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  1. I don't understand what you mean with'sqlquery's'. TSQLQuey components? In any case, when you drag and drop a TQuery component into UniMainModule, it's a private field of object UniMainModule, so it's private for this session, (each seassion have it's own TQuery Object). Any component, object or variable defined as part of TUniMainModule class is private for each session because each session has it's own TUniMainModule object via UniMainModule function.
  2. Yes, both sessions can see the GV_data content because it's a module global var. If you declare GV_data as TUniMainModule var, then both session have it own GV_Data and can't see the value of another session var: TUniMainModule = class(TUniGUIMainModule) private public { Public declarations } GV_data: String; end; ..... procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniMainModule.GV_Data := UniEdit1.Text; end; procedure TMainForm.UniButton2Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniEdit2.Text := UniMainModule.GV_Data; end;
  3. As far I understand, each session create it owned TUniMainModule object, so, each field (not class var) of it, is unique for this session and only can accessed by this session. However, a global var or class var (static class var), are common to all session. It's as application variables, instead session variables. This var types can be accessed by all session and must be protected by critical section
  4. This class can be defined into a new unit. When you need a connection, use it. It is a static class, so it is shared by all sessions. Only use as example: var LCn: TConnection; begin .... LCn := TConnectionPool.Get; try <your code> finally TConnectionPool.Release(cn); end;
  5. I think you can use a static class as TConnectionPool = class private class var FConnectionList: TThreadList; class procedure CloseAll; public class function Get: TConnection; class procedure Release( cn: TConnection); end ..... function TConnectionPoll.Get; var LList: TList; begin LList := FConnectionList.LockList; try if LList.Count = 0 then Result := TConnection.Create(....) else begin Result := TConnection(LList[0]); LList.Delete(0); end finally FConnectionList.UnLockList; end; end; procedure TConnectionPool.CloseAll; var LList: TList; LIndex: integer; begin try for LIndex := 0 to LList.Count-1 do TConnection(LLIst.Free); LList.Clear; finally FConnectionList.UnLockList; end; end; procedure TConnectionPool.Release(cn: TConnection); var LList: TList; begin LList := FConnectionList.LockList; try if LList.Count< MaxPoolSize then LList.Add(cn) else cn.Free; finally FConnectionList.UnLockList; end; end; .... initialization TConnectionPool.FConnectionList := TThreadList.Create; finalization TConnectionPool.CloseAll; TConnectionPool.FConnectionList.Free; End.. ( code is not real, only as example idea). Use: .... var LCn: TConnection; begin .... LCn := TConnectionPool.Get; try <your code> finally TConnectionPool.Release(cn); end; .....
  6. Hi, Is possible set custom color for calendar events? Thank.
  7. Use TFileFileUpload OnComplete event: procedure TNuevoPedido.UniFileUpload1Completed(Sender: TObject; AStream: TFileStream); var F: TFileStream; begin UniListBox1.Items.Add(UniFileUpload1.FileName); F:= TFileStream.Create('<Your file name and path',fmCreate); F.CopyFrom(ASTream); F.Free; end;
  8. when you type http://dpsoftwares.n...nagementWeb.dll on iis server machine, iss show a error page with many information about it.
  9. Ok, thanks for the quick response. For now, I use the workaround exposed in this thread. Do you plan to implement this function in next release?
  10. Hi, At last there is a sendfile() function. I try search it but I don't found.
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