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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Can you make a testcase for reproduce!?
  2. They are already implemented. UniChart -> Axes -> AxisA -> Title, AxisB -> Title UniChart -> Title -> Text
  3. Well, there are two moments... First moment: https://javascript.info/bubbling-and-capturing Second: As we can see looking at the first moment, in fact, you have two events for both: UniPanel1 and UniPanel2. Plus, since Ext.Msg is singleton, you only see the last message. I will analyze more, although there were solutions on the forum.
  4. Hello, Scrollbar styling is browser specific, need to analyze...
  5. UniComboBox uses a text input to display the selected value. It's not possible to include HTML tags in a text input.
  6. For UniMemo: procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with UniMemo1.JSInterface do JSAddListener('afterrender', 'function(){'+ 'this.initResizable({'+ ' minWidth: 100,'+ ' minHeight: 100'+ '}); '+ 'this.bodyEl.setStyle("width", "100%");'+ '}' ); end;
  7. Can you try this approach for now? 1. uses ... uniStrUtils; 2. procedure SetTitle(AUniBarSeries: TUniBarSeries; ATitle: string); procedure TMainForm.SetTitle(AUniBarSeries: TUniBarSeries; ATitle: string); var I: Integer; Titles: string; begin if (ATitle<>'')and(AUniBarSeries.Title<>ATitle) then begin AUniBarSeries.Title := ATitle; for I := 0 to AUniBarSeries.Parent.SeriesList.Count-1 do Titles := Titles + '"' + (AUniBarSeries.Parent.SeriesList[I] as TUniBarSeries).Title + '",'; Titles := RemoveTrailingChar(Titles, ','); with AUniBarSeries.Parent.JSInterface do JSCall('chart.series[0].setTitle', [JSArray(Titles)]); end; end; 3. Use SetTitle(Series3, 'newTitle');
  8. Yes. http://unigui.com/doc/online_help/unigui_application_architecture.htm http://unigui.com/doc/online_help/main_module.htm
  9. Демо: \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\HTTP Basic Authentication
  10. Здравствуйте, Какая ошибка?!
  11. Hello, Which build are you using? Can you give the code you use?
  12. Hi, Sorry for the late response. Like this for example: procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniMainModule.Background.Url := 'files/tulips.jpg' end;
  13. Try a little big value.
  14. Well, basically the same thing, it should work...
  15. Top:=Screen.WorkAreaHeight - Height - 45; ??
  16. Your forms will not go beyond the main form.
  17. I do not really imagine... But maybe you need to set UniMainModule.ConstrainForms to True: UniMainModule.ConstrainForms = True
  18. And what is the problem now?
  19. Can you please explain in more detail? Better attach a test case.
  20. Can you make a simple testcase for check?
  21. Perhaps it is better to upgrade to the latest build!?
  22. YourForm1.Position = poDefault ?
  23. Hello, The 'minimize' tool button (documentation): @cfg {Boolean} minimizable True to display the 'minimize' tool button and allow the user to minimize the window, false to hide the button and disallow minimizing the window. Note that this button provides no implementation -- the behavior of minimizing a window is implementation-specific, so the minimize event must be handled and a custom minimize behavior implemented for this option to be useful. I will check, there were also some solutions on the forum...
  24. Hello, Are you using trial edition? If not, you need to adjust your forum email address first:
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