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Farshad Mohajeri

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Everything posted by Farshad Mohajeri

  1. I asked a question in above thread.
  2. Have you copied all Ext JS files to ext-3.3.0 folder? i.e. what are the content of your ext-3.3.0 folder?
  3. 32-bit XE2 BPLS are ready to deploy and will be included in 0.87.0. 64-bit XE2 is a work in progress. OSX XE2 is not planned yet. For C++, I did some initial tests and found out that work load is higher than expected so I don't want to promise for a date or deadline.
  4. Well, with version 0.85 Delphi 7 can be supported, but without TUniFrame. Unfortunately, Delphi 7 doesn't provide a mean to create custom TFrame descendants in IDE.
  5. Hi ae1080, Actualy, F & M are intials of company's two partners. When I tried to choose a name for our company I noticed that all good names are already taken and got the easy path of creating a name = our initials + Soft. FMSoft is a real company established in year 2005 and it is almost a 7 years old company. Before uniGUI, company was dedicated to end-user software products and uniGUI was actually invented for internal use before I make it available to worldwide developers. Thanks
  6. I'm working on this issue.
  7. Version 0.87 is being prepared now. We're not much far from 0.90 but I confess that we're behind schedule.
  8. Do you want me to add them as new properties for TUniPanel or?
  9. Those events are handled in JavaScript code. In IDE open CleintEvents property to see those handlers.
  10. Font property for some of objects can't be applied to web mode. For many objects Ext JS uses CSS classes to render Fonts and there is no direct access to those objects. In future we may add Font for more objects.
  11. Don't forget that XE2 starter excludes some of the new features such as iOS support. If you need XE2 upgrading to Pro version seems to be a better option.
  12. Add below code to MainForm.Script if (typeof window.event != 'undefined') { /* IE */ document.onkeydown = function() /* IE */ { var kc=event.keyCode; return (kc != 9); } } else { document.onkeypress = function(e) /* FireFox/Others */ { var kc=e.keyCode; return (kc != 9); } }
  13. You can use this function OnAfterEdit(value, originalValue, row, column) { ajaxRequest(this, 'MyEvent', [ 'param0=A', 'param1=B' ]); }
  14. Can you give a more specific example about how you want to "re-measure" data?
  15. ADOTable offers very poor performance. It tries to simulate Table cursor based operation which doesn't fit well within SQL paradigm.You need to re-design your app and replace all Tables with Queries.
  16. Yes, it is planned. Whether it will be full or partial source code it will be decided later.
  17. Windows Server works better when it comes to handling system resources. In your case you can use both Windows 7 and Windows server.
  18. You should handle all authentication yourself using Login Forms and etc.
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