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Everything posted by Bresler

  1. Saludos colegas: Para aquellos que han usado el BMUniDBGrid, acabo de publicar una actualización que soporta las últimas versiones de UNIGUI y Delphi. Les pido disculpas por la tardanza. Saludos y disfrutenlo. LINK: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5044-new-bmunidbgrid-with-multiselection-rows-and-popupmenu-vers-098-and-099/?p=37443 PD: Se aceptan sugerencias.
  2. Hi guys Here is an update of BMUniDBGrid supporting Delphi Berlin and last version of UniGUI. I'm sorry the delay. I hope it could be useful to you. Best regards PS: I can't upload the file as attachment, so I decided to share the Git repository with you. Enjoy it. Link
  3. +1... Estoy haciéndole modificaciones al BMUNIDBGRID acorde a las actualizaciones que Mr. Farshad ha estado introduciendo al DBGRID. Así que pronto estaré posteando aquí nuevamente... Saludos a todos los colegas de habla hispana...
  4. Hola colegas... Saludos a todos desde Cuba...
  5. Hi Jameswong BMUniDBGrid is not ready for Movile Applications, and I supouse TUniDBGrid neither. There are components for it, for example TUnimDBGrid, TUnimEdit, TUnimButton... Cheers
  6. Hi Fenix I'm sorry for be missing for a long time (personal problems). Here is what you were asking for (thanks to Salvatore). I hope it can be useful to you. Link updated here. PS: I added an installer called Build.EXE to the component (from Spring4D framework project). Now installation process is easier, you don't have to add manually the path to Options/Library. Enjoy it. Best regards.
  7. Hi mderie Unfortunately it is the Grid normal behavior in JS. You can see it HERE (the second Grid). Cheers
  8. mderie I would like you tell me what do you meant with focused row(English is not my native language). You are talking about to click on a row or to move the mouse over a row? If is the first case, it is the normal behavior in JS. Regards
  9. Hi guys Following the mderie's sujestion about MultiSelectRows and CheckBoxSelect redundance, I made some modifications to BMUniDBGrid. Now can be used dgMultiSelect in Options. BookmarkList code was a little cleaned. You can download it here Regards
  10. Hi mderie I will check it and let you know about it. Regards PD: Please, TBMUniDBGrid's issues need to be reported on it's own post. We should verify it's our bug or not.
  11. Hi mderie Right now are redundant. MultiSelectRows and CheckBoxSelect exist thanks to team work with Salvatore, in UNIGUI 0.94 or earlier (long time ago). Regards
  12. Hi mderie Firstly I want to thank you for the correction, I really made all the BMUniDBGrid packages in Delphi XE7, it seems that some changes for ClientDatasets are made on recent versions. About MultiSelection on UniDBGrid, I think that is Mr. Farshad who can answer that question. BMUniDBGrid was born because of what you're asking for. I hope BMUniDBGrid be useful to you. Regards.
  13. Hi Ronny I had never try ReportBuilder. It allow to publish all my reports on a web server? Hola Ronny Nunca he visto ni experimentado con ReportBuilder. Me permite publicar todos mis reportes en un servidor web? Cheers
  14. Please, take a look in your fastrepor installation folder, for a folder called DEMOS\ClientServer\Service.
  15. Hi Davie Fastreport Server do all the heavy work for you. It is simpler than you think. Fastreport Server is a web server with your reports published on him. So, you just have to write the URL to access to your report on the web, and FastReport let you choose how do you want to export it, as PDF, as XLS, etc, or if you want to print it. Cheers
  16. Hi Davie About Fastreport Server as a Service is something done just one time and can be useful for all your project in the future, so my step is this: procedure TfrmReportsMyModule.UniPanel2Click(Sender: TObject); var MyForm: TFormUrlView; begin MyForm := TFormUrlView.Create(Self.UniApplication); MyForm.URLFrame.URL := 'http://inv-web:8097/result?report=1.CajaPSA\\Estado%20de%20Tarjetas%20de%20ISLAZUL%28nuevo%29.fr3&format=PDF'; MyForm.ShowModal(); end; So, in the URL I just write the URL to my report published on my FastReport Server. Cheers
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