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Wilton Ergon

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Everything posted by Wilton Ergon

  1. I only have these settings, which should not influence the problem. I have this css code, which works normally in the example unigui \ uniGUI \ Demos \ Desktop \ UniTreeMenu /*UniTreeMenu - start*/ /* Color back menu */ .x-treelist-nav { background-color: [[MENU_COLOR]] !important; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-image: url( 'https://gepimagens.ergonsistemas.com.br/Backgroud_620x1080.png'); background-position: 0px 50% !important; padding: 0 0 0 0; overflow: auto !important; scrollbar-width: thin; scrollbar-color: #778088 #d6d9db;} /*menu left*/ .x-treelist-nav .x-treelist-item-text { color: White; /*cor da letra do menu*/ margin-left: 27px; /*27 espaçamento da esquerda para direita dos Itens do menu*/ margin-right: 15px; /*espaçamento da esquerda para direita dos Grupos do menu*/ font-size: 16px; /*tamanho das letras*/ line-height: 30px; /*altura da linha do menu*/ } .x-treelist-nav .x-treelist-item-icon:before, .x-treelist-nav .x-treelist-item-tool:before, .x-treelist-nav .x-treelist-item-expander { line-height: 30px; color: White;} /*Menu Expandidos*/ .x-treelist-nav .x-treelist-item-expanded { background-color: #324f67 !important;} /*Menu Selecionado*/ .x-treelist-nav .x-treelist-item-selected > .x-treelist-row::before { background-color: #008ae6 !important;} /*Passa o mouse*/ .x-treelist-nav .x-treelist-row-over{background-color: #808080 !important;} .x-treelist-nav::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 7px; height:7px; background:#d6d9db;} .x-treelist-nav::-webkit-scrollbar-track {background: rgba(0,0,0,0.1);} .x-treelist-nav::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {border-radius: 7px;height:7px;background:#778088;} /* UniTreeMenu - end */
  2. this problem occurred when version 1530 came out, now even 1534 is still going on, I know something in my project but I don't know where it is, I opened an example menu in version 1534 and it shows normally. I removed all the cls codes, and scripts that I have in my project and still, it still doesn't show the arrow in the menu. so i am unable to use the latest version.
  3. before after what should be done to resolve this? no cls defined in treemenu
  4. you must not create variables or share information on the server module. use the mainmodule to place your public variables, and their connection component.
  5. I'm still at 1526, since 1528 onwards already uses sencha 7.1, and Farshad himself reported problems with this version of sencha, I am waiting to be released at 7.0 to update. important features have been added, but I don't feel safe using them
  6. Estou tentando usar o sendfile no celular sem sucesso. o mesmo site aberto pelo Windows normalmente baixa o arquivo. nós usamos hiperservidor, isto é. unigui eu tento. UniSession.SendFile ('c: \ myfiles \ file.jpg', 'myfile'); nada acontece. Observe que o arquivo está localizado em uma pasta diferente da pasta do aplicativo. I also tried to pass a complete url that contains the file ex: https://mysite.com.br/files/myfile.doc in a tunimhtmlframe but the file does not download .. unigui
  7. I created a solution with report builder, the design and in a desktop application, the user creates the report, does the tests, and when ready, publish the report on the server, the reports are added dynamically in the web application, there is no need to update the unigui application, so that a new report can be incorporated. if you are interested in the solution, please contact us. obviously, your user will have to have knowledge of the bank and in the ide of the report builder to create their reports
  8. maybe you should use the new infinit grid option, which loads data on demand
  9. I can't hide a column in the grid, when there is a column connected to a tunimemo editor, with option displaymemo = true i try gridRespostas.Columns[1].visible :=qAtividadesPerguntasTipoResposta.asinteger in [1,3]; the problem only occurs when there is a column with this configuration, I need to edit the text in a memo in the grid, and hide a column based on a condition unigui I also tried with version 1531, without success delphi tokyo
  10. if you are activating a method on the datamodule, using a form, start showmask from your form ex: procedure tform.clickbutton; begin showmask('wait...'); UniSession.Synchronize; dmfunctions.yourprocedure; hidemask; end;
  11. my config cfg [hyper_server] binary_name=GEPWEB_E.EXE initial_nodes=2 max_nodes=10 max_sessions=0 sessions_per_nodes=0 prompt_login=1 persistent_node_zero=0 port=8077 url_path= url_referer= ext_root=[ext]\ uni_mobile_root=[unim]\ uni_root=[uni]\ uni_packages_root=[unipack]\ max_requests=500 detailed_log=1 server_title=GEPWEB antiflood_per_ip=0 server_root= I noticed that the hyperserver raises a new instance of my system with few connections in each instance, what configuration should I put in cfg so that in fact only a new instance will come up after at least 10 connected users this and print from just one hyperserver, I have 95 sites on the same server. this can burst using a lot of memory from my server this print and low access, due to covid, few users are connecting to the system.
  12. file / new / unigui / new frame
  13. when you install FMSoft uniGUI Complete Professional V1.90.0.xxxx it already installs the runtime. on the production server, just install the runtime. the hyperserver installer, is used only to make some settings on the server's windows. these are the runtime folders ext-6.x uni-1.90.0.xxxx unim-1.90.0.xxxx you can also just copy and paste into the production server these folders that will also work.
  14. FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_runtime, must be installed only on the production server
  15. my server has 95 sites instantiated on iis, i have peaks of thousands of simultaneous users (adding all sites) (5000+ users) each site has access to its own sql server database, with the covid pandemic, this is increasing substantially , so we are hiring a new server dedicated only to unigui. in a scenario like this compiling the project in 64 bits, is there any improvement in performance? We are using hyperserver on some of these sites (the ones with the most access)
  16. I am renting a dedicated server only for unigui applications, I already have another server for the database. I would like to know if it makes a difference to have a server with 2 processors in the server, if the applications created in unigui will make use of the 2 processors. I use IIS with windows server 2016
  17. I still have this behavior, sometimes in design I end up forgetting the scroll in any position, and when running, it shows me an empty area at the top of the scroll, this seems to me the same problem as the friend mentioned above, which seems to have been fixed . I will attach prints for better understanding. IF YOU EXECUTE THIS WAY IT WILL BE LIKE: STAY WITH THIS EMPTY AREA COMPILED WITH SCROOL OUT OF INITIAL POSITION
  18. I also noticed this, the menu arrows are gone, and now a small square is shown, as the friend showed in the print above old version new version
  19. I'm having problems with the html generated when using the htmlmemo link button, how to remove this button from the toolbar? I chose to create another mechanism to add links separately!
  20. sample test case GridGrouping - Dynamic.rar
  21. the first select will certainly be much faster than the second, and a table with 100k records. the problem is not pagination, if yes your select
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