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  2. how can I implement this code in Delphi-Unigui? Pinch and Zoom with native JavaScript Pinch the images below on a mobile device to see the effect. https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/vmorneau/r/pinch-and-zoom/pinch-and-zoom-js OR Add touch gestures (pinch zoom, touch drag and twist rotate) to an image. https://github.com/Becavalier/Zoomage.js/ Attach Is a project to play with MzunimTest.zip
  3. grdSuppliers.JSInterface.JSAddListener('boxready', 'function(sender, width, height, eOpts){ajaxRequest(MainForm.grdSuppliers, ''_BoxReady_'', ["w="+width, "h="+height]);}'); // FIRES 🙂 grdSuppliers.JSInterface.JSAddListener('hide', 'function(sender, eOpts){ajaxRequest(MainForm.grdSuppliers, ''_Hiding_'', []);}'); // NEVER FIRES ???
  4. @Sherzod Is there a way to hide the UniCalendar tool bar (where is the "TODAY", "<", ">", "Day", "Week", "Month" button) and create calls for them via code?
  5. how can i set the image to resize with finger pinch I have image jpg in unimImage or unimUrlFrame and I can not "play" with the size of the image
  6. picyka

    Only errors.

    Very good news, thank you.
  7. Hi, @Hayri ASLAN was able to reproduce the issue using the above test case. It means that we can implement a solution / work around soon. Thanks
  8. Serg

    UniUrlFrame в JPEG

    А если в общем случае, экспортировать в JPEG все что видно в окне UniUrlFrame?
  9. This post may help you to analyze and use the code (you may also need to modify the code for your need):
  10. Thank you, that worked. I have placed my order to renew
  11. You need to check for the seconds variable. Well, this is wrong of course, follow the sequence of parameters.
  12. '' + Self.Name+'.timer = Ext.TaskManager.start({ ' + ' run: function() { ' + ' var date = new Date(null); ' + ' date.setSeconds(--' + Self.Name + '.seconds); ' + ' var timeString = date.toISOString().substr(11, 8); ' + ' '+ ' '+Self.Name+'.UniLabelTimer.setHtml(''<i class="far fa-clock"></i> Tempo: '' + timeString); ' + ' '+ ' if (timeString == "00:00:00") { '+ ' ajaxRequest("stopTime"); '+ ' Ext.TaskManager.stop(' + Self.Name + '.timer); '+ ' }; '+ ' '+ ' }, ' + ' interval: 1000 ' + '});'; This way the timer stops, but I don't receive the stopTime event
  13. Would the code look like this? JSCODE := Self.Name + '.seconds = 60; ' + '' + Self.Name+'.timer = Ext.TaskManager.start({ ' + ' run: function() { ' + ' var date = new Date(null); ' + ' date.setSeconds(--' + Self.Name + '.seconds); ' + ' var timeString = date.toISOString().substr(11, 8); ' + ' if (timeString == ''0'') { '+ ' Ext.TaskManager.stop(' + Self.Name + '.timer); '+ ' ajaxRequest(''stopTime''); '+ ' }; '+ ' '+ ' '+Self.Name+'.UniLabelTimer.setHtml(''<i class="far fa-clock"></i> Tempo: '' + timeString); ' + ' }, ' + ' interval: 1000 ' + '});'; UniSession.JSCode(JSCODE);
  14. Well, inside the run function: if (condition that seconds is equal to or less than zero...) { Ext.TaskManager.stop(' + Self.Name + '.timer); //I think you should also stop the timer ajaxRequest(...); //There may be other codes as well }
  15. Yes and when it reaches zero I would like to execute an event or show a message to the user
  16. Hi @Woutero Thank you! Have you tried through the customer portal?
  17. Hi Sherzod I ‘m very happy with uniGUI and would like to renew my uniGUI Complete - Professional Edition license. On your web-site it says that the price for renewal is around 60% of original price, but I cannot find a link where to renew?
  18. Sorry, I couldn't do it. I wanted to execute a command when the timer reaches zero, how can I catch this event and execute the command?
  19. JSCODE := Self.Name + '.seconds = 60; ' + '' + Self.Name+'.timer = Ext.TaskManager.start({ ' + ' run: function() { ' + ' var date = new Date(null); ' + ' date.setSeconds(--' + Self.Name + '.seconds); ' + ' var timeString = date.toISOString().substr(11, 8); ' + ' '+Self.Name+'.UniLabelTimer.setHtml(''<i class="far fa-clock"></i> Tempo: '' + timeString); ' + ' }, ' + ' interval: 1000 ' + '});';
  20. Yes. 'boxready', 'function(sender, width, height, eOpts) {...' 'hide', 'function(sender, eOpts) {...'
  21. Great job, I managed to do the countdown, but how do you know when the timer reaches zero?
  22. I am after the same parameters as above:- "boxready" sender, width, height, eOpts "hide" sender, eOpts
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