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Everything posted by eduardosuruagy

  1. I also need this, because I use forms in tabs and when I open a customer registry and add a new one I would like in the order form that is already open, when the user clicks to select a client it fills in with the new one.
  2. How do I get all the active sections in Hyper Server?
  3. With Hyper Server how do I get the sections of connected users ?:
  4. I have a list with the users logged into the system, how do I send a message to everyone or to a user determining from this list? I wanted to send it through the session code !!
  5. Would you have any examples?
  6. Before I used this option to sort the columns but now I can not do this, has anything changed? function headerclick (ct, column, e, t, eOpts) { Frame.ClientDataSet.getStore (). Sort (column.dataIndex); } function store.afterCreate (sender) { sender.remoteSort = false; }
  7. It happened to me. The solution was to even restart the server or the network card.
  8. Ours worked perfect, thank you !! I'd like to better understand client-side alignment settings. Do you have any material that explains this?
  9. Follow the test project. To open the form click on the left side in the Protocols menu, when you open the form click the Filters button UniGui Testes 4.rar
  10. Eu encontrei um bug no dbgrid, se eu deixei a opção WebOptins.Paged = False e clicando em qualquer linha da grade, ele vai para o final da grade automaticamente.
  11. I have a problem in dbgrid, when I click on the column to sort LoadMask appears at the time of the click but it does not undo, with the screen stuck and the column does not sort. I'm using the option of our friend Mohammad. function headerclick (ct, column, e, t, eOpts) { Frame.dbgrid.getStore (). Sort (column.dataIndex); } function store.afterCreate (sender) { sender.remoteSort = false; }
  12. I'm having a dbgrid tweaking problem, I put a panel with the Collapsed option, when I leave it with the False option the dbgrid is not the full size of the screen.
  13. I researched everything related to dbgrid but I did not find anything
  14. I need several options so Grid-ActionColumn does not work in this case.
  15. How to put a button in a dbgrid column and the button have a popupmenu with actions like: Delete, Include and Change?
  16. Can you remove the filter at run time?
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