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  1. Past hour
  2. @Sherzod Please, I have a question, and I wanted to take advantage of this topic: I have a urlframe where I load another application of my own, where it has 2 edits, one for username and one for password and a login button. Is there any way I can send the edit values when I click on the login button to the urlframe? There are 2 local applications of mine. Thank you very much!
  3. Today
  4. Çalışmıyor Bul := UnimDBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.Locate('REFNO',SecHarRef,[loPartialKey]); if Bul then TestLbl.Caption := ' Ok' else TestLbl.Caption := ' Err'; REFNO da aranan kayıt olduğu halde Label'de 'Err' yazıyor ve kayıt üzerine gitmiyor.
  5. hello. I didn't find a solution in the post. Also because I have no possibility of taking control of the SHOWMESSAGE function. In the code we have showmessage('hello') and that's it. And I can't even move the box higher to have the necessary space. Thanks
  6. Добрый день! Возможно есть решение как то для итемов компонента присваивать id? Сейчас строю параллельно в памяти вектор связки id и названия, не очень удобно. Понимаю что там текстовый массив, но все же вдруг есть вариант, ....к примеру в некоторых vcl компонентах, можно указывать так "1=Иванов; 2=Петров;3=сидоров.....", а визуально выпадающем списке, только имена.
  7. UnimDBGrid üzerinde ID numarasını bildiğim kayda nasıl konumlanabilirim?
  8. Hello, Your case is not very clear.
  9. Merhaba Frameler arasında geçiş yaptığımda UnimDBGrid'lerdeki bilgileri tekrar çekmek zorunda kalıyorum. Tekrar aynı frame a geldiğimde unimgridde en son seçtiğim kaydın üzerine gelmek istiyorum. Bunu nasıl yaparım? QUERY_.Locate('REFNO',SecHarRef,[loPartialKey]); UnimDBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.Locate('REFNO',SecHarRef,[loPartialKey]); bunlar çalışmadı.
  10. Hello Sherzod As it stands, I have two Delphi installations on the same development PC. Delphi 10.3 and Delphi 12 (working properly in my business development PC, we are migrating many projects from 10.3 to 12). I typically create different directories for complex third-party packages, so I decided to create a directory called "\D10.3components" where I installed Unigui 1.90.1560 package and then proceeded to install the x1560 package on the Delphi 10.3 (working properly and I'm working on it without problems). Now I would like to create a directory "\D12components", where I will install the Unigui 1.95.1583 package, and then build and install only on Delphi 12. The doubt that arises in my mind is, could there be ExtJs libraries or packages etc etc, which could cause confusion and create some instability in the two systems? when I go to do compilations, deployments etc (I mean in my development PC). Thanks Antonio
  11. Hello, For different versions of Delphi?
  12. Yesterday
  13. Hi to Everybody I have been developing for years with delphi RIO 10.3 and unigui 1.90.1560, a very stable platform. The question is, since we would like to start thinking about migrating to Delphi 12.1 Athens, is it possible to install unigui 1.95.1583 on the same PC, for example? Is it possible to have two unique installations on the same PC, perhaps taking care to install in different directories? Thanks Antonio
  14. Hello. I have a problem. On the Showmessage the virtua keyboard cove the OK Button. Is possible to resolve it? Thanks
  15. HI Picyka, also DB version? (Anyway a NATIVE unigui component is welcome) Thanks
  16. Falcon Store - Componentes Delphi, uniGUI, VCL, FMX e IntraWeb (falconsistemas.com.br) Combo with display and values, you can find it here.
  17. Это работает, но я предполагаю что у Вас закрыт DataSet. В этом случае также добавьте эту конфигурацию: procedure TMainmForm.UnimFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UnimDBGrid1.JSInterface.JSConfig('emptyText', ['<b>Н</b>ет записей...']); UnimDBGrid1.JSInterface.JSConfig('deferEmptyText', [False]); end;
  18. Подскажите, а для TUnimDBGrid как прописать? єтот код не работает UnimFormCreate() begin UnimDBGrid.JSInterface.JSConfig('emptyText', ['<b>Н</b>ет записей...']);
  19. Hi Michel, DbLookups with Incremental Search and grids in popup is now a dream that sooner or later I hope will come true... but it is not easy to achieve and in fact it is difficult to find it on the web, while it is widespread in Desktop applications. It may seem strange, but I have several Desktop projects (Devexpress) that I cannot port to Unigui, precisely because they contain many DbLookups to be managed in an "intelligent" and controlled way. As well as the Combox with Items (display) and Values (stored) which is an easy component to create for Farshad. But it seems I have to send a case of good Italian wine to Farshad to convince him... 🙂
  20. sorry~~ Can I only set a single StringGrid instead of all?
  21. Thank you Sherzod works! Draggable.Enabled must be false
  22. 1. MainForm -> initialization UniAddCSSLibrary('build/packages/ux/classic/classic/resources/ux-all.css', False, [upoFolderJS, upoPlatformDesktop]); UniAddJSLibrary('build/packages/ux/classic/ux.js', False, [upoFolderJS, upoPlatformDesktop]); 2. function tabPanel.beforeInit(sender, config) { config.plugins = [Ext.create('Ext.ux.TabReorderer', {})]; }
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