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  1. Merhaba, Mobil projede form üzerine yerleştirilen unimcheckbox componentinin caption alanı, çalışma anında browser üzerinde yarım çıkıyor. Form ve frame üzerinde ayrı ayrı deneme yaptım her ikisinde de aynı sonucu aldım. Unigui versiyon
  2. I want to build a Hybrid Application and use a Desktop Form to Login (request an account if necessary) then once logged in test if Desktop or Mobile and show the appropriate Desktop or Mobile form - please advise how to analyse users platform - Thanks in advance.
  3. Trying to build a "generic" modal form to substitute TUnimSelect. These are my problems to solve Adjusting form size and position after screen size changed (see my open topic here) Closing form by clicking in masked area (see my open ticket here) Need some tips for a perfect responsive layout (floating TUnimContainerPanel) for targeting several device types. Attached is a modified touch demo project to get the impression. TIA. demoModalForm.zip
  4. TUnimForm.ScreenResize() works as expected when used in Mainm.pas (ScreenSize demo) ScreenSize() event never called in a modal form e.g. if screen orientation changed. Bug or feature?
  5. Olá pessoal!! Alguém conseguiu implementar um leitor de código de barras funcional também para iOS? Testamos aqui com o Zxing, mas só funcionaria no Android. Vi esse link do Sencha: https://docs.sencha.com/webappmgr/device/barcode.html. Teria como implementar no uniGui? Obrigado!
  6. Hello guys! We have a problem when putting a scroll and scrolling the page down the htmlframe component stands still without scrolling along with the other elements. Link to the video showing the error ---> http://www.grsoft.com.br/videos/VideoErroScroll.mp4 We appreciate who can help!
  7. Good evening, folks! As you may know, most mobile browsers like to interpet the UnimSelect in a separate (modal) popup, where the user needs to pick and confirm. For some reasons I would always like to have the dropdown like an UniComboBox (I can place it within the mobile, but it works with causing an error). I tried to place a boostrap componentent, but its limited to the HMTLUnimFrame, so it doest fit as well. Any ideas? Best regards, Gerhard
  8. Dear all, My mobile form contain many chart, and every chart i put on Panel with collapsed function. But when i collapsed one of the panel, the panel never adjust their position to close the gap. can advise me, how to make unimpanel will auto adjust filling the gap ?
  9. Good afternoon community ... Here's a work I'm putting into the new uniGUI with extjs 6.5, remembering that there's an app in the Google Play Store (Guia da Serra MT) made with Android Studio that makes interactions with uniGUI, Call, Share, close App etc. .. Old Version: Extjs 4.2 http://ipapp.guiadaserramt.com.br/GuiaOnlineAnt.dll/m New Version: Extjs 6.5 http://ipapp.guiadaserramt.com.br/GuiadaSerra.dll/m
  10. Hello guys! I have a question. How i can build a hybrid application whitout using mobile components? My ideia is create one desktop form and one 'mobile' using desktop components. This is possible? I need to do that this way because i'm building a dashboard and the mobile chart components is sucks ,the ideia is use the same desktop dashboard in mobile. Thanks in advanced.
  11. I have a curious case that I can not solve for months. And now I need a solution. This has happened to several versions of UniGUI with me. So I need some help finding out what I'm doing wrong. First my development environment: - UniGUI version 1481 - Windows 10, virtualized with Parallels, with all updates. - Delphi Tokyo 10.2.3 According to my senary and environment of production and testing: - An FMX app with a TWebBrowser component, calls the UniGUI application - My UniGUI application is in AWS (EC2). I am using Windows Server 2012. ISAPI + HyperServer. (Even without HyperServer, same problem happens). Third for you to reproduce the error: - Compile and run the Embarcadero demo application called "WebBrowser". Install on a Simulator or Mobile device. My tests were with iOS Simulator, iOS Device and Android Simulator. In all the same problem occurred. . Compile and run the UniGUI demo called "scroll" for mobile. - In the WebBrowser app, inform the link of the UniGUI application and click "GO". Fourth, the problem: - At the top is an inaccessible track. - If you click the Exit or Close button, you'll find that this part is incomplete (session termination). - Any other link that informs, other than a UniGUI application works without this problem, such as www.rapidili.com. Attached screens. I do not know who else to turn to. I looked here in the forum, and found no solution. And in the groups that I participate too. Thank you.
  12. I have a Mobile TMainmForm TUnimContainerPanel TUnimPanel TUnimHTMLFrame All perfectly displayed on iOS Device. I want to work with the HTMLFrame canvas which is declared in HTML as //HTMLFrame.HTML.Add(' <canvas id = "andy" width = "'+IntToStr(ContainerPanel.Width+43)+'" height = "'+IntToStr(ContainerPanel.Height+84)+'" style = "border: 1px solid #000000;">'); HTMLFrame.HTML.Add(' <canvas id = "andy" width = "'+IntToStr(Panel.Width+43)+'" height = "'+IntToStr(Panel.Height+84)+'" style = "border: 1px solid #000000;">'); //HTMLFrame.HTML.Add(' <canvas id = "andy" width = "100%" height = "100%" style = "border: 1px solid #000000;">'); //HTMLFrame.HTML.Add(' <canvas id = "andy" width = "'+IntToStr(UniApplication.ScreenWidth-2)+'" height = "'+IntToStr(UniApplication.ScreenHeight-2)+'" style = "border: 1px solid #000000;">'); Why can I not get correct width/height for canvas, my best fit was Panel.Width+43 and Panel.Height+84 which is unique to my iPhoneX and incorrect for any other mobile device. How can I get correct pixel dimensions to declare for my canvas ? Please advise - thanks in advance.
  13. Hi, are there any good solutions including examples for using a canvas or any kind of alternative for taking signatures in mobile? Using TUniCanvas in a mobile forms answers with "Ext.Form.Canvas is not a constructor", I assume, it shouldnt be used that way. Best regard and greetings, Gerhard
  14. Alguem pode me ajudar, essa função no mobile esta desativada estou usando touch versao 2.4.2
  15. Possible error in TUnimBitbtn's IconCls Good morning, I've set up my TUnimBitbtn with the IconCls property inside the Mobile App, but the icon is only displayed if the Caption property has a filled character. If the caption property is null or blank, the IconCls icon is not displayed, is this correct? Is there anything I need to do? Or it's a component bug! Attachments: Image with the location of the information. Image with Caption filled in appears the icon. Picture without Caption filled in does not appear icon.
  16. I'm using uniGUI Complete Trial Edition 1.10.0 Build 1464. I need to display an area chart with two series on both desktop and mobile. Desktop works as expected, but mobile versions have two problems that I have been unable to solve: The chart legend initially appears, but when the data is loaded into the chart, the legend no longer appears on the mobile version. The chart does not "stack" on the mobile version (one series overlays the other). Are these known limitations or is there something I should be aware of that makes the mobile versions different from the desktop versions. Thanks in advance for your help. Milan
  17. É possivel usar o Uniframe dentro de um projeto mobile? Se sim, alguém tem um exemplo de como chamar um uniframe dentro de um mobile. Pois eu tentei chamar um uniFrame da mesma forma que chamo em Aplicação Web e deu a seguinte mensagem: "OC4.setTitle is not a function" Código usando para Chamar o uniFrame Criei no Private o seguinte: private { Private declarations } FFrameName: string; FCurrentFrame: TUniFrame; procedure InsertFrame(AName, ATitle: string; MeuIDFrame : Integer; IDIcone: Integer); E criei a procedure assim: procedure TfrmLoginM.InsertFrame(AName, ATitle: string; MeuIDFrame : Integer; IDIcone:Integer); var Path: string; begin try if FFrameName = AName then Begin Exit; End else Begin FFrameName := AName; End; Path := UniServerModule.StartPath + 'Versao\'; pgGERAL.TabIndex := MeuIDFrame; FreeAndNil(FCurrentFrame); except on E : Exception do begin sa.Info('ERRO NO ID FRAME...: '+MeuIDFrame.ToString); Abort; end; end; Try if AName <> 'TfrmLogimM' then begin FCurrentFrame := TUniFrameClass(FindClass('T' + AName)).Create(Self); FCurrentFrame.Align := alClient; FCurrentFrame.Parent := tsAbastecimento; tsAbastecimento.Caption := ATitle; tsAbastecimento.ImageIndex := IDIcone; end; except on E : Exception do begin sa.Warning('Atenção de Exceção! 002',E.Message+' - Classe: '+e.ClassName, procedure(const ButtonClicked: TAButton) begin end); Abort; end; end; end; Chamei o uniFrame: InsertFrame('frmTesteM' , 'ABASTECIMENTO', 2,0); Mas está apresentando o erro em destaque acima
  18. Hi, I wonder if it's possible to put a pin when showing google maps. I'm reading coordinates from mysql and displaying the map that correspond to the coordinates but i want to put a pin to show exactly where on the map the location is? I looked at the google maps demo but there was no pin in the example. Best Regards /Christian
  19. Hello good afternoon, I would like to know how to change the font and colors of a dbgrid line at run time. for example, if any field in the dataset is of a format to change the color of the dbrid. Best regards Anderson Manoel Ribas Brazil
  20. Hi, Anybody know how to set an editmask on TunimDBedit, I only want to allow numeric characters. Is there a property for this or can it be done Onchange or OnKeyUp event? I found a code below online but did not work, if not (Key in [#8, '0'..'9', DecimalSeparator]) then begin ShowMessage('Invalid key: ' + Key); Key := #0; end else if (Key = DecimalSeparator) and (Pos(Key, Edit1.Text) > 0) then begin ShowMessage('Invalid Key: twice ' + Key); Key := #0; end; /Best regards Christian J
  21. Hello How do I enable it? there is this post http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/7017-using-mouse-wheel-to-scroll-in-unigui-mobile-application-on-desktop/ but it does not work UniGUI Delphi 10.1 Berlin
  22. Hi, I was wondering if UniGui mobile has the feature to pick images from mobile using chrome or the default browser. The App give me the option to choose camera or gallery but when capture a new photo from camera or gallery and upload it to unigui server, the picture appears to be rotated. Also, there is no cropping/ editing the picture before uploading it to server. So, I was wondering how can I achieve this in unigui mobile? Any help will be appreciated. thanks in advance merolarosa
  23. Hi, I have i hybrid application and i'm trying to hide the characters on the login screen where i have a TunimEdit. There is a property called "PasswordChar" that is defaulted to #0. I tried to remove the 0 but did not work. I have the same login screen in the desktop version where i have a TuniEdit, when i set the "PasswordChar" to # it works and hides the chars. Currently using version Best Regards Jack
  24. Hi i was wondering how can display multiple images on carousel in mobile with a TUnimImage on each page but with the possibility to zoom the images in and out? i tried many libraries and plugins online but i failed to make them work with unigui mobile. Even if that failed, ow can make zooming mobile form itself enabled like desktop applications? I tried that code but no luck: <meta content='True' name='HandheldFriendly' /> <meta content='width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=2.0; user-scalable=1;' name='viewport' /> if (document.body) { document.body.addEventListener('touchmove',function(event){ event.preventDefault(); },false); } Please help me in either zoom the whole window or image. Thanks in advance
  25. Hi all, I am trying to test having a carousel in mobile app with pinch to zoom functionality. I found this amazing example: https://github.com/SunboX/ST2_ImageViewer https://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?197903-Pinch-Image-with-carousel-and-working-fine But I can't get it to work with unigui mobile or desktop I changed files paths in .js or html to correct "files/..." to work correctly with unigui, also added this code to BeforeScript property in UnimHTMLFrame1: Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled: true, paths: { 'Ext.ux': 'files/ux' } }); Ext.define('Demo.Viewport', { extend: 'Ext.Carousel', xtype : 'my-viewport', config: { items: [ { xtype: 'imageviewer', style: { backgroundColor: '#333' }, imageSrc: 'files/images/Desert.jpg' }, { xtype: 'imageviewer', style: { backgroundColor: '#333' }, imageSrc : 'files/images/Hydrangeas.jpg' }, { xtype: 'imageviewer', style: { backgroundColor: '#333' }, imageSrc: 'files/images/Chrysanthemum.jpg' } ], listeners: { activeitemchange: function(container, value, oldValue, eOpts) { if (oldValue) { oldValue.resetZoom(); this.getActiveItem().resize(); } }, resize: function(component, eOpts) { this.getActiveItem().resize(); } } }, onDragStart: function(e) { var scroller = this.getActiveItem().getScrollable().getScroller(); if (e.targetTouches.length === 1 && (e.deltaX < 0 && scroller.getMaxPosition().x === scroller.position.x) || (e.deltaX > 0 && scroller.position.x === 0)) { this.callParent(arguments); } }, onDrag: function(e) { if (e.targetTouches.length == 1) this.callParent(arguments); }, onDragEnd: function(e) { if (e.targetTouches.length < 2) this.callParent(arguments); } }); Ext.define('Demo.ViewportPanel', { extend: 'Ext.Panel', xtype : 'my-viewport-panel', config: { fullscreen: true, layout: 'fit', items: [{ xtype: 'titlebar', docked: 'top', items: [ { text: 'ZoomIn', listeners: { tap: function() { Ext.getCmp('myCarousel').getActiveItem().onZoomIn(); } } }, { text: 'ZoomOut', align: 'right', listeners: { tap: function() { Ext.getCmp('myCarousel').getActiveItem().onZoomOut(); } } } ] }, { xtype: 'my-viewport', id: 'myCarousel' }] } }); Ext.application({ name : 'ImageViewer Carousel Demo', views : [ 'Ext.ux.ImageViewer' ], launch: function() { Ext.Viewport.add({ xtype: 'my-viewport-panel' }); } }); or this for single image viewer Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled: true, paths: { 'Ext.ux': 'files/ux' } }); Ext.application({ name : 'Simple ImageViewer Demo', views : [ 'Ext.ux.ImageViewer' ], launch: function() { Ext.Viewport.add({ xtype: 'imageviewer', style: { backgroundColor: '#333' }, imageSrc: 'files/desert.jpg' }); } }); All I get is the "loading..." the carousel radio buttons are working but images are not sliding and the two buttons on the top panel (zoomin/zoomout) are working too. Sorry to bother you guys but I am not good with html/css or js so i can fix this on my own Any help will be appreciated Thanks in advance
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