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Everything posted by araujoadanr

  1. Hola Sergio, Mis aplicaciones van bien y aumentando usuarios. (de repente lo que mas demora en renderizar, cuando quiero mostrar miles de resultados por ejemplo una grilla con 30000 registros, pero si lo muestro por paginas, no pasa nada, solo que lo hago de esta manera porque utilizo filtros en las grillas, como si fuera un excel). Pero en lineas generales super bien. Utilizo SQL Server sin mayores problemas,
  2. How can I use custom icons (PNG, BMP), with TUniTreeMenu.? UniTreeMenu.zip
  3. thank you very much.... Thank you
  4. Hello everyone again, Does anyone know how to set a toolbar transparent?
  5. Hello everyone again, Does anyone know how to make CheckBox transparent?
  6. I'm found a bug in this sample http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/13594-lost-clientevents-unievents-with-unidb-components/
  7. Sounds good, always to maintain a level of quality according to the requirements, and add new features useful for us programmers.
  8. 600 Forms + 300 DataModule Uses 120 with Hyperserver.
  9. I have my project current 600 forms. Adan
  10. Hola Sergio, Yo tengo en producción actualmente un sistema con 800 usuarios concurrentes, gracias a Hyperserver. Saludos. Adan
  11. This project is an integral system of Human Resources Management. It includes from the Hiring, Evaluation, Payment Processes, Integration to the banking network, Integration with biometric clocks for the registration of assistances.
  12. Im use FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_Professional_1.90.0.1499, and works fine. Adan
  13. Thank you very much, it worked perfectly !.
  14. Thank you for you help. Attach test case ProjectTestCase.zip
  15. Hello, I already tried RowHeight, but it increases to the height of the row, but not the separation between the text.
  16. Do any of you know how to modify the height of the text in a grid? I would like to make the text more legible in my grid.
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