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  1. Hi @Sherzod! Is this your private project or would you put in demos or share? Thanks
  2. Desktop\Grid - RowWidget\ (in demo you have to change DetailFrame.UniDBGrid1. options to dgCheckSelect )
  3. Hi! My problem is in demo as well. dbgridParent.rowwidget:=enabled: (does not matter) dbgridchild.options ... dgCheckSelect=true (--problem is here) In dbgridParent dgCheckSelect works OK. icon is on/off (check/uncheck) but in widgetframe "dbgridchild" select checkbox icon alway checked. (showing checked icon, even if it's false, not selected actual row) Do you have any solution? Thanks Csaszko
  4. Hi, Sorry for hear that. OK. I will find other way then. Tanks
  5. I modified the demo. try to edit variable_value column more than one record. GridEditors alter.zip
  6. I have read every post in this forum about that. I have been searching for two days, so please help me. I have hidden panel where I put combobox. On runtime I fill these combobox with desired items. I use this code: case 0:works one times, case 1: works fine. UniDBGrid1AjaxEvent: if EventName = 'select' then begin colIndex := 1; Case IndexText(fajl_extra_infok_ZQuery.FieldByName('extra_inf_tipus') .AsString, ['combo', 'datum']) of 0: begin with UniDBGrid1 do JSInterface.JSCall('setEditor', [UniComboBox1.JSControl], ColumnByName('extra_inf_ertek').JSColumn); end; 1: begin UniSession.AddJS(UniDBGrid1.JSName + '.columnManager.columns[' + IntToStr(colIndex) + '].setEditor(' + ' new Ext.form.field.Date({' + ' id: ''' + UniDBGrid1.JSName + 'columnsEditor' + IntToStr(colIndex) + ''', ' + ' xtype: ''datefield'',' + ' format: ''d.m.Y'',' + ' anchor: ''100%'',' + ' })' + ' );'); end; else begin UniSession.AddJS(UniDBGrid1.JSName + '.columnManager.columns[' + IntToStr(colIndex) + '].setEditor(' + ' new Ext.form.field.Text({' + ' id: ''' + UniDBGrid1.JSName + 'columnsEditor' + IntToStr(colIndex) + ''', ' + ' xtype: ''textfield'',' + ' anchor: ''100%'',' + ' })' + ' );'); end; end; end;
  7. Yes of course (you can check my forum history) , and demo, and source code and google.. and tried different comp. found this in unidbgrid.pas: // we must destroy picker each time column is reconfigured. Ext JS issue. Check again in 6.5 ok this is for datetimepicker.. not combobox , but at some point destroying as well Any idea, or did you find a forum solution what I could not?
  8. I need something like in verticaltreegrid, in each row could be a different editor. Unfortunately verticalgrid is not working form me neither, because of I use the same field for different type, and not different field.
  9. I will try to say explain other way. I have tables something like this id, t2.field_name, t1.field_value, t1. field_type... etc in dbgrid col0=field_name, column1=field_value (something like propertygrid but more columns) column1 could contains different type of data so i need different kind of editor (date, text, combo) if I scroll/change row I need to show the specific editor for the actual row (not column). I can create editors runtime, but if user navigate an another row which has a different kind of data, it will change the editor and the previous editor control won't be availabe again, I can't reach that combobox anymore. (Cannot read properties of null) with date and free text, there is no problem, but with combobox with a lot of items... so is not good create each time when user want to edit that record.
  10. Hi! @Sherzod How can I prevent dbgrid editors Tcontrol (unicombobox) from being automatically deleted after change editor on runtime? If I create control like showed above in ttamturk's post everithing works fine, but after change the editor the combobox will be removed/deleted/freed (second time I can't use it, I need to create again) I could need a different editor in every row depend on the data type. Combobox could contains hundred of items, so I think is not too good to create and release every time users clicks on it. thanks
  11. Hi @irigsoft! Finally what solution do you use? It is working on android (vibration etc.) ?
  12. Hi! Do you have any solution for this? html tags in unicombobox text part, on a dropdown area (expanded) is working well.
  13. I mean like in the vcl code : with variable_edit do begin Left := Rect.Left + DBGrid1.Left + 2; Top := Rect.Top + DBGrid1.Top + 2; Width := Column.Width; Height := Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top; << in this case I get the cell canvas rect and can my control cover acutal cell whole canvas. Like in unidbgrid editor when is showing of the given control you cover whole canvas of that cell, I tried to get editor's control(edit,combobox) left, top and with.. but didn't work for me, for example only got the original edit's witdh(as placed on form in design mode) , not what dbgrid is showing runtime.
  14. Yes finally my solution was that what you mentioned. Aniway can i get somehow rect of the actual cell? Thanks
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