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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Hi, How about these demos? GridSummary GridSummaryPaged GridGroupingSummary GridGroupingSummaryGrandTotal
  2. Use cellIndex function celldblclick(sender, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts) { //cellIndex-1 }
  3. Which selection model are you using?
  4. Hello, function celldblclick(sender, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts) { } ?
  5. Hi, Still using the trial version? Which build?
  6. Еще проще... procedure TMainmForm.UnimFormShow(Sender: TObject); begin JSInterface.JSCall('hide', [], TitleButtons[0].JSMenuItem); end;
  7. Да, вот корректный код: i := btnIdx; if form.CloseButton.Visible then Inc(i, 2); //closebutton "indx" else Inc(i, 1);
  8. I := 1; //title "indx" -> значение 1 - типа константа Дальше -> Если есть form.CloseButton, то переменная I теперь =2 0 -> 2 (используйте 2 вместо 0)
  9. Проанализируйте код пожалуйста: procedure TUnimForm1.UnimFormShow(Sender: TObject); var I: Byte; begin I := 1; //title "indx" if Self.CloseButton.Visible then Inc(I); //closebutton "indx" //for example, hide TitleButtons[0] UniSession.AddJS(Self.Name + '.titlebar.getAt('+ IntToStr(I) +').hide()'); //or .show() end; I := 1; //title "indx" if Self.CloseButton.Visible then Inc(I); //closebutton "indx"
  10. Пока попробуйте использовать это решение...
  11. OK. Have you tried the solution above? procedure TMainmForm.UnimFormReady(Sender: TObject); begin with UnimTabPanel1 do if not TabBarVisible then JSInterface.JSCall('getTabBar().setVisibility', [TabBarVisible]); end;
  12. What you ask is not very clear to me. Maybe you wanted like this? procedure TUniButtonsSpeedButton.UniFrameCreate(Sender: TObject); var f: integer; begin //Try to see BEFORE and AFTER the loop //sboxGridBlock.JSInterface.JSCall('getScrollable().getScrollElement().setScrollTop', [0]); for f := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do begin TUniControl( Components[f] ).Left := Random( 800 ); TUniControl( Components[f] ).Top := Random( 2000 ); end; end; procedure TUniButtonsSpeedButton.UniFrameReady(Sender: TObject); begin sboxGridBlock.JSInterface.JSCall('getScrollable().getScrollElement().setScrollTop', [0]); end;
  13. Sherzod

    Crop image

    Hello, I don't even know. Need to analyze.
  14. Hi, Thanks. Can you try to use this approach? function reconfigure(sender, store, columns, oldStore, oldColumns, eOpts) { columns.forEach(function(col) { if (col.titleEl) { col.titleEl.on('dblclick', function() { ajaxRequest(sender, 'headerdblclick', ['colIndx=' + col.dataIndex]); }) } else if (col.columns) { col.columns.forEach(function(col) { if (col.titleEl) { col.titleEl.on('dblclick', function() { ajaxRequest(sender, 'headerdblclick', ['colIndx=' + col.dataIndex]); }) } }) } }); }
  15. Обходной путь. Назначьте пустой обработчик: procedure TMainmForm.UnimTabPanel1Change(Sender: TObject); begin // end;
  16. Обходной путь... UniContainerPanel2 -> function afterlayout(sender, layout, eOpts) { sender.getRefItems().forEach(function(comp){if (comp.fieldLabel && comp.fieldLabel!="") {comp.setHeight(comp.getHeight())}}) }
  17. Здравствуйте, Да, кажется ошибка при расчете высоты компонента, когда используется FieldLabel.
  18. Hi, Probably yes, will not work. Can you make a simple tescase with your grid settings?
  19. Hello, Sorry for the late reply. Well, one possible solution. 1. In designTime (Width, Height, Cls): 2. CustomCSS: .customBtn .x-btn-inner { transform: rotate(-90deg); min-width: max-content; } Result:
  20. procedure TUniButtonsSpeedButton.UniFrameReady(Sender: TObject); begin sboxGridBlock.JSInterface.JSCall('getScrollable().getScrollElement().setScrollTop', [0]); end;
  21. Hi, In your case: procedure TMainForm.UniHTMLFrame1UpdateHtml(Sender: TObject); begin UniPanel2.JSInterface.JSCall('body.setScrollTop', [0]); end;
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