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Everything posted by delagoutte

  1. For copy file you could use this topic : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38128220/batch-script-to-copy-files-listed-in-text-file-from-a-folder-and-its-subfolders
  2. for stop and start apache : [apache_directory]\bin\httpd.exe -k stop [apache_directory]\bin\httpd.exe -k start For stop and start firebird : [Firebird_directory]\bin\instsvc stop [Firebird_directory]\bin\instsvc start
  3. hum, i thought the option ThreadStacksize of IsapiOptions but if your arre in standalone ot is not the problem. the win32 version and unigui version are build with the same version of delphi ? Like we can't see our code, it is difficult but when you generate bitmap,Have you got any code that can produce exchange between client side and server side that can expalin the slow function ?
  4. what mode are you using for unigui when you have this low speed : standalone or isapi or both?
  5. i am also interested the problem with this : it works only on standaloneserver and i don't think you could acces to a specific session
  6. Hello, in in dektop demo ThreadTimer-3 there is this onclose code : procedure TMainForm.UniFormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin if UniFrame11.Busy or UniFrame12.Busy then begin Action := caNone; ShowMessage('Busy!!!!'); end; end; In my app i use unithreadtimer in a free form or in frale that arre called by the free form. When i close my free form i could have thread are running (like in the sample) but me, i don't want display a message i want close form. what is the best way for stoping/killing "child" thread before close the form ? if i force close my app crash !!
  7. what is this function ? a sleep function for uniguisession ?
  8. No yes if client 1 is affected to balancer member 1 ->balancer member 1 down->client 1 is redirect to balancer member 2 but his session is lost
  9. yes we used it with apache. an extract of our vhost conf : <VirtualHost *:443> <Proxy balancer://webbalancer> BalancerMember route=SRVWEB3 BalancerMember route=SRVWEB2 </Proxy> ServerName www0.domain.com:443 ServerAdmin webmaster@domain.com Header add Set-Cookie "MYCOOKIE=SOMEVALUE.%{BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE}e; path=/;" env=BALANCER_ROUTE_CHANGED SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile "c:/Apache24/conf/sub-domain.crt" SSLCertificateKeyFile "c:/Apache24/conf/sub-domain-N.key" SSLCertificateChainFile "c:/Apache24/conf/sub-domain-I-CA.crt" ProxyPreserveHost on ProxyRequests off ProxyPass / balancer://webbalancer/ stickysession=MYCOOKIE ProxypassReverse / balancer://webbalancer/ ErrorLog "|bin/rotatelogs.exe logs/%Y-%m-%d_www0.domain.com-error.log 86400" CustomLog "|bin/rotatelogs.exe logs/%Y-%m-%d_www0.domain.com-access.log 86400" common </VirtualHost>
  10. i would use streestest tool with custom params like this http://myComputer:8077/?testfile=testloadoad.txtbut the tool remove params for adding his prams. Is it possible keep customs params for next version of unigui ?
  11. i don't say to not use display the problem to user. I think that your problem is not to catch the exception. You could verify this with using a log file and not display for test. i think you would be have lines with exception in log file with this method. i think that the problem is to synchronize server side with client side for display the error message. Maybe ? maybe threadTimer exemple could help you ?
  12. are you sure that the problem is the exception catching ? maybe your problem is only for displaying the error to the user. Could you try to save your exception in a log file and don't try to display it
  13. i don't use it in delphi (i used it in apache web server) but you could search implementation of GeoIp in delphi.
  14. is it fixed on upper release ? But for the moment no update for me. I must Release my app in few day
  15. I don't identify when the problem is produced so i can't create an sample project for the moment but it is possible to not have this error in a alert dialog but only in console ?
  16. Add in servermodule customCss .ColorTitle .x-panel-header-default { background-image: none; background-color: #00FF27; } On your panel clientevents.unievents add function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.cls = 'ColorTitle'; }
  17. Hello, it is not that i want. With this code, it is working but if click on an other cell in the row the row is selected (as if i have press Ctrl+Click) if i click on an other cell row, the other rows must be unselected. I was wondering if i could do it with this config : http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.5/#!/api/Ext.selection.CheckboxModel-cfg-checkSelector i try this function checkboxModel.beforeInit(sender, config) { config.checkSelector = "x-grid-row-checker"; } x-grid-row-checker is the default value but I don't know what other values to put
  18. Hello, See picture please i have a grid with multiselect : true. On image there is row 1 and 2 that are selected. if i click on checkbox (1 on image) i'll have row 1,2,3 that will be selected. but if i click nearby chekc box in cell (2 in image) i'll have only row 3 that will be selected. how can ido for having the click on part 2 = click on part 1 -> if i click on 2 on image that i'll have row 1,2,3 selected ? is it possible ?
  19. "open console" -> in your webbrowser develloper tools F12 -> tab "console"
  20. open console. there is probably information like 404 /unim-......
  21. open console for more information. Maybe sencha touch is not installed
  22. try this : UniSession.AddJS(aGrid.JSName + '.getStore().sorters.clear();');
  23. an idea : i see that if i call http://localhost/ext- other file publish by my app) it seem that there is not unisession that is open. so i was thinking that i could publish a file that i could call with indy and if i receive a readystate = 200 it means that my uniapp is online. What do you think ? can there be an edge effect on the unigui application if I use this method
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