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Everything posted by Abaksoft

  1. Hello Erich My little experience : 1. Server Architecture : VPS are cheaper than dedicated server if you have less than 100 users, VPS is a good choice 2. CPU : MultiCore of course ! 3. System : Windows server 2008 / 64 is a good choice (avoid Apache for the moment) 4. FireBird Architecture ( Classic, SuperClassic, Superserver ?) Classical (64 bit is fast) "... if a Classic server process crashes, the other connections remain unaffected. With SuperClassic and Superserver, a crash take down all the connections...." http://www.firebirdsql.org/manual/qsg25-classic-or-super.html Greetings...
  2. Hello Friends, I want to confirm this : When you create an Object wich pilot a long CRUD transaction : My_Object:=TMyClass.Create Try //************ //1. Sending properties My_Object.F1:=xxx; My_Object.F2:=yyy; ... //2. Executing Methods My_Object.DoSomething; //*********** Finally My_Object.Free end; DoSomething is a long SQL transaction (3-10 sec). Without DCallBack messages ! In my tests (local Desktop) all is OK (Unigui 1260); and My_Object is Free after my long transaction ends. This is a correct behavior (as VCL) And very important, otherwise, DoSomething could'nt work properly. What i want to confirm : is there a risk, on a VPS in hight production, that my object Free before ending transaction ? (Manipulating threads ?!) Farshad; For beautiful code, I don't want to Create it on Form.Create and Free it on Destroy Form. Related Topic : http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5559-houstonwe-have-a-problem/&do=findComment&comment=28426 Thank you...
  3. Hello vipin, In addition to what has already been said, you can add some of techniques that you can improve : 1. Change your default DataBase "masterkey". 2. Even if your folder is stollen, allow runing your program only on your VPS (signature Mac adress etc...) 3. Protect your dll from reverse ingineering (unigui generate a no classical dll...i am testing a solution). Greetings.
  4. Thx Mohammad I will test it... Greetings
  5. www.contabo.com Best Quality/price. Unigui works very well on VPS.
  6. Many reasons for that. Please check : 1. First download the latest Trial UNIGUI 12.58 You have not to download runtime ext js package from Sencha. It's an OEM embeded ext JS version 2. Important : If your server (your machine) is windows 64 bits, and your Project1.dll is 32 bits (on Delphi Target PlatForms), then Enable your Pool Application to accept 32 bit = TRUE. 3. Not important but will enhance the dll launching : Your Project1.dll will be smaller with a Buid Configuration = Release 4. Restart your iis Server : 5. Check your RDBM version 64 or 32 : That must be the same in your development and on your server. Good Luck
  7. it's very simple: 1. Comment out the first line : // {$define UNIGUI_VCL} 2. Close your project, then re-open it 3. Compile and build it again. 4. You will obtain your : Project1.dll 5. Create a Folder in D:\ and name it for example D:\MyWebDoc 6. Copy your project1.dll there. 7. Now, you have to create your server application : Don't worry, just follow the Unigui.pdf guide (C:\Program Files\FmSoft\Framework\Unigui\Docs) At this point, in a brief description : you will create an alias (let say MyAlias) to your folder (D:\MyWebDoc) wich contains your project1.dll. You can see "Chee Yang Chau" setting for win 7, 8 and 10: http://chee-yang.blogspot.com/2009/10/configure-windows-7-iis7-for-isapi-dll.html 8. Now, all ils ready. Just call your project from your browser like this: ( is your IP local server) • You can run it from any local machine (intranet) • You can suscribe for a VPS (Virtual Private Server) and run it from any device on the world (desktop, tablet, smartphone...) with any system (Microsoft, Android, Mac Os, and soon linux !?). Best regards.
  8. Oh... BRAVO; BRAVO; BRAVO Thank you DD
  9. Hello DD, Thx OK, 1. in a form, you have an (in order) : UniEdit1 UniEdit2 UniMemo1 UniEdit3 2. You define NavigateKeys enabled=True; (Next = Key=13) 3. Then if i am on UniEdit1 then press Enter, the focus go to UniEdit2, then to UniMemo1, then to UniEdit3. This is the correct behavior with this setting (NavigateKeys). 4. But what i want : when UniMemo1 set focus, I want the Enter Key becomes as classical VCL behavior (carriage return inside the UniMemo1). 5. After exit UniMemo1, the NavigateKeys (Next = 13) retreive the initial behavior (as 2). Thx.
  10. Very easy... You just comment or incoment {$define UNIGUI_VCL} in your Source Project : ************************************************************************** {$define UNIGUI_VCL} // ISAPI --> Comment this line with // {$ifndef UNIGUI_VCL} library {$else} program {$endif} Project1; uses windows, ShellAPI, SysUtils, uniGUIISAPI, Forms, DataModule in 'DataModule.pas' {DM: TDataModule}, MainModule in 'MainModule.pas' {UniMainModule: TUniGUIMainModule}, Main in 'Main.pas' {MainForm: TUniForm}; {$R *.res} {$ifndef UNIGUI_VCL} exports GetExtensionVersion, HttpExtensionProc, TerminateExtension; {$endif} begin {$ifdef UNIGUI_VCL} ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True; Application.Initialize; TUniServerModule.Create(Application); // run directly in Browser if extractFileExt(GetModuleName(Hinstance))='.exe' then shellExecute(Application.Handle, PChar('Open'), PChar('Http://'), Nil,Nil,SW_Show); Application.Run; {$endif} end. ************************************************************************** Best regards...
  11. Hello When an uniMemo get focus, i want the Enter key (13) be disable to have the classical behavior in unimemo (Carridge Return). So, How to disable NavigateKeys when an unimemo get the focus and enable it after lost focus ? (on runtime) Thx.
  12. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3495-how-only-number-in-tunidbnumberedit-not-double-is-it-possible/&do=findComment&comment=16284
  13. See :http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3495-how-only-number-in-tunidbnumberedit-not-double-is-it-possible/&do=findComment&comment=16284
  14. Hello Marko, Download the latest It works fine (see program in attachment). For arabic, you have to define RTL = TRUE in both : Your Form and MainModule. See : http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/4175-change-rtl-at-runtime/?hl=arabic Greetings... Arabic.zip Project1.zip
  15. In fact, sending a Query from huge data,every 250 milliseconds as Demo "Filtering2" is depreciated. I use instead this : 1. Open once the query without params (to see all records even Null records) 2. OnClearFiler (UnidbGrid) : YourDataset.Filtred:=False; 3. OnFiltering (UnidbGrid) : - Build your string filter F for all enabled columns filter - then yourDataSet.Filter:= F; yourDataSet.Filtred:= True; It's very Fast Regards. Modified today: ____ PS : in (1) opening the Query without params and without ....( And DateN is NULL) Mydate:='substring(100+extract(day from DateN) from 2 for 2) ||''/''|| '+ 'substring(100+extract(month from DateN) from 2 for 2)||''/''|| '+ 'extract(year from DateN)'; SQL:='Select ' + Mydate + ' as DateN2 From TCustomers ';
  16. I used this and works fine (FireBird SQL) Mydate:='substring(100+extract(day from DateN) from 2 for 2) ||''/''|| '+ 'substring(100+extract(month from DateN) from 2 for 2)||''/''|| '+ 'extract(year from DateN)'; SQL:='Select ' + Mydate + ' as DateN2 From TCustomers ' + ' Where ( ('+ Mydate + ' Like :DateN2) Or (DateN is NULL) )' ; This CAST the Date Field in string and enable to Filter it on the UniDBGrid as Demo. Greetings.... _____ PS : Casting date as varchar seems to be an obligation !
  17. Thank you Mohammad, But really want to use the same technic DEMO without casting date as varchar.
  18. Hello, How are you filtering Date on a UniDBGrid ? I am CASTING the DateField as VARCHAR and using Filter Demo technic. Is it a good way or is there more simple ? THX
  19. Thx to all. This year, exceptionally, we celebrate together the birth of Prophet Mohamed محمد. The coincidence with christmas was observed for the first time in 1558 and was repeated 3 or 4 times. God bless all of you
  20. Hello Friends, OK, you have just finished your Unigui web application and want to put it on a local Customer server. in this company, there are users who have their android tablet and want to run the application from their device. The URL : does'nt work from my smartphone ! I did'nt find (on the web), a simple tuto to configure that intranet. Anyone experimented it ? Help is welcome... THX.
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