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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. My fault since this property has already been added.
  2. I understood you already, but could not find a solution at the moment.
  3. (how many years have passed...)
  4. Hello, I used this solution to generate, print pdf: http://pdfmake.org/#/
  5. Merhaba, This post may help you:
  6. Hello, Can you please explain in more detail?
  7. Hello, What component is this?
  8. Once again, please clarify your case step by step. Perhaps we will find another optimal solution.
  9. You can try sending an ajaxRequest to the server inside this event, and execute the server side code.
  10. Sherzod

    Timeline bar

    Are there libraries in js that allow this? We would analyze these solutions?
  11. Sherzod

    Timeline bar

    Don't know, maybe it would be better to use graphs for this?
  12. If I understand you correctly, you can use these client events I think:
  13. @eduardosuruagy Which build are you using? How can we reproduce your issue?
  14. @Woutero procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniChart1.SaveImage; end; procedure TMainForm.UniChart1ChartImage(Sender: TUniCustomChart; Image: TGraphic); var fName : string; begin fName := UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + 'Chart.png'; Image.SaveToFile(fName); UniSession.SendFile(fName); end;
  15. Sherzod

    play video

    If possible, make a simple testcase.
  16. Well, you gave us a task for attentiveness... You forgot that your files have leading zeros! Here is the correct format for your current case: FDMemTable1audio.Value := Format('<audio controls><source src="files/Alarm%.*d.wav" type="audio/wav"></audio>', [2, I]);
  17. Yes, this is normal behavior, but if you "remove" it, horizontal scrolling will appear.
  18. Hello, Can you briefly say what the problem is?
  19. Sherzod

    Timeline bar

    Hello, Sorry, I didn’t quite understand what you want.
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