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Marlon Nardi

uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Marlon Nardi

  1. supports yes, I am using without any problem ... the only thing I did not like is that the DELPHI XE4 generates (. EXE. DLL) very large.
  2. Amazon Web Services http://aws.amazon.com/pt/ec2/
  3. Good morning everyone! Anyone here in the group has had trouble in the generation of DLL in Delphi XE4? In 2010 he generates DELPHI corrretamente put the latest version of Delphi does not generate the DLL only. EXE. Below the figures. Att,
  4. Thank Eldad, Problem solved ... Att, Marlon
  5. In the next release if possible add the event OnMouseDown for TuniFrame. Att,
  6. use your estrtura the event OnGetText. ex: procedure TFormCUSTOS_Remanejamento_Orcamentario.CDSDestinoIMG_SITUACAOGetText( Sender: TField; var Text: string; DisplayText: Boolean); begin if CDSDestino.FieldByName('SITUACAO').AsString = 'A' then Text:= '<img src="../imagens/confirmado.png" width=16 height=16 align="center" />'; if CDSDestino.FieldByName('SITUACAO').AsString = 'R' then Text:= '<img src="../imagens/negado.png" width=16 height=16 align="center" />'; if CDSDestino.FieldByName('SITUACAO').AsString = EmptyStr then Text:= EmptyStr; end;
  7. Atualmente Minhas Aplicações são desenvolvidas em Oracle e MYSQL. Você pode utilizar conexão criptografada adicionado o certificado no seu Servidor. Um exemplo: https://mml-ug.eu/mmlstart/mmlstart.dll Att,
  8. Blz Pessoal, Eu já tenho um Sistema em Produção para uma empresa de Agronegócios Rodando, (WS 2008 IIS 7.0), porém ele é mais utilizando na Intranet do que fora. E também estou desenvolvendo outro sistema (Gerenciador Financeiro), e estou vendo que esta ficando muito saturado este tipo de sistema na Web. Mas dependendo da Forma que o Unigui caminhar eu consigo reverter esses projetos sem afetar o que eu já desenvolvi. T+
  9. Marlon Nardi


    interesting initiative. Do not know if it was just me, but I found the performance a bit slow. UniGui is faster.
  10. Hello Vladan, I also had this problem, if you still did not solve and you do not MidasLib added, do the following: * Add a midas.dll the directory of your project. in the Main OnCreate event put the following code: LoadLibrary (PChar (ServerModule.StartPath + 'midas.dll'));
  11. There is documentation on the official UniGui that explains you how to do this on: IIS 5 IIS 6 IIS 7 and Apache 2.2 http://unigui.com/resources/online-documentation
  12. actually the problem was the browser cache after open in another browser presented correctly. thx.
  13. the layout is not being displayed correctly in my application because he did not see the css style file: "File not found: C: \ Projects \ VGWeb \ ext-4.2.0 \ uni \ css \ uni-xtheme-neptune.css" have downloaded the latest version of ext-4.2 and did not come this file. you have it:
  14. is still not possible to use the thema Neptune.
  15. Very Good! Following this tip, this is opening many other Sencha documentation: http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-1/ # Congratulations ...
  16. try{O83.stopAll()}catch(e){};$("#O2F_id").find("div").find("div").kendoChart({title: {text: "Internet Users"},theme: "Default",seriesDefaults: {type: "column",stack: false,labels: {visible: true, position: "insideEnd", format: "{0}%"}},categoryAxis: {categories: [2005,2006,2007,2008,2009]},series: [{name: "United States", data: [67.96,68.93,75,74,78]},{name: "World", data: [15.7,16.7,20,23.5,26.6]}],valueAxis: {labels: {format: "{0}%"}},legend: {position: "top"},seriesClick: function(e) {ajaxRequest(MainForm.UniHTMLFrame1, "Click", ["name="+e.series.name, "category="+e.category, "value="+((typeof e.value==='object')?e.value.x+","+e.value.y:e.value)]);}}); does not work in version: of UniGui:
  17. Marlon Nardi


    unit U_Funcao_valida_senha; interface uses Forms, SysUtils, Dialogs, ADODB, ActiveX; function validasenha(usuario, senha: string): Boolean; implementation uses SqlExpr, MainModule; function validasenha(usuario, senha: string): Boolean; var SQLQuery : TSQLQuery; ADOConnection : TADOConnection; ADOQuery : TADOQuery; begin {Conexão Active Directory} if Trim(SQLQuery.Fields[0].AsString) = 'AUTENTICAÇÃO ACTIVE DIRECTORY' then begin try try CoInitialize(nil); ADOConnection := TADOConnection.Create(Application); ADOConnection.ConnectionString:= 'Provider=ADSDSOObject;User Id='+usuario+'@domain.com.br;Password='+senha+';'; ADOConnection.Mode := cmRead; ADOConnection.Provider := 'ADsDSOObject'; ADOConnection.LoginPrompt := False; ADOConnection.Connected := True; ADOQuery := TADOQuery.Create(Application); ADOQuery.Connection := ADOConnection; ADOQuery.CursorType := ctStatic; ADOQuery.SQL.Clear; ADOQuery.Close; ADOQuery.SQL.Add('SELECT SamAccountName, Name, loginlogix '+ ' FROM ''LDAP:/domain.com.br'' '+ ' WHERE objectClass= ''user'' '+ ' AND SamAccountName = '''+usuario+''' '); ADOQuery.Open; if ADOQuery.FieldByName('loginlogix').AsString = EmptyStr then begin ShowMessage('Usuário '+usuario+' Não Possui Usuario do Logix Cadastrado no Active Directory '+#13+ 'Favor Contatar o Administrador de Sistemas.'); Result := False; Exit; end else begin ID.glo_usuario := Trim(ADOQuery.FieldByName('loginlogix').AsString); Result := True; Exit; end; except Result := False; end; finally CoUninitialize; FreeAndNil(ADOConnection); FreeAndNil(ADOQuery); end; end; finally FreeAndNil(SQLQuery); end; end; end;
  18. Referente ao Erro: "E2010 Incompatible Types: 'TUniEdit' and 'TCaption'" voce deve apenas colocar o "Tuniedit1" sem o Caption ou Text. Ex: FormataValor(Uniedit1); "se for utilizar TUniDBEdit" quando voce tem TuniDBEdit, voce deve utilizar da seguinte forma: FormataValor(TUniEdit(UNIDBEDTI1)); Att, Marlon Nardi
  19. Marlon Nardi


    I use Active Directory in my applications without UniGui nennhum problem. IIS has no connection with the AD! Att, Marlon Nardi
  20. Bom dia Eduardo eu utilizo uma função para isso: Obs: Isso Para o Banco MYSQL No evento OnExit: FormataValor(TuniEdit1.Text); function FormataValor(edit:TuniEdit):String; var s : string; v : double; I : integer; begin try if edit.Text = EmptyStr then edit.Text := '0'; {obter o texto do edit, SEM o ponto decimal} s := ''; for I := 1 to length(edit.Text) do if (edit.Text[I] in ['0'..'9',',']) then s := s + edit.Text[I]; if s = EmptyStr then s := '0'; {fazer com que o conteúdo do edit apresente 2 casas decimais} v := strtofloat(s); {Formata o valor de (V) para aceitar valores do tipo 0,10} edit.Text := FormatFloat('0.00',v); edit.Color := clWhite; except on e: exception do begin ShowMessage('Este Campo só é permitido números.'); edit.Text := EmptyStr; edit.Color := clYellow; edit.SetFocus; end; end;
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