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  1. Well, I would like to use the keyboard to navigate in the grid - something like this here: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/ron&view/editor Can this be done without changing the source code ? If not - I found the place where to modify the DBGrid - I just need to find the please to inject the following code into the "Ext.application({" Can you give me a tipp on how to do this ? Thanks Nils ----- functions I would like to inject ---- function getDirection(e) { if (e.getKey() == e.LEFT) return 'left' else if (e.getKey() == e.RIGHT) return 'right' else if (e.getKey() == e.UP) return 'up' else if (e.getKey() == e.DOWN || e.getKey() == e.ENTER) return 'down' } function specialKeyFunction(field, e) { console.log(field); var grid = field.up('grid') var pos, newPos, cellMod; cellMod = grid.selModel; pos = grid.selModel.getCurrentPosition(); var dir = getDirection(e); if (pos) { newPos = pos.view.walkCells(pos, dir, e, cellMod.preventWrap); if (newPos) { newPos.view = pos.view; cellMod.setCurrentPosition(newPos); } } Ext.defer(function() { grid.editingPlugin.startEdit(newPos.row, newPos.column); }, 100) };
  2. Dear Forum, I wanted to change the color of the Row, where the mouse is just over. Usually in Triton, it has a light blue. I tried: .customSG .x-grid-row-focused .x-grid-td { background-color: #DDAA66 !important; } but it seems not to work. Does anyone have a better idea? Regards Gerhard
  3. Hello. I use dbgrid for display data from rest.Now it have problem not display data for some device.Iphone some version display and some version not display.How to reslove this problem? iphone xs max ios 13 iphone x ios 13 android
  4. How do I get the selected value of combobox when I edit a value in the grid, I need to get the moment I select, already tried by combobox OnSelect and change more did not work.
  5. MSMK

    DBGrid DrawRow

    Возможно ли в DBGrid закрасить конкретную строку? на данный момент нашел только возможность закрасить ячейку
  6. hi, how to change grouping header font name unidbgrid?
  7. При разворачивании строки, срабатывает событие CellClick. При этом Column.FieldName возвращает столбец, который был последний раз нажат. Это нормальное поведение грида? Grid - RowWidget.zip
  8. Hi, can you tell me the usage of "Images" property and "imageIndex" in DbGrid ? I have a table column with integers representing the index of the icon I want show from a UniImageList (Info,Warning,Error); can you explain how-to ? Regards
  9. Hi all, I would like to scroll with key arrows up and down the grid, even when the grid is in editing mode. I already enabled KeyNavigation in WebOptions, but the grid is navigable using the keys only when not in editing mode. When in editing mode, pressing arrow down, it is the same as pressing key END, that is it moves the cursor to the end of the text; while pressing arrow up, it moves the cursor to the beginning of the text. I would like that pressing arrow down, the current record is posted, and the dataset moves to the next record, while when pressing arrow up, the current record is posted, and the dataset moves to the previous record. Could that be achieved in some way ? Thanks to all the contributors, Andrea
  10. Hi folks, i have a dbgrid with a column which the DataField behind holding a integer value. This integer value is a key to another table dataset. I set up a TuniDBLookupCombobox showing a string field in the dropdown and as Keyfield the integer value. Now i configured the column to show the LookupCombobox as the editor. My problem: The integer value is shown in de column, not the String field configured in the LookupCombobox. Can anybody help me with this?
  11. Hi all, I wonder if it's possible to specify the TITLE for an image cell in a DBGrid. It would be useful to show the hint/tooltip for the image/icon. The righe place should be OnDrtawColumnCell, but there as far as I can see there is only the possibility to specify the font, the color and the style. Something like that: <div unselectable="on" class="x-grid-cell-inner " title="my title"> <img src="/cache/medreferti_exe/res/__D5E09C51619AD97C38D717BA.png" width="24" height="24"> </div> thanks Andrea
  12. Hi, I have an error detected using UniDbGrid (TUniDbGrid) related to an Interbase table. Also I am using Delphi 10.2 Tokyo with Unigui version 10.0.1472. In a column where Integer type values ​​are loaded (the same happens with Float type fields), if I insert the value 0 (zero) when validating the previous record of its insertion in the table, the IsNull function returns the value True. The exact validation done in the BeforePost event of the table is as follows: If TableName.FieldByName ('AmountFrom'). IsNull then ShowMessage ("You must enter an amount greater than or equal to 0") The problem is that if I charge amount = 0 the, when doing the previous validation I get the message that I must enter an amount because of the IsNull function returns TRUE. If 0.01 is reported (or any value other than 0) the IsNull function returns FALSE. I did the same test using DbGrid (TDbGrid) and the "IsNull" function worked correctly returning TRUE if nothing was actually entered in the column and FALSE if 0 (zero) was loaded so the problem is not at the database level. In this case I am not using querys but I use the TIBCTable and TIBCDataSource components of Devart. Thanks in advance
  13. Hi all, I have a DbGrid with dgEditing=true. I would like to limit the columns that can be selected, because some contains icons and some other are text read-only. I am struggling with ClientEvents and CellModel, but I not so familiar with JS and I am wasting too much time. So, how can I limit my grid to only focus on the third column for example ? Thanks you all Andrea
  14. Good afternoon, I have a problem putting my PopUp menu in UnidbGrid. Until version 1398 was working, and now in version 1466 the menu opens in different place from where I click. See the image, where is the red arrow is where I click, and the popup opens higher. How to correct?
  15. Hi, I think that UniDbGrid filtering features are really powerful. In certain cases, however, there is the need to filter multiple values from a list (DBLookup combo), as can be done in MS Excel (see attachment). Currently, with a DBLookupComboBox filter editor, there is the possibility to filter just one value. Is there the possibility to develop such an enhancement ? Thanks for your work. Andrea
  16. Hi, in VCL DbGrid there is the possibility for a column to pick up a customized editor (a dialog), by setting the column ButtonStyle to cbsEllipsis and managing the OnEditButtonClick event. UniGUI already implements various DbGrid editors (UniEdit, UniCombo, UniDBLoockUpComboBox, NumEdit, etc.). In some cases, especially when there are many values to choose from, I think that the ellipsis button that could open a specialized dialog is the best solution. (and maybe it is not too difficult to implement...) Thanks Andrea
  17. Добрый день! uniGUI Complete Trial Edition 1.0.2 Build 1449 Столкнулся с такой проблемой. Рисую в ячейках DBGrid через onFieldImage. При включении/выключении видимости у некоторых колонок или применения фильтра к DataSet получаю вместо отображения картинок ссылки на них. Изображения в папке с кэшем присутствуют.
  18. Hello good afternoon, I would like to know how to change the font and colors of a dbgrid line at run time. for example, if any field in the dataset is of a format to change the color of the dbrid. Best regards Anderson Manoel Ribas Brazil
  19. http://i66.tinypic.com/206eq39.png How to change the mask of a column in dbgrid to always remain with two decimal places? I1m using Trial edition, version.
  20. Hi! How to can i select manually a row in a dbgrid? I'm using dgCheckSelect and dbcheckSelectCheckOnly in options property. I'm using trial edition, version
  21. Hi, I would like to display/edit a memo field in a unidbgrid, my code is as below : ClientDataSet1.FieldDefs.Add('Remark', ftmemo,200 ); ClientDataSet1.CreateDataSet; Clientdataset1.Close; AField := clientdataset1.FieldDefs[0].CreateField(clientdataset1); ClientDataSet1.Active := True; ClientDataSet1.AppendRecord(['line1, line2... in memo']); My problem is : if displaymemo = false then the DBgrid will show the word (memo) within the cell. if set set displaymemo := true, I can see the memo content but I was not able to edit it. Is there a way when I click on the cell, a memo box will come out so that i can edit the text inside ? I then try to set unidbgrid1.Columns[0].Editor := unimemo1 and was also failed. What should I do, please help ! Regards, Steve
  22. Hi, I'm new enthusiast uniGui (complete) customer Great job! My question: I have a dbgrid with 3 columns. eg: Prod.ID | Description | Quantity Can I directly edit the quantity using somethilng like unimspinner component? I mean without invoke the editor for the whole row but directly on the grid cell? Thank you Marco
  23. Is there any way to play the focus to a certain cell of a dbgrid? Thanks Zanona
  24. Is there any way to prevent dbgrid from refreshing all the time on the screen? I have a grid that changes several values and while doing it slows down! I've tried disabling using dhautorefreshnow but did not work Thank's Zanona
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