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Farshad Mohajeri

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Everything posted by Farshad Mohajeri

  1. If you want to call PrintTest from an Ext JS client event you can try something like this: function OnClick(sender, e) { document.getElementById("iframe_UniURLFrame1").contentWindow.PrintTest(); }
  2. ??? You can simply assign them in Delphi.
  3. Where do you handle ajax calls on server side?
  4. Problem here is both with overloaded constructors and overloaded methods. Below code is valid in Delphi: TMyClass = class(TComponent) public constructor A(X: string); constructor B(X: string); end; In C++ both constructors are identical hence not compilable. class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TMyClass : public TComponent { typedef TComponent inherited; public: __fastcall TMyClass(UnicodeString X); __fastcall TMyClass(UnicodeString X); public: /* TComponent.Create */ inline __fastcall virtual TMyClass(TComponent* AOwner) : TComponent(AOwner) { } /* TComponent.Destroy */ inline __fastcall virtual ~TMyClass(void) { } }; I managed to resolve this by adding dummy parameters to constructors wherever needed.
  5. It depends on how you interpret derivative work. We may need to make it more clear in license. By saying derivative library we mean a library which provides a similar functionality like uniGUI. For example, you may take uniGUI add some additions or modifications and distribute the whole package, including parts of or complete uniGUI binaries, under a different name. It is forbidden. The point here is simple. When you create a uniGUI extension library, you are allowed to distribute your own part of code/component/library. uniGUI binaries can only be distributed as an integrated part of an executable binary targeting end-users.
  6. You can create your own components based on uniGUI controls. uniGUI license doesn't avoid this. Of course, like any other package you can only distribute your own code with your own license. uniGUI source code and binaries are subjected to uniGUI license terms. IOW, you can't distribute uniGUI code/binaries as an integrated part of your package.
  7. Simplest way is to download the extjs runtime and install it on your server. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/1545-version-0880/page__view__findpost__p__6737
  8. After some efforts I could see that IDE integration is only half of the problem. 2nd biggest problem here is the fact that automatically generated hpp headers don't compile! C++ doesn't support named constructors so Delphi constructors with same parameter list cause ambiguity in C++. ExtPascal code contains many of such constructors. Other issue is that C++ doesn't call initializaition code in same order as Delphi. Anyway, I managed to fixed most of these issues and compiled and ran a very basic uniGUI app in C++ with manually generated source code. I think the hardest part is past and hopefully we can expect an alpha C++ Builder port with version 0.89.0 or 0.90.0.
  9. What uniGUI version are you using?
  10. Please send a simple test case with all necessary files.
  11. Packxx15 http://www.unigui.com/downloads/90
  12. Have you gone through complete install procedure. You must build all packages and install those end with "dcl".
  13. You must change all PACKxyz15 to PACKxyz16.
  14. IE is not a good choice for running web apps based on JS objects and dynamic Dom elements. IE9 has improved in this area but it has other issues. I recommend firefox or chrome.
  15. This is default behavior on mobile devices. I think it is a useful feature. I have no idea how it can be disabled.
  16. First of all. Please enclose your code in [ code ] tag so your posts will be more readable. You can analyze our Google Maps demo and make necessary changes and adopt it to Google earth.
  17. It is easy. Put one or more URLFrames on your Form and set url parameter to your module address. UniURLFrame1.Url:='http://mysite/mymodule1.dll'; UniURLFrame2.Url:='http://mysite/mymodule2.dll';
  18. MainMenu doesn't publish ext events yet. Logged #1247
  19. There is no converter for this. Best practice is to manually convert a VCL project to uniGUI.
  20. You create TUniEdit descendants and add any custom methods you like.
  21. Yes, files are uploaded to the temp folder first. Later you can copy it to another folder. Original file name is preserved and sent to the server. Please see file upload demo.
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