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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Hi Erich. Try this: Paste in the MainForm, UniHTMLFrame1 onCreate event in the form paste the following code: procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate (Sender: TObject); begin UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Add ('<style type="text/css"> DIV#' + UniDBGrid1.JSName + '_id-body > DIV {overflow-x: hidden !important;} </style>'); end; It is one of the solutions. Best regards.
  2. when you create a component, change the AutoSize to False Sorry if i don't understand the question. ... Sorry, I didn't notice the forum thread
  3. No you cannot get the MAC address in JavaScript, mainly because the MAC address uniquely identifies the running computer so it would be a security vulnerability. Now if all you need is a unique identifier, I suggest you create one yourself using some cryptographic algorithm and store it in a cookie. If you really need to know the MAC address of the computer AND you are developing for internal applications, then I suggest you use an external component to do that: ActiveX for IE, XPCOM for Firefox (installed as an extension). http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3385/mac-addresses-in-javascript
  4. Hi estrify. In IE9 is not showing a empty text, if in UniEdit PasswordChar := '*';
  5. Hi Ronak. After passage of interval-time of the timer when timer is enabled But there is a bug, look here http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3005-maybe-its-a-bug-unitimer/, where I raised the question, and how to solve the problem. Can will help you. Sincerely.
  6. Sherzod

    UniDBGrid PageSize

    Good plugin, to change the page size http://loianegroner.com/extjs/examples/extjs4-ux-paging-toolbar-resizer/ https://github.com/loiane/extjs4-ux-paging-toolbar-resizer Best regards
  7. (not to speak of, what all JavaSript identifiers case-sensitive...) Thank you
  8. Hi estrify. Thank you. With all due respect to you. Since I got error, I corrected your code. Sender to sender Apply to apply function OnBeforeInit(sender) { Ext.apply(sender, { emptyText: 'text to display when the field is empty' }); } Sincerely.
  9. Sherzod

    UniDBGrid PageSize

    For example: .... uses uniGUIApplication, .... .... procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var newpageSize: String; begin newpageSize := '3'; UniSession.AddJS('MainForm.UniDBGrid2.getStore().pageSize = '+newpageSize+';'); UniSession.AddJS('MainForm.UniDBGrid2.getStore().reload({params:{start:0, limit:'+newpageSize+'}});'); UniSession.AddJS('MainForm.UniDBGrid2.getStore().loadPage(1);'); UniSession.AddJS('MainForm.UniDBGrid2.getView().refresh();'); end; Best regards
  10. Sherzod

    UniDBGrid PageSize

    Hi nim. Try this newpageSize := '3'; UniSession.AddJS('MainForm.UniDBGrid2.getStore().pageSize = '+newpageSize+';'); UniSession.AddJS('MainForm.UniDBGrid2.getStore().reload({params:{start:0, limit:'+newpageSize+'}});'); UniSession.AddJS('MainForm.UniDBGrid2.getStore().loadPage(1);'); UniSession.AddJS('MainForm.UniDBGrid2.getView().refresh();'); Best regards
  11. Hi. Сan help: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/964-how-can-display-full-screen-browser-like-pressed-f11/?hl=f11 regards
  12. Hi Kanatshym. A solution using jquery: 1. You need to download file jquery. Paste the file to folder (.....\files\), connect jquery (ServerModule -> CustomFiles -> add files/jquery-1.3.2.min.js) 2. Add in the form UniHTMLFrame. 3. In the OnCreate form add the following code: UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Add ('<script>' + '$(".x-grid-view").css("overflow-y", "hidden");' + '$("#' + UniScrollBox1.JSName + '_id-body").scroll(function(){' + '$(".x-grid-view").scrollTop($("#' + UniScrollBox1.JSName + '_id-body").scrollTop());})' + '</script>'); Used only one UniDBGrid. GridEditors2.zip Sincerely ...
  13. Hi Kanatshym. You have found a solution?
  14. Hi Farshad. Can you add in the next version or future, list of allowed IP, including with the ability to specify a range of IP addresses. Thank you.
  15. Hi Farshad. What is DefaultFloatFormat in UniDBGrid WebOptions and how to use? Thanks...
  16. Hi Kanatshym. Sorry, so far I do not have any solutions. I'll try. If things turn out I'll post... Sincerely ...
  17. Hi patmap. Incorrect event handlers when inserting components (I tried it with components UniDateTimePicker, UniComboBox, UniXComboBox) in UniXPanel. Not working correctly event OnSelect, OnChange ... (Other events are not tested) UniXPanel version: 5.6.0 XComponents: v5.9.2 Embarcadero® Delphi® XE2 Version 16.0.4504.48759 Windows 7 Ultimate UniGUI v0.93 FF 21.0 Sincerely.
  18. Hi Kanatshym. Sorry if I misunderstood the question. If you need scrolling to the grid can use the following code: UniButton1.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values ​​['OnClick'] := 'function OnClick (sender, e) {MainForm.UniDBGrid1.scrollByDeltaX (10); MainForm.UniDBGrid1.scrollByDeltaY (10);}'; Best regards.
  19. Hi Kanatshym. To start such a decision. Maybe there are other solutions. Try this: Add the button to the form UniButton1. procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate (Sender: TObject); begin UniButton1.ClientEvents.Enabled := True; UniButton1.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values ​​['OnClick'] := 'function OnClick (sender, e) {MainForm.UniScrollBox1.body.dom.scrollTop = 100; MainForm.UniScrollBox1.body.dom.scrollLeft = 100;}'; end; procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click (Sender: TObject); begin // end; Will Scroll the body down and right by 100 pixels. tested in FF. Best regards.
  20. Hi Semper. This possibility has been included in the version +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 0000889: ScreenMask for UniMainMenu events. The question I asked earlier. Best regards.
  21. Hi Roberto. Try, can will help you... type TMyForm = class (TUniForm) ...... ...... procedure MyAjaxEvent (Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); ...... TMyForm.MyAjaxEvent procedure (Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); begin if EventName = 'myAjaxEvent' then begin (Sender as TUniLabel). Width: = StrToInt (Params.Values ​​['Width']); end; end; procedure TMyForm.UniFormCreate (Sender: TObject); var oMyLabel: TUniLabel; begin oMyLabel := TUniLabel.Create (Self); with oMyLabel do begin Parent := Self; Name := 'XoMyLabel'; OnAjaxEvent := MyAjaxEvent; oMyLabel.ClientEvents.Enabled := True; oMyLabel.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values ​​['onresize'] := 'function (sender, adjWidth, adjHeight, rawWidth, rawHeight) {ajaxRequest (MyForm.XoMyLabel,'' myAjaxEvent'', ['' Width ='' + adjWidth] )}'; AutoSize := True; oMyLabel.Caption := 'Hi World!'; Top := 10; Left := 10; end; // Right here to get the value of width can not succeed ... end; procedure TMyForm.UniButton1Click (Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage (IntToStr ((Self.FindComponent ('XoMyLabel') as TUniLabel). Width)); end; Sincerely
  22. hi Dsciral. try this add to designtime UniDBNumberEdit1 -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents function OnKeyup (sender, e){ if (sender.getValue() == null) { sender.setValue(0); } } I hope that will help...
  23. Hi All! How about a theme extjs-theme-bootstrap? https://github.com/NewbridgeGreen/extjs-theme-bootstrap http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/base-css.html Has anyone used this themes? Thanks...
  24. Sherzod

    Business logic

    Dear Farshad. With all due respect, I have a question for you. You yourself are using UniGui, in some your projects. If yes, can you give a link or can share the business logic of your projects (in general terms). Thank you very much. Sincerely duser.
  25. Dear estrify. I think that this is not a bug (since this post is located in the Bug Reports), sometimes useful such event. I think just have to add in the future is another event onChangeXXX (onChangeXXX is fired when the input looses focus). Sincerely duser.
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