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Everything posted by adragan

  1. Is the checkbox from the dbgrid capable to deal with fields like 'Y', 'N' or 0, 1 ?
  2. Short answer : All of the above. I prefer UniDac and I had a good project with Zeos also. Some problems with dbGo.
  3. 1. The server does most of the jobs. 2. Every client that connects creates a separate thread of execution which can be assimilated with a different client connection from a CRUD application. 3. You can consider the browser as a terminal to a thread of execution from the server. 4. You can develop on the sql server whatever you want as in a CRUD application ( that is if you need one ). 5. You develop the UI which compiles into a web application that runs on the server. 6. How it manages application statuses and sessions you must ask Fershad, but it does ! I tried to simplify as much as I could. Hope it helps.
  4. It seems that you must have an id ( integer) for your dataset , an update query and a refresh query using that id. Even if the id is not visible in the grid. Otherwise the DBGrid behaves eratically.
  5. Try to write a service on the server. YourService.OnExecute -> TTimer.Enabled:=True; ...................... Then TTimer.OnTime do whatever you want to do I've seen this done for printing directly to the printer, backups or interfaces to other systems.
  6. Requests : 1. CheckBox in DBGrid for fields like 0, 1, 'Y', 'N' ( values for checked, unchecked to be definable ) 2. LookupComboBox in DBGrid ( ex : DisplayValue ='Processed', actual value KeyValue:=1 ) 3. CheckBoxList Most of all : Be able to use it under Linux, either as FastCGI or Apache module ( compilable with Lazarus ) I think most of us do development on Windows but when it comes to production systems, Linux is the prefered choice.
  7. You can automatically start an application only if a user logs on. Do you want that ?
  8. Good question ! I would like to know if it's possible to send message from server to client without the client initiating the request.
  9. The problem is not UniGui. It works for what it was intended. The problem is in the data access components that you use.
  10. It works also with OnCalcFields. You can also add png formated pictures.
  11. To read a local port would be quite a interesting development. To write a file to the local cash register is more manageble. I used a solution like that : I setup the download directory for the browser to , lets say c:\temp\cashregister Server create a file that is in the "language" of the cash register and send it to the client. I wrote a small program running on the client machine which is browsing that directory every 5 seconds for some new files. If it finds something, it activates the cash register software and prints the bill and then renames or deletes the file sent by the server. The only downside is that the browser asks for permission all the time. An ActiveX would be better but I didn't what to complicate my life too much and be blocked in IE world. There are other more sofisticated solutions but this is the simplest !
  12. adragan

    Scale images

    Is there a way to automatically scale a JPEG or a PNG to fit on the user screen ? I have a lot of spare parts images scanned in 1000 resolutions and dimmensions and I would like to put them on the screen of the user. I can't scale them on the server because only god knows what is their local screen resolution and most of the pictures go out of the available screen space. I tried Image.Autosize:=True but does not work.
  13. In simple words : Intraweb generates multiple page applications , like old standard web. You buy licenses for the "core" then for the full packages and then for TMS components and so on. Application looks ugly unless you are a master of css and work on that. Your license no. and name is included in every page generated (????) Advantages : Works on old devices like portable terminals, pocket pc-s etc. IE works just fine as a client. The rest of the browsers have little rendering issues. Unigui applications look much better from start. It generates "one page applications" that do not flicker in front of clients. One spends 50% less time building UniGui apps than Intraweb. Everything is in one package , not a collection of objects from different suppliers. It just works ! UniGui has some issues with IE as far as I discovered. Opera, Chrome and Firefox render ok. You have to buy license from Sencha. My money is on UniGui
  14. UniMainModule.Theme:=...... Where to get olive theme I don't know.
  15. The same way it works in Delphi. Place a Query component on the form/frame, a DataSource and a TUniDBGrid. Link the DataSource to the Query, the Grid to the DataSource. Connect the Query to a Conection component from UniMainModule , write the sql, open the Query and you're done ! I did't specify what type of component to use because nowerdays it's an inflation of database sets of components. You can place all the database components on the UniMainModule but it seems it works either way. Have fun
  16. In the source code adjust the [ext] path to the correct path.
  17. If the question is " is it possible to get the results of a query into a UniDBGrid" then the answer is Yes.
  18. adragan


    That's a UniTreeView !
  19. ZComponents works with UniGui. I have an implementation for 30 clients working 2 shifts/day. It worked ok for the last year or so. No Problem. About changing the structure of the database I have some observations. 1. Table or any query on the table to be modified must be closed. 2. Fields not to be registered in the application for that particular table. 3. Try ZSQLProcessor for the alter script. 4. If it's the case and if you need a temporary storage use TVirtualTable ( free component from DevArt). You can get away with it more elegant than changing something on the server. 5. If you use Interbase Components with a Firebird server you're asking for trouble. 6. IBDac or UniDac also works perfectly with UniGui including Firebird ( tested !).
  20. When you create the pdf you put it in UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + pdf_name.pdf When you send it or put it in a window you adress it with : UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL + pdf_name.pdf You don't adjust paths. Application deals with it automatically. All you can do is send the whole cache file ( for all users ) in the UniserverModule.CacheFolder:= .... somewhere To change it at application start use the UniserverModule.OnBeforeInit event. After application start you're done !
  21. From my knowledge, there's no way to ask a mail server to send you the password. Even in the mail server itself passwords are encrypted. All you can do is change the password in the server and send the new one to the user. If you intend to send e-mails from a UniGui application ( and there's an example somewhere in this forum ) then you store username and password in clear in a database. If you can accept that, it's obvious what to do next.
  22. "i would need it for uniPanels and uniImages .. something like: onKlick -> first disable the component -> and make the onClick procedure .." I there any reason why you can't use TUniScreenMask linked to that Image/Button whatever ?
  23. UniPanel.Anchors.akLeft :=False; UniPanel.Anchors.akRight:=False; UniPanel.Anchors.akTop :=False; UniPanel.Anchors.akBottom:=False;
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