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Everything posted by albertovesx

  1. UniRadioGroup columns property or DisplayHorizontal property To display the items in an horizontal way Vertical 0 A 0 B 0 C Horizontal 0 A 0B 0C
  2. Some user shared sometime ago this: function OnBeforerender(sender) { uniformX.dbcontrol.setEditable(false); } I use it to uniDBComboBox and uniDBlookupCombobox when I want that user select an item by using mouse instead of typing. But Sometimes I need both ways of select. Can this code implemented as a property? It would be more practical to check or uncheck this feature.
  3. AlwaysOnTop property of standard forms. http://www.eirik.net/Ext/ux/util/AlwaysOnTop.html
  4. yes, thank you. But it is performed on server side. It would be better if color could be change on the client side. FM have said that UNIGUI is based on css so maybe this is not posible. I dont know.
  5. Change background color of the component when it gets focus. FocusColor for at least UniDBEdit, UniEdit, UniDBmemo, UniMemo, UniDBnumberedit, uninumberedit, UniDBdatetimepicker. I dont know if this can be implemented to be executed on clientside.
  6. UniShape component with the posibility to change color on run time.
  7. UniDBRadioGroup component I have discovered tha this component is not in unidbcontrols and I need it for a project.
  8. Thank you. A great source to start.
  9. I want to know how are you going to manage licences for releases? Also, please, consider paypal for payments.
  10. albertovesx


    Its almost a year since I discovered UNIGUI and for me its exactly what I was looking for and I really hope this project have success.
  11. http://prime.fmsoft.net/demo/memoimage.dll you already have it in your unigu directory i installation Also, you can use html tags,
  12. Uni folder is under ext-4.1.1a
  13. Marlo, Did you copy the uni folder under ext-4.2.0?
  14. I can't use Neptune theme too. I think I will become a lawyer instead of programmer.
  15. Hi to all. I modified the LiveComboBox demo to display an image beside the text. When an item is selected, I remove the HTML marks to only display the text. but it does it with a blink that I dont like at all. Is there a better approach to do this? procedure TMainForm.UniComboBox1RemoteQuery(const QueryString: string; Result: TStrings); var I: Integer; begin if Trim(QueryString)='' then Exit; ClientDataSet1.Filter:='country LIKE ''%'+QueryString+'%'''; ClientDataSet1.First; while not ClientDataSet1.Eof do begin Result.Add( '<div><img src="img/accept.png" align="left"/>' +ClientDataSet1.FieldByName('country').AsString +'</div>' ); ClientDataSet1.Next; end; end; procedure TMainForm.UniComboBox1Select(Sender: TObject); begin UniComboBox1.Text := StringReplace( UniComboBox1.Text, '<div><img src="img/accept.png" align="left"/>', '', [] ); UniComboBox1.Text := StringReplace( UniComboBox1.Text, '</div>', '', [] ); end;
  16. IconTab property for uniPageControl.
  17. Farshad Mohajeri added a new component called UniMenuButton. You can add a popup component to the unimenucomponet to emulate start button setting unipopupmenu.trackbutton := tbLeftButton.
  18. Here, users have suggested implement this with IIS, but in our Intranet we prefer to use Stand alone.
  19. Optionally display labels over chart. In some situations they are annoying and is preferable not show them at all.
  20. Some user share this and I dont know if this could be implemented as a property. Property clientEvents Panel you go to the subproperty called Extevents alle entas after the event you are looking onBeforender and there you get the following sender.iconCls = 'Icon'; which turns out to load the icon you will servermodule have to look for property CustomCSS and inside you get the following CSS code . Icon { background: url (img / Usuario.png) no-repeat 0px 0px! important; } no it does is that when you refer to iconCls = 'icon' is you're doing to CSS and CSS loading icon is actually a picture. example png img / Usuario.png inform me anything.
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