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Eugeniusz Rink

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  1. Problem solved. Below I show how I did it. This is a way to silently print PDF documents. I used the project: https://github.com/imTigger/webapp-hardware-bridge You install the Windows client: https://github.com/imTigger/webapp-hardware-bridge/releases/tag/0.14.0 In the Delphi code: function LoadJavaScriptFromFile(const FileName: string): string; var FileStream: TFileStream; StreamSize: Int64; Buffer: AnsiString; begin Result := ''; FileStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone); try StreamSize := FileStream.Size; SetLength(Buffer, StreamSize); FileStream.Read(Buffer[1], StreamSize); Result := String(Buffer); finally FileStream.Free; end; end; [...] var JavaScriptCode: String; [...] JavaScriptCode := LoadJavaScriptFromFile(UniServerModule.StartPath+'files\res\js\websocket-printer.js'); JavaScriptCode := StringReplace(JavaScriptCode, '$url$', '"ws://"', [rfReplaceAll]); JavaScriptCode := StringReplace(JavaScriptCode, '$typ$', ''''+UniApplication.Parameters.Values['gabinet']+'''', [rfReplaceAll]); JavaScriptCode := StringReplace(JavaScriptCode, '$pdfbase64$', ''''+pdf_base64+'''', [rfReplaceAll]); UniSession.AddJS(JavaScriptCode); Of course, adapt the variables to your needs. The PDF file must be converted to Base64 without line-ending enters. websocket-printer.js
  2. If I add a script definition in UniServerModule: CustomFiles:='files/rs/js/websocket-printer.js' run the function: UniSession.AddJS('printPDFBase64("'+UniApplication.Parameters.Values['office']+'","'+pdf_base64+'")'); It works properly and without errors... But this does not solve the problem, because I have to change the server port for each logging user. I need to change this entry in the JS script: url: "ws://".
  3. Hi. I have a problem running JS. script1:= ' function WebSocketPrinter(options) { '+ ' var defaults = { '+ ' url: "ws://", '+ ' onConnect: function () { '+ ' }, '+ ' onDisconnect: function () { '+ ' }, '+ ' onUpdate: function () { '+ ' }, '+ ' }; '+ ' var settings = Object.assign({}, defaults, options); '+ ' var websocket; '+ ' var connected = false; '+ ' var onMessage = function (evt) { '+ ' settings.onUpdate(evt.data); '+ ' }; '+ ' var onConnect = function () { '+ ' connected = true; '+ ' settings.onConnect(); '+ ' }; '+ ' var onDisconnect = function () { '+ ' connected = false; '+ ' settings.onDisconnect(); '+ ' reconnect(); '+ ' }; '+ ' var connect = function () { '+ ' websocket = new WebSocket(settings.url); '+ ' websocket.onopen = onConnect; '+ ' websocket.onclose = onDisconnect; '+ ' websocket.onmessage = onMessage; '+ ' }; '+ ' var reconnect = function () { '+ ' connect(); '+ ' }; '+ ' this.submit = function (data) { '+ ' if (Array.isArray(data)) { '+ ' data.forEach(function (element) { '+ ' websocket.send(JSON.stringify(element)); '+ ' }); '+ ' } else { '+ ' websocket.send(JSON.stringify(data)); '+ ' } '+ ' }; '+ ' this.isConnected = function () { '+ ' return connected; '+ ' }; '+ ' connect(); '+ '} ' + ' var printService = new WebSocketPrinter(); '+ ' function printPDFBase64(typ,pdfbase64) { '+ ' printService.submit({ '+ ' ''type'': typ, '+ ' ''url'': ''tuxmed.pdf'', '+ ' ''file_content'': pdfbase64 '+ ' }); '+ ' } '; UniSession.AddJS(script1); I trigger a function with parameters: UniSession.AddJS('printPDFBase64("'+UniApplication.Parameters.Values['gabinet']+'","'+pdf_base64+'")'); I get this error:
  4. That's it, thanks a lot 🙂
  5. OK, maybe we will start over. So for example I have form and 4 uniDBEdits. 3 of them must be validated (no empty) so I make this in form create: UniDBEdit1.JSInterface.JSConfig('allowBlank', [False]); UniDBEdit2.JSInterface.JSConfig('allowBlank', [False]); UniDBEdit3.JSInterface.JSConfig('allowBlank', [False]); UniDBEdit4.JSInterface.JSConfig('allowBlank', [True]); UniButton4.JSInterface.JSAddListener('click', 'function(){return '+ Self.WebForm.JSForm.JSName +'.isValid()}'); Now I wants to expand validation for new feature - showmessage and setfocus. So I want to write procedure that will check in loop if all UniDBEdits in that form has allowblank set to false and UniDBEdit text is empty if that 2 condition is fulfilled then procudure will show message and set focus current UniDBEdit in that loop. So my question is how to check if component have set allowblank true or false?
  6. The elements are visible. They are not hidden, they are located in the tabs tab. I would like to switch the tab programmatically and set SetFocus to UniDBEdit if it is not populated. Therefore, I need a list of UniDBEdit elements that have satatus 'allowBlank', [False] and have not been populated by the user.
  7. Hi. I set UniDBEdit on the form and define the requirement for completion using: UniDBEdit1.JSInterface.JSConfig('allowBlank', [False]); UniButton4.JSInterface.JSAddListener('click', 'function(){return '+ Self.WebForm.JSForm.JSName +'.isValid()}'); Everything works great, but I have a problem when TUniDBEdit is on one of the tabs, e.g. UniPageControl. I wanted to program the SetFocus event but I have no idea how to download UniDBEdit that has not been filled in and is not currently visible to the user?
  8. I want to show the mask before executing the actual SQL. For simplicity's sake, it shows showmessage. The HTML code in the DataModule shows records in html format in UniDGGrid in TFrameRecepty.
  9. Hi. The following code is used in the data module: [...] '<img align="right" title="Kopiuj leki z recepty." src="files/grafika/Forward Button.svg" style="cursor: pointer" width="24" vspace="0" hspace="0" height="24"'+ 'onclick="FramRecepty.FramePanel.showMask(''Szukam leku...''),javascript:ajaxRequest(FramRecepty.FramePanel,''_KopiujRecepte'',[''_KopiujRecepte_id_recepty='+IntToStr(ZQReceptyPanelrecepty_id.AsInteger)+'''],false)"> '+ [...] Code in FrameRecepty procedure TFramRecepty.UniFrameAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if (EventName = '_KopiujRecepte') then begin showmessage('Kopiuj receptÄ™ '+Params.Values['_KopiujRecepte_id_recepty']); UniSession.Synchronize(); end; end; I wanted to activate the mask, but this code does not work. The mask does not show.
  10. I have uniGUI Complete It always happens. There is space at the bottom of the table, however, RowEditor shows the buttons at the top and with two records they are invisible. I use UniMemoEdit as an editor in two fields. After unpinning UniMemoEdit, the buttons are visible...
  11. Hi. In UniDBGrid I use RowEditor. When entering the 3rd record into the table, the Save and Cancel buttons hide at the top, although there is a lot of space at the bottom. How to force buttons to appear at the bottom?
  12. Hi MVakili. Why do you only provide .pas files in your published project? Easier to post a custom sample project.
  13. Thanks for the hint. I searched the forum, but in English. The thread is in Russian 😉
  14. Hi. Is it possible to move the ToolButtons in UniPanel to the left side?
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