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  1. Past hour
  2. Try this approach for now: procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin with UniFileUploadButton1 do begin Filter := '.pdf,.txt'; JSInterface.JSCall('fileInputEl.dom.setAttribute', ['accept', Filter]); end; end;
  3. picyka

    Only errors.

    I'll help you simulate the error very easily. procedure TMainForm.UniDBGrid1ColumnFilter(Sender: TUniDBGrid; const Column: TUniDBGridColumn; const Value: Variant); begin if Column.FieldName = 'LOG_UF' then begin CDCadastro.Filtered := False; if Value <> '' then begin var lFiltro := ''; if VarToStr(Value).Contains(';') then lFiltro := 'SC' else lFiltro := VarToStr(Value); Sleep(1000); CDCadastro.Filter := 'LOG_UF=' + QuotedStr(lFiltro); CDCadastro.Filtered := True; end; end; end; Sleep(1000); In my production system, the error occurs more easily than in the demo, because there is a small delay in loading the data. so I put a Sleep(1000); After selecting the SC value, click very quickly on more than one line. @Farshad Mohajeri
  4. in the end, it was all my bugs..... and the most important. AlignmentControl = uniAlignmentClient
  5. Today
  6. picyka

    Only errors.

    Component: UniDBGridServicos (TUniDBGrid) Parent: UniFrameCadFornecedor0 LastAjaxEvent: actionclick Class: Exception Message: TUniCustomDBGrid.MoveToRow(): Unexpected Row number: 2, 3 Version: 1573
  7. picyka

    Only errors.

    Test = 1555 production = 1573
  8. Build number? Does your build include below fix? [UNG-3473] - TUniDBGrid: Workaround for RecNo mismatch error.
  9. picyka

    Only errors.

    In production I use version 73, this test is version 55.
  10. Hi, Is this the latest uniGUI build ?
  11. The component only takes into account what is defined in it, if I pass another filter at run time it doesn't work. If you look at the image, my component only has the option filter = *.pfx and I want to pass other types of filters based on what the users choose, I passed the option Filter := '.p12,.pfx'; but it did not work.
  12. When you finish writing a CSS there are 2 other steps to consider 1- Troubleshooting: It is possible that there are errors in the code, for example, instead of 1px, you wrote only 1 2- Compression: It is important to increase the execution speed You can use different sites for this This is a good site and you can see the results of the previous code https://www.cssportal.com/css-optimize/ and final code .rc-grid-title-check .x-column-header-checkbox{display:none}.x-column-header{background-color:#FFF;border:1px solid red;border-color:#7EA8F8;border-radius:2px;color:#000;height:40px!important;padding:1px;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle}.x-grid{background-color:#FFF;border-collapse:collapse;border-color:#7EA8F8;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;color:#000;width:100%}.x-grid .x-grid-cell{height:30px!important;line-height:30px!important}.x-grid td,.x-grid th{border-color:#7EA8F8;border-style:solid;border-width:2px;padding:5px}.x-grid-cell-inner{overflow:hidden;padding:5px 4px 4px!important;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap}.x-grid-header-ct .x-column-header-inner{white-space:nowrap}.x-grid-item-selected .x-grid-cell{background-color:#FFFFE0;border:1px solid #cce5ff;color:#00008B}.x-grid-td{vertical-align:middle}.x-toolbar-default{border-width:0;padding:6px 0 0}.x-toolbar-default .x-toolbar-separator-horizontal{border-width:0}.x-toolbar-text-default{color:#4b4c4c;padding:0 0 0 -8px}
  13. A CSS for UniDBGrid .x-grid-header-ct .x-column-header-inner { white-space: nowrap; } .x-column-header { border: 1px solid red; height: 40px !important; background-color:#FFF; border-color:#7EA8F8; border-radius:2px; color:#000; padding:1px; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; } .x-grid-item-selected .x-grid-cell { background-color:#FFFFE0; border:1 solid #cce5ff; color:#00008B; } .x-grid-cell-inner { padding: 5px 4px 4px!important; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } .x-grid-td { vertical-align: middle; } .rc-grid-title-check .x-column-header-checkbox { display:none; } .x-toolbar-text-default { padding: 0px 0px 0px -8px; color: #4b4c4c; } .x-toolbar-default .x-toolbar-separator-horizontal{ border-width: 0px; } .x-toolbar-default { padding: 6px 0 0px 0px; border-width: 0px; } .x-grid .x-grid-cell { height: 30px !important; line-height: 30px !important; } .x-grid { background-color:#FFF; border-collapse:collapse; border-color:#7EA8F8; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; color:#000; width:100% } .x-grid td,.x-grid th { border-color:#7EA8F8; border-style:solid; border-width:2px; padding:5px }
  14. Yesterday
  15. Can I change the filter property? Can I put 2 different filters? Example: *.pdf *.txt
  16. I've sent you in the same day I were notified by Paypal.

    Have you Download the pack ?

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    Below is your download link for all projects in the pack. Open the Indexdw.html for a easy access to files in the JS folder.
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    1. Fred Montier

      Fred Montier

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      Just sent again. Please confirm.

      Sending again:
      Below is your download link for all projects in the pack. Open the Indexdw.html for a easy access to files in the JS folder.
      Please confirm you have downloaded it successfully.
  17. picyka

    Only errors.

    unit uniDBGrid; function SetCurrentRowCol(ARow, ACol:Integer; SuppParams: array of string):Boolean; override; It seems that it tries to select the line and is processing the filter, which ends up causing the error, I don't know if I'm quite sure about this theory.
  18. picyka

    Only errors.

    Master @Farshad Mohajeri, I hope I can help you.
  19. picyka

    Only errors.

    This was another test case here on the forum, I just used it to advance the example. My additional code was just the UniCheckComboBox1 and the filter event on the grid. Error.zip is a video, you need to select the SC filter and click on the column, this is all very quick. Error.zip Grid - DbGrid Editavel.zip
  20. I have this problem every day and I can't solve it, it only happens in production.
  21. picyka

    Only errors.

    Well, the first message I can simulate on my system, the second I never managed to do, I already received a print from the user, but these are very random cases. 1) Basically there I have a grid that can be searched by columns, in the last column, I have a UniCheckComboBox, where the user can select one or more values. Error image attached, I can even try to do a test case later.
  22. Hi, We have done several modifications in recent versions so these errors must be very rare. If you can send us a test case which can reproduce these bugs we will happy to look into it.
  23. picyka

    Only errors.

    I would like to ask for help, is there any way to improve my code so that these errors no longer occur? Message: TUniCustomDBGrid.MoveToRow(): Unexpected Row number: 0, 4 Message: Grid is in dirty state. No more updates can be applied. @Farshad Mohajeri Thank you for any tip.
  24. @newsanti ItemList: procedure TMainmForm.UnimFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with UnimComboBox1 do JSInterface.JSConfig('itemTpl', ['<span class="x-list-label" style="color:green; font-size:14px; font-style: italic;">{val:htmlEncode}</span>']); end;
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