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  1. That works for me, but how can i have access to e.g. JsName property of UniButton ? i can access to delphi properties like name, caption etc. but when i want to access unigui properties like JsName then i have an error: Undeclared identifier: 'jsname'
  2. Ok, but this solution don't help me much. I want to show in the TipText my data from the dataset and value of UniTrackBar telling me from which record of dataset i must get data. Like this: Procdeure UniTrackBar1Change(Sender:TObject); begin AdoQuery.RecNo := UniTrackBar1.Value; UniTrackBar1.TipText := AdoQuery.FieldByName('data').AsString; end;
  3. Hey, i have similar question for tips/value in UniTrackBar. Is it possible to change caption of tip/value in runtime by code ? Not only once but always when change(of UniTrackBar) happens. There is something like "tipText" in documentation of Ext JS but i don't know how to use it in code. https://cdn.sencha.com/ext/gpl/4.2.0/docs/#!/api/Ext.slider.Tip
  4. How can i update marker postion on unimap in runtime by code? I can remove marker and add new one with new coordinates, but it working very slowly. i tried editing UniMap.pas with my function below but it giving me error : "JS Error: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'lat')" procedure TUniMapMarker.SetLatLng(Lat,Lng:double); begin with FOwner do JSCallGlobal(FMarkerJSName+'.setLatLng', [Lat,Lng]); end; I took it from the documentation : https://leafletjs.com/reference.html#Marker @Hayri ASLAN
  5. PS1

    Timeline bar

    i dont't think there are libraries. In html i see this component has a lot of spans with ,,Left" and ,,Width" described in percentage value. Can't rly give you a link.
  6. PS1

    Timeline bar

    i think it would be hard to do this with graphs. 😕 I think of using htmlFrame devided with divs or spans.
  7. PS1

    Timeline bar

    First what i want is caption inside the UniTrackBar. Is it possible ? I want to show there period for specific time/datetime. Second i want have/draw a rectangle like in the picture. The blue parts tell me that something happend in these parts of time. The purpose of that is that i can scroll thru the timeline and on map i will show position of a moving car in that time.
  8. PS1

    Timeline bar

    is it possible to create ,,timeline bar" like in the picture below ? I see i can use UniTrackBar for the part of it but i don't know how to write time/date caption in it. And how can i make the rectangle with periods(blue parts) ?
  9. Is it possible to make all unimap markers popups visible all the time ? I want to show users some text which is written inside popups. I can show them by procedure "UniMapMarker.Openpopup" but when i click on unimap the popups are hiding. I tried to showing them all again on UniMap.OnClick but there is a problem that when i open them then the view is going to the last opened marker.
  10. i already searched but i've found only ,,very poorly'' idea in : and other in which video is not available: i guess the second one had good solution, like in mobile ListGrid.
  11. How can i use code below in DBGrid. When i just copy paste this, it doesn't work. (this code is used on mobile GridList and works) function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.loadingText=false; config.grouped=false; // config.selectedCls=''; config.itemTpl='<table style="width:100%;white-space: nowrap;vertical-align:middle;">'+ '<tr>'+ '<td style="color:#0160a9;padding-left:0px;font: bold 18px/24px helvetica, arial, sans-serif" colspan="2">{0}</td>'+ '</tr>'+ '<tr>'+ '<td style="font: 15px helvetica, arial, sans-serif;padding-top:4px;color:#535454;">{1}</td>'+ '</tr>'+ '<tr>'+ '<td style="font: 15px helvetica, arial, sans-serif;padding-top:4px;color:#535454;width:80%;white-space: normal;word-break: break-word;">{2}</td>'+ '</tr>'+ '</table>'; }
  12. Is there any improvement in UNIGUI for this ? If not, can u provide example how to add this plugin and use it ?
  13. Any progress on this ?
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