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Farshad Mohajeri

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Everything posted by Farshad Mohajeri

  1. What is other AZURE project? A UniGUI project?
  2. If you don't disable Recycling your module will be recycled once a while and it will destroys all your active sessions.
  3. You should keep track of Form instances in MainForm or MainModule.
  4. For unknown reasons XE2 doesn't recognize the change immediately. You must close/re-open your project.
  5. It is not possible to set a file filter in web mode.
  6. Yes, it is only available at design time for developer reference. It is taken from uniGUIXX.BPL file DLL version number.
  7. Correction: for I := 0 to ASessionList.Count - 1 do begin if not TUniGUISession(ASessionList[i]).IsTerminated then (TUniGUISession(ASessionList[i]).UniMainModule as TUniMainModule).MyVar:=10; end;
  8. In MainModule: TUniMainModule = class(TUniGUIMainModule) private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } MyVar : Integer; end; In your code: implementation {$R *.dfm} uses uniGUIVars, MainModule, ServerModule, uniGUISessionManager; procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; ASessionList: TList; begin ASessionList := UniServerModule.SessionManager.Sessions.SessionList.LockList; try for I := 0 to ASessionList.Count - 1 do begin (TUniGUISession(ASessionList[i]).UniMainModule as TUniMainModule).MyVar:=10; end; finally UniServerModule.SessionManager.Sessions.SessionList.UnlockList; end; end;
  9. What is the format of requesting URL from external JS lib? Any example?
  10. Still not clear for me. How do you refer to other sessions? By Session Id? Do you keep a list of them? Do you want to share a global variable among all sessions? If yes put it in servermodule and protect it by Lock/Unlock
  11. function OnCollapse(combo) { }
  12. Does it crash web app? In what way?
  13. In this scenario grid must be refreshed. Can you send a simple test case?
  14. There will be always differences between WEB and VCL. This is nature of web programming. You can't edit a grid unless you set focus on Grid's active cell. For example, consider you have three DBEdits and one DBGrid on Form and you set DataSet to Edit mode, where focus should go? Edit1, Edit2 or DBGrid?
  15. How do you refresh the table, by calling refresh? Code sample please.
  16. We can add a property to button which locks it until request is completed. You can achieve same effect yourself now using client scripting.
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