3... and so on... So I add js code, for ecample: Form->UniEvents->beforeinit: function randomColor() { var rgb = []; for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(i==1) rgb.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 50)); else rgb.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 255)); } return 'rgb('+ rgb.join(',') + ')'; } for(var i=1;i<200;i++) { $("<style type='text/css'> .ext-color-"+i.toString()+"{ color:"+randomColor()+";} </style>").appendTo("head"); }
  10. Unigui can't implement this (not every VCL event can be done in web app.), Please refer to Extjs doc. and how it works, it is not so easy as we think as implementing this for VCL. For me the best solution for this (and it works just fine) is by triggering the Fields-->OnGetText and here you can do whatever you want, change font: family, size, color, insert image.....
  11. Farshad: Session Manager is redesigned. I will try to find a workaround for developer access to Sessions in next build. Any solution for this?
  12. Window 7 Enterprise 64bit XE8 Latest version of unigui
  13. Yes I have custom CSS but nothing related to MessageBox.....
  14. Here is the Element inspect from chrome (the buttons are rendered):
  15. I'm stuck with chrome with this issue :-(
  16. Farshad in mobile session you don't load jquery but in desktop session you load it, please add it also to mobile session sometimes we need to use jquery functions.... For now I add it manually I hope it will NOT make a duplicate in desktop sessions. Thank you....
  17. Every demo that have dbgrid through this error for example: 'DBGridEditor' I have installed the latest build of unigui and I downloaded the sencha Touch touch-2.4.2
  18. Hi, I'm trying to run the unigui mobile examples, everything runs OK except the UnimDBGrid when I open the form I get the error.
  19. I use chrome Version 52.0.2743.116 m
  20. I thought it happens to me only, the 'Yes' 'No' of the confirm dialog disappears. I use client side code, I thing that it maybe related to z-order of the mask screen? Ext.Msg.confirm('xxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxx'+selectedRecord.get('1')+'?', function(btn){ if (btn == 'yes'){ frmMngSchedules.grdSchedule.showMask('Please wait'); ajaxRequest(frmMngSchedules.window, 'removeStudent',["id="+selectedRecord.get('0')]); return true; } else if (btn=='no') { return false; } }); Any idea?
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