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Everything posted by rencarnacion

  1. Hi, Farshad, where I must put the Instruccion "ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True;" ? In the MainModule or ServerController ? Thanks
  2. Check the demo in unigui demos when you install try these in your unigui installation folder c:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Cookies Demo\
  3. Thank You Delphi Developer, Work Great Ronny Encarnacion
  4. Hi, Is there a way to put Hint to the buttons of DBnavigator ? Excuse Me what I mean is "Hint" not Caption Thanks
  5. Hello Farhad Will you include dbRadioGroup in the 0.96 Version Thanks
  6. Hi, Farshad do You have an specific Date to lunch the version .096 ? Thanks
  7. Now I'm Using Active Directory in my Application and It's Work Very Good, there are a free components for Active Directory http://www.agnisoft.com/white_papers/active_directory.asp Try to use these the component, they come with many Demos I hope these can help you
  8. You Just only must create a new project ISAPI !!
  9. Ok, I didn't think, It was a Bug. I thought that I was doing something wrong In the first Message I send a code Snippet with what I'm trying to Do Could I send you the Test Case to your Email ?
  10. Is there some way to change de Visible Property onCreate Event of the Main Form. ? I having problem changing the property because I Change de Visible property to false and the options alway show how ever Please I need to know If it is possible. Farshad, I Need your help Thanks
  11. Use .INI file too but use these code in the Oncreate of DataModule dbConecta.Close; dbConecta.Params.LoadFromFile(UniServerModule.StartPath + '\Files\dbConecta.ini'); dbConecta.Open();
  12. I guess your Wrong, You must put all your Database connection in the dataModule. You shouldn't use ServerController .
  13. Hello Guillermo, I had done as you explain in your message but I can't used the new Theme I'm Using Delphi XE3 Unigui 0.95 (with the last Fix)
  14. You must generate a PDF and then you can load in the browser. You can check these function that I use in the DataModule : procedure TUniMainModule.Imprimir(ReporteSalida: TppReport); var lPDFDevice: TppPDFDevice; CacheFileName: string; begin // creat and configure the PDFDevice lPDFDevice := TppPDFDevice.Create(nil); CacheFileName := UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + FormatDateTime('hhmmsszzz', NOW) + 'Reporte.pdf'; try lPDFDevice.PDFSettings := ReporteSalida.PDFSettings; lPDFDevice.FileName := CacheFileName; // assign output stream lPDFDevice.Publisher := ReporteSalida.Publisher; // generate the report ReporteSalida.PrintToDevices; UniSession.SendFile(CacheFileName); finally lPDFDevice.Free; end; end;
  15. Hello I'm having problem trying to change de Visible property of MainMenu Item. I had stored all the menu Item in table and I change these property in Create Form but It doesn't work . If You see something Wrong Please Let me know Here the Code : for I := 0 to MainMenu.Items.Count -1 do begin with QryUuarioRoles, Parameters do begin Close ; ParamByName('Menu_Opcion').Value := MainMenu.Items.Name; ParamByName('ProfileID').Value := UniMainModule.Gv_Profile; Open; if eof then MainMenu.Items.Visible := False else MainMenu.Items.Visible := True; end; if MainMenu.Items.Count > 0 then begin for J := 0 to MainMenu.Items.Count -1 do begin with QryUuarioRoles, Parameters do begin Close ; ParamByName('Menu_Opcion').Value := MainMenu.Items.Name; ParamByName('ProfileID').Value := UniMainModule.Gv_Profile; Open; if eof then MainMenu.Items.Items[j].Visible := False else MainMenu.Items.Items[j].Visible := True; end; if MainMenu.Items.Items[j].Count >0 then begin for K := 0 to MainMenu.Items.Items[j].Count -1 do begin with QryUuarioRoles, Parameters do begin Close ; ParamByName('Menu_Opcion').Value := MainMenu.Items.Items[j].Items[K].Name; ParamByName('ProfileID').Value := UniMainModule.Gv_Profile; Open; if eof then MainMenu.Items.Items[j].Items[K].Visible := False else MainMenu.Items.Items[j].Items[K].Visible := True; end; end; end; end; end; end;
  16. Hello, I can get the Caption of the Menu Items, the think I Need to get is the Name of the Item not the Caption Thanks
  17. Is There a way to get a MainMenu Item name as I can get the Caption of Item ? Example: for I := 0 to MainMenu.Items.Count -1 do begin MemoItem.Lines.add(Mainmenu.Items.name; end; I thought that was MainMenu.Items.Name Thanks
  18. Hello, now I can Run the Application but Only in desktop mode, when I try to Run Standalone the WebPage only Show Loading, but never come up May I have to make some Change ir order to run Standalone thanks
  19. Yes I had the same, I had to install Delphi XE2 again after that Could Install Unigui . I must move to a greater version of Delphi because As I can see XE2 has to many Bugs.
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