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Everything posted by eduardosuruagy

  1. Got it, but what if I just want some specific dates? How would I do it?
  2. Where do I put the dates in this example?
  3. function store.load(sender, node, records, successful, eOpts) { var me=sender; me.remoteSort=false; me.sort({property:0, direction:"DESC"}); me.grid.getSelectionModel().select(0); //<------------- } I did this, just get me a doubt, that zero (me.sort({property:0, direction:"DESC"});) that you put it indicates the column that will be ordered?
  4. How do I sort by the "Order" column. The bank select is already sorting by the field, but on the grid it does not sort.
  5. I'm using the latest version I saw this post and it was because of him that I did my example
  6. Would you like to change my data, how do I do it?
  7. How to view or make dbgrid filters invisible in real time? I did a routine for this but when the dbgrid scroll is all to the right side of the video the filters are misaligned. procedure TFrameMasterListener.BtnFilterClick (Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin if BtnFiltro.Tag = 0 then begin dbgrid_cadastro2.Columns.BeginUpdate; for I: = 0 to dbgrid_cadastro2.Columns.Count - 1 of if not dbgrid_cadastro2.Columns .Filtering.Enabled then begin if dbgrid_cadastro2.Columns .Tag = 0 then begin dbgrid_cadastro2.Columns .Filtering.Editor: = TUniEdit (Self.FindComponent ('edit _' + dbgrid_cadastro2.Columns.Items .FieldName)); dbgrid_cadastro2.Columns .Filtering.Enabled: = True; end; end; dbgrid_cadastro2.Columns.EndUpdate; BtnFiltro.Tag: = 1; end else if BtnFiltro.Tag = 1 then begin dbgrid_cadastro2.Columns.BeginUpdate; for I: = 0 to dbgrid_cadastro2.Columns.Count - 1 of if dbgrid_cadastro2.Columns .Filtering.Enabled then begin dbgrid_cadastro2.Columns .Filtering.Editor: = nil; dbgrid_cadastro2.Columns .Filtering.Enabled: = False; end; dbgrid_cadastro2.Columns.EndUpdate; if CDCadastro.Active then begin CDCadastro.Filter: = ''; CDCadastro.Filtered: = False; end; BtnFilter.Tag: = 0; end; end;
  8. After I activated the property from my form to True it worked fine MonitoredKeys.KeyHandleAll: = True
  9. In the 1st option when clicking the image the panel will open using the Paninel.Collapsed property: = True; and being equal to 2nd image. Then again clicking on the button (3rd image) it returns to normal Paninel.Collapsed: = False; getting like the image 4º
  10. What command can I execute on the client side to open a panel: Panel.Collapsed: = False; or Panel.Collapsed: = True;
  11. the problem is the icon that is minimized in the windows clock, they are all with the same name. If you move the mouse over them the same name appears
  12. One question, what is the HideTrigger property for?
  13. I'm using 2 hyper servers and sometimes I need to close 1, how do I figure out which one I should close if the name of the two are the same? The icon has the same name.
  14. Could not set cell position: row: [0], column:[1] :Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null
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