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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Hello, For example: MainForm.AlignmentControl = uniAlignmentClient MainForm.Layout = anchor UniDBGrid.LayoutConfig = 0 0
  2. Hello, Thanks for the testcase. Have you tried running on the browser itself?
  3. You should use the appropriate layouts.
  4. Can you please make a simple testcase?
  5. Yes sorry, I saw this test case, I will check again. I meant for this case.
  6. Hello, Can you add this mime-type? procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); begin MimeTable.AddMimeType('fr3', 'application/octet-stream', False); end;
  7. How can we reproduce? What are the properties of the form?
  8. Hello, How can we reproduce this issue? Are you using InternetExplorer? Which version?
  9. Sherzod

    Get hostname

    UniSession.Host, UniSession.RemoteHost ?
  10. Возможно Вы сами создавали эту тему в разделе mobile?
  11. Hello, http://unigui.com/doc/online_help/main_module.htm http://unigui.com/doc/online_help/handling-concurrency.htm
  12. Hello, Please make a complete test case to check.
  13. Can you check with this approach? procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with UniCalendarPanel1 do begin ShowDayView := True; ShowWeekView := True; ShowMonthView := True; ShowNavBar := True; JSInterface.JSConfig('defaultView', ['week']); JSInterface.JSAddListener('beforerender', 'function(){'+ ' this.setTimezoneOffset(-180);'+ ' this.updateTimezoneOffset();'+ ' this.setView("month");'+ '}' ); end; end;
  14. Hello! Thank you! I will check your testcase. But it may take a Year.
  15. Проблема при использовании uniAlignmentClient. UniPanel2.AlignmentControl = uniAlignmentClient
  16. А на тестовом случае, работает?
  17. Пока, попробуйте так: procedure TUniFrame1.UniFrameReady(Sender: TObject); begin // uniPanel2.JSInterface.JSCall('header.insert', [0, UniDBNavigator1.JSControl]); with UniPanel2.JSInterface do begin JSCallDefer('header.insert', [0, UniDBNavigator1.JSControl], 300); JSCallDefer('header.setHeight', [UniDBNavigator1.Height+12], 320); end; end;
  18. Я проанализирую "завтра"...
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