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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Hi, Thank you. Try this approach: function reconfigure(sender, store, columns, oldStore, oldColumns, eOpts) { columns[0].renderer = function(v) { if (v) { var jd = Ext.Date.convertToJalali(v); return jd.jalaliYear + '/' + Ext.String.leftPad(jd.jalaliMonth + 1, 2, '0') + '/' + Ext.String.leftPad(jd.jalaliDate, 2, '0'); } }; }
  2. Sherzod

    sencha theme

    Hi, UniGUI build?
  3. Одно из возможных решений на мой взгляд, попробуйте: var titles = new Map(); titles.set('x-msgbox-error', 'Ошибка'); titles.set('x-msgbox-warning', 'Предупреждение'); titles.set('x-msgbox-info', 'Информация'); titles.set('x-msgbox-question', 'Подтверждение'); Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.Msg.on('show', function() { Ext.Msg.setTitle(titles.get(Ext.Msg.getIcon())); var promt = Ext.Msg.getPrompt(); if (promt) { promt.getFocusEl().focus() } }); });
  4. Hello, In any case, not all the features of VCL controls can be transferred to the Web controls. But first of all, you need to know which features you want to migrate. Regards,
  5. Обходное решение. Script: Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.Msg.on('show', function() { var promt = Ext.Msg.getPrompt(); if (promt) { promt.getFocusEl().focus() } }); });
  6. procedure TMainmForm.UnimDBGrid1ColumnSort(Column: TunimDBGridColumn; Direction: Boolean); begin //Column.Grid ... end;
  7. Здравствуйте, Можете так: procedure TMainmForm.UnimDBGrid1ColumnSort(Column: TunimDBGridColumn; Direction: Boolean); begin //Column.Field.DataSet... end;
  8. Hello, Please create a simple test case. I was unable to run your example. ShDateUtils, ShDateDB ?
  9. Hello, Sorry, which edition of UniGUI are you using?
  10. Добрый вечер, Попробуйте такое решение: 1. UnimDBGrid -> LayoutConfig -> Cls = customItem 2. CustomCSS -> .customItem .x-gridcell-body-el { white-space: normal; }
  11. Hi, Please clarify your question.
  12. Hello, Thanks. if you own a uniGUI subscription please adjust your forum email address so you will gain full access to forums.
  13. Hello, Do you have a simple testcase?
  14. Hello, Can you make a video to see the issue?
  15. Not enough information, are there errors in the browser console? Sorry, where did you download the trial version from?
  16. Hello, Yes. Just install both runtime packages.
  17. uniGUI Trial Edition is a special build to allow developers fully test and experience uniGUI Web Application development. It allows developers to develop, test and deploy apps without any restrictions. Compared with regular edition Trial edition has some limitations which are listed below: 64-Bit DCUs are not included. Sessions are limited to a certain timeout around 5 minutes and will be forcefully terminated after timeout. Random nag message when a session starts. Form captions can not be changed IDE designers and compiled applications expire when a certain date arrives. Stress Test Tool and other utilities are not included. Other limitations. Beside above limitations trial version is fully functional and will help you to get a complete idea about all framework features. http://unigui.com/download/docman
  18. Please adjust your forum email address:
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