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  1. One more pdf with wrong margins )) Indeed there is no a magic wand. Happy New Year!
  2. Hello Sherzod if only the finished pdf had readable margins
  3. in the lib type TConnectionDefDriverParams = record DriverDefName: string; VendorLib: string; end; TConnectionDefParams = record ConnectionDefName: string; Server: string; Database: string; UserName: string; Password: string; LocalConnection: Boolean; CharacterSet: string; end; TConnectionDefPoolParams = record Pooled: Boolean; PoolMaximumItems: Integer; PoolCleanupTimeout: Integer; PoolExpireTimeout: Integer; end; procedure ConfigFDManagerConnectionFirebird( const pConnectionDefDriverParams: TConnectionDefDriverParams; const pConnectionDefParams: TConnectionDefParams; const pConnectionDefPoolParams: TConnectionDefPoolParams); var lConnection: TFDCustomConnection; lFBConnectionDefParams: TFDPhysFBConnectionDefParams; // FIREBIRD CONNECTION PARAMS lFDStanConnectionDef: IFDStanConnectionDef; lFDStanDefinition: IFDStanDefinition; begin //PARA CRIAR OU ALTERAR Й NECESSБRIO FECHAR A O FDMANGER REFERENTE A ConnectionDefName FDManager.CloseConnectionDef(pConnectionDefParams.ConnectionDefName); FDManager.ActiveStoredUsage := [auRunTime]; FDManager.ConnectionDefFileAutoLoad := False; FDManager.DriverDefFileAutoLoad := False; FDManager.SilentMode := True; //DESATIVA O CICLO DE MENSAGEM COM O WINDOWS PARA APRESENTAR A AMPULHETA DE PROCESSANDO. // FDManager.Open; //DRIVER lFDStanDefinition := FDManager.DriverDefs.FindDefinition(pConnectionDefDriverParams.DriverDefName); if not Assigned(FDManager.DriverDefs.FindDefinition(pConnectionDefDriverParams.DriverDefName)) then begin lFDStanDefinition := FDManager.DriverDefs.Add; lFDStanDefinition.Name := pConnectionDefDriverParams.DriverDefName; end; lFDStanDefinition.AsString['BaseDriverID'] := 'FB'; //DRIVER BASE if not pConnectionDefDriverParams.VendorLib.Trim.IsEmpty then lFDStanDefinition.AsString['VendorLib'] := pConnectionDefDriverParams.VendorLib; //DEFINE O CAMINHO DA DLL CLIENT DO FIREBIRD. //CONNECTION lFDStanConnectionDef := FDManager.ConnectionDefs.FindConnectionDef(pConnectionDefParams.ConnectionDefName); if not Assigned(FDManager.ConnectionDefs.FindConnectionDef(pConnectionDefParams.ConnectionDefName)) then begin lFDStanConnectionDef := FDManager.ConnectionDefs.AddConnectionDef; lFDStanConnectionDef.Name := pConnectionDefParams.ConnectionDefName; end; //DEFINIЗГO DE CONEXГO: PRIVADO :: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Defining_Connection_(FireDAC) lFBConnectionDefParams := TFDPhysFBConnectionDefParams(lFDStanConnectionDef.Params); lFBConnectionDefParams.DriverID := pConnectionDefDriverParams.DriverDefName; lFBConnectionDefParams.Database := pConnectionDefParams.Database; lFBConnectionDefParams.CharacterSet := csUTF8; // <<<---------------- NEGLECTED lFBConnectionDefParams.UserName := pConnectionDefParams.UserName; lFBConnectionDefParams.Password := pConnectionDefParams.Password; lFBConnectionDefParams.Server := pConnectionDefParams.Server; lFBConnectionDefParams.Protocol := TIBProtocol.ipLocal; if not pConnectionDefParams.LocalConnection then lFBConnectionDefParams.Protocol := TIBProtocol.ipTCPIP; lFBConnectionDefParams.Pooled := pConnectionDefPoolParams.Pooled; lFBConnectionDefParams.PoolMaximumItems := pConnectionDefPoolParams.PoolMaximumItems; lFBConnectionDefParams.PoolCleanupTimeout := pConnectionDefPoolParams.PoolCleanupTimeout; lFBConnectionDefParams.PoolExpireTimeout := pConnectionDefPoolParams.PoolExpireTimeout; //WriteOptions lConnection := TFDCustomConnection.Create(nil); try lConnection.FetchOptions.Mode := TFDFetchMode.fmAll; //fmAll lConnection.ResourceOptions.AutoConnect := False; // lConnection.ResourceOptions.AutoReconnect := True; //PERDA DE PERFORMANCE COM THREAD with lConnection.FormatOptions.MapRules.Add do begin SourceDataType := dtDateTime; { TFDParam.DataType } TargetDataType := dtDateTimeStamp; { Firebird TIMESTAMP } end; lFDStanConnectionDef.WriteOptions(lConnection.FormatOptions, lConnection.UpdateOptions, lConnection.FetchOptions, lConnection.ResourceOptions); finally lConnection.Free; end; if (FDManager.State <> TFDPhysManagerState.dmsActive) then FDManager.Open; end;
  4. Hello IMHO Firedac is very cunning Here is an explanation https://github.com/antoniojmsjr/MultithreadingFireDAC
  5. Если по поводу кейсов - то есть русскоязычный телеграм канал. Не очень активный, но движуха есть и реальные разрабы. Мои 2 копейки по поводу прогресса : вызывает опасения тот факт что sencha приобретен Idera. Как правило это ничем хорошим не заканчивается. Но с другой стороны, на другие фреймворки например TMS WebCore перелезать не хочется, имеющейся код большой, принцип работы другой и прочее. Буду до последнего держаться
  6. Hello Sherzod Is there a method in UniGUI? Or we should make it themself: Thread + Indy?
  7. Добрый день Sherzod В качестве примера можно рассмотреть медицинскую анкету. Или настройки почты, ThunderBird или Outlook
  8. Добрый день. Интересует вопрос : как сделать страницу с бесконечной прокруткой вниз (infinite). Видел решения с использованием unihtmlframe и обработкой JS, но хотелось бы использовать стандартные unigui controls. Есть ли такая возможность? И как такую форму/фрейм редактировать в design-time?
  9. I have found several solutions https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31240588/convert-text-from-utf-8-to-windows-1251 The issue caused by the fact that I develop my program on localized Windows but deploy it on non-localized one. Till now I have hot a positive result although I understand the way to resolve the issue.
  10. I express my condolences to all Turkish people affected by the earthquake.
  11. Thanks for the advice Maybe ExtLocale in UniMainModule and UniServerModule can fix the issue
  12. Windows Server 2012 R2 probably it is connected with the default system locale
  13. Hello In this example I do not use any database connection. It is just unicode string. In general I use Firebird 3 : SET NAMES UTF8; DEFAULT CHARACTER SET UTF8 COLLATION UTF8; All grids show Unicode characters as expected
  14. Dear Team I have found strange issue In TUniMainModule I fill UniSession.UserString := 'АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЫЬЪЭЮЯ_абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщыьъэюя' This string is OK in Session list without HyperServer but wrong one with HyperServer as shown on the pictures. Unigui ver is , Ext JS 7.5.1 . Last Version FireFox x64
  15. Unfortunately any converter does not make pdf well. A lot of text is truncated on the right of a page. An original manual in pdf would be nice.
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