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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Hello, Can you please clarify your question?
  2. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/localStorage
  3. No. But you asked the question as if you are using a native application. You cannot access the user device. Use cookies or storage.
  4. Hello, Are you using a web app or a native app?
  5. Hello, Sorry, please clarify the question?
  6. Sorry, trial edition? If not then please adjust your forum email address first:
  7. Простите, не обратил внимание. Это совсем другой конфиг: config.header
  8. Hello, Sorry, can you please specify first, which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?
  9. Добрый день, Попробуйте: function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.header = { defaults: { width: 25 } } }
  10. Можете ли Вы проверить на последних сборках?
  11. How can I add hint or tool tip on the button? function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { var me=sender; me.triggerButtonEl = me.bodyEl.createChild({ tag: 'button', html: '<i class="fa fa-search fa" style="position:relative; color:grey;"></i>', title: "This is a tip" }); me.triggerButtonEl.setStyle('position', 'absolute'); me.triggerButtonEl.setStyle('top', '0px'); me.triggerButtonEl.setStyle('right', '0px'); me.triggerButtonEl.setStyle('left', 'auto'); me.triggerButtonEl.setStyle('height', '100%'); me.triggerButtonEl.addListener('click', function(){ //ajaxRequest(me, 'clicked', []); }); me.inputEl.setStyle('padding-right', me.triggerButtonEl.getWidth()+1); }
  12. Sorry, I think I'm getting off topic here.
  13. UniApplication.Cookies.SetCookie('_loginname','',Date-1);
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