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Everything posted by delagoutte

  1. mainform is private for each session. try to see demo session list for access property of other session but becarefull this method lock the session during the process. So you could use a database or file to share information between session
  2. help, the default theme is not applied by azzurra.js when the application is working with uniservermoduke.mainformdisplaypage = mfPage but it's ok with mfwindow. extract of js : Ext.define('Ext.window.WindowActiveCls', { override: 'Ext.window.Window', statics: { _activeWindow: null }, shadow: false, ghost: false, ui: 'blue-window-active', border: false, setActive: function (active, newActive) { this.callParent(arguments); var me = this; if (!me.el) return; if (Ext.getVersion().version >= '') { if (me.id.indexOf('window') == 0 && me.id.indexOf('-ghost') > 0) return; } var paw = Ext.window.Window._activeWindow; if (active) { me.addCls('x-window-active'); Ext.window.Window._activeWindow = me; if (paw && paw != me && paw.el) { paw.removeCls('x-window-active'); } } else { if (me!=paw) me.removeCls('x-window-active'); } } }); How can i modify js for mfpage mode ?
  3. hello i add progressbarPager.js and PagingToolbarResizer.js in servermodule.customfiles. All is working with unidbgrid in my desktop app. But i have in my app a part develop for mobile. Since i add files the mobile part don't work, i have a 404 error : http://localhost:8077/m/touch-2.4.2-complete/src/ProgressBar.js?_dc=1497430083888 I think it is because there is Ext.define('Ext.ux.ProgressBarPager', { requires: ['Ext.ProgressBar'], in progressbarPages.js. in mobile part of my app, i use unidblistgrid and i don't use the both js. How can i do for having my project that works in desktop mode and mobile mode ?
  4. up. i would buy this theme https://www.codaxy.com/Themes/Azzurra4 But Before i would be sure that i could adapt in unigui. Is there a wiki ?
  5. Could we have the option forcefit on unidbtreegrid like normal grid ?
  6. Hello, Would it be possible to have an idea of when the version 6 of extjs will be integrated in unigui ?
  7. For this , we have parse email msg and save in a a first table So we have a field for sender, cc, body_text, body_html, subject ,.... For the joint file we save this on a second table with one file one record with his stream. For embedded img, you could change html source of img src with data:+encoded base64 (stream of image) or save img to harddrive and change src with file://...
  8. hum, it is not that i would do. The text must go down in the same part that arrow. and the arrow must be align on rigth of this part
  9. Hello, I use a Tunitool button with a dropdown menu. i would like the arrow position for deploy menu was on the rigth of text and not below. I have this : and i would : Do you think it is possible and how ?
  10. issue : For UniImage , not set url property. and for css add important! .ribbon-btn { background-image: url('./assets/images/Ribbon.png') !important; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; } .ribbon-btn:hover { background-image: url('./assets/images/Ribbon_MO.png') !important; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; } + RibbonBtn.JSInterface.JSConfig('cls',['ribbon-btn']); Thanks Delphi Dev
  11. It seems that this issue don't work. If you set an TuniImage with url property. So i try with css : .ribbon-btn { background-image: url('./assets/images/Ribbon.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; } .ribbon-btn:hover { background-image: url('./assets/images/Ribbon_MO.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; } + RibbonBtn.JSInterface.JSConfig('cls',['ribbon-btn']); but with same result. the url was defined on url property of unimage is foreground and it mask the image of css. If i don't define url and If i analyze we can see the html source code define backgound to none so the css can't be applied. <div class="x-component ribbon-btn x-abs-layout-item x-component-default" style="background:none;clip:rect(0px,45px,40px,0px);left:0px;top:0px;width:45px;height:40px;" id="O130_id"> </div> Have you got a solution please
  12. delagoutte

    ISAPI app

    i replied to jahlxx who have a problem with QuickReport
  13. delagoutte

    ISAPI app

    i don't use quickreport but everytime, i have a thing that's working on standalone and not in isapi, this was because there is a visual interface. Exemple : if during printing, you have a progress bar that is displayed by your quickreport component so it's could work on standalone because it is a vcl app but it can't work on isapi because isapi could not display this progress bar. The issue is to disable all option on quickreport that can display any things. if you can't change this options it think you'll need change component.
  14. thanks a lot. it's ok with ext.defer
  15. Ok, excuse me delphi developer. it work in the sample. Thanks GerhardV it not work in my main project. In my main project the button is in a uniframe and the frame is assigned to the left panel. I'll investigate and i don't find, i'll come bak with a new sample. Thanks for all
  16. You could see this post for another exemple with smexport : http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/7570-unidbgrid-with-smexporttoexcel/?hl=smexport
  17. Attach to this message a small project test On start if i move the splitter to left i have but i would : button wrap.rar
  18. Sorry , I'm not used to working with css and js So i try this : Custom Css : .wrap-button .x-button-label { word-wrap: break-word; } and on my button : function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.cls="wrap-button"; } But it don't work. Am i on the good way ?
  19. Could you give me the code that you produce for do it ?
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