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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Can you explain in more detail ?!
  2. Hi, You can open a ticket in our support portal to add this feature
  3. Hi, UniCalendarPanel -> 1. ShowMonthView = False 2. ShowWeekView = False
  4. Hello, Can you use Grid-ActionColumn instead?
  5. Hello, You can set the BackButtonAction in MainModule to warn user about this. UniMainModule -> BackButtonAction = bbaWarnUser
  6. По всем вопросам касательно UniGUI, мы рады ответить Вам и постараемся помочь
  7. Another not understandable post, and you will be blocked on the forum !
  8. Are you already using UniGUI ?! And sorry, Once again, Are you sure you're posting in correct forums?
  9. Hello, Can you please specify which edition and build of UniGUI are you using ?!
  10. OK thx To know, did you see these properties on the server side?: YourControl.JSName YourControl.JSId
  11. I opened a ticket in our support portal
  12. Hi, You can open a ticket in support portal, we will try to implement this feature
  13. First of all please visit here: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6291-new-users-please-adjust-your-forum-email-address/
  14. Hi, Can you please specify which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?
  15. Добрый день, Пожалуйста, отправьте запрос в портал поддержки: http://www.unigui.com/support/support-portal
  16. А с Демо примерами, Вы тестировали кроссбраузерность ?!
  17. Добрый день, Вы имеете в виду Custom CSS ?
  18. Sherzod


    Вы можете использовать CSS для этого, но лучше отправьте пожалуйста запрос в портал поддержки...
  19. Sherzod


    Очень просто, например: UniContainerPanel1.AutoScroll := not UniContainerPanel1.AutoScroll
  20. Hi, Yes, SVG images can be used as background-image: background-image:url(files/carregando.svg);
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