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Oliver Morsch

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Everything posted by Oliver Morsch

  1. Not the direct solution for your problem, but in my opinion it is better to use SVG or webfonts for icons. Best look at all screens. And color and size are easy to set with CSS. I use this webfont: https://google.github.io/material-design-icons/#icon-font-for-the-web
  2. You must change the HTML-/CSS-Code to look like uniGUI.
  3. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5763-messagescreen-blocking-message-and-inputdialogs-and-live-statusmessages-with-abort-option/
  4. Websocket on client side should be simple, using some javascript code you can find everywhere. Only modern browser is needed. For websocket on server side (with Delphi) you can find something here. -> 1st Option: make a separate Server for websocket -> 2nd Option: integrate it in uniGUI Server (I have no idea if this is possible!). So I have used "Long polling" to integrate in uniGUI. This was simple in newer uniGUI versions.
  5. A "SELECT flt_data FROM table_name WHERE flt_tdd_id=22 ORDER BY sort_column_name ASC LIMIT 100" is much faster than a "give me 1000000 complete records and i search for the 100 values i need".
  6. Use a query component (instead a table component) and an appropriate SQL Statement (which returns the needed 100 records). Also be sure your seach columns are indexed columns in the databse.
  7. What ist the content of "UniHTMLMemo1.Lines.Text"? I think it has no font selection and it is not a "complete" HTML.
  8. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5763-messagescreen-blocking-message-and-inputdialogs-and-live-statusmessages-with-abort-option/
  9. Where is the problem making a file/folder dialog with uniGUI? - make a new uniform - You get the folders and files on server with FindFirst()/FindNext() or TDirectory.FindDirectories/TDirectory.FindFiles. - Put this result in a UniTree and UniListBox or UnistringGrid on the form (with some code for changing and select folder) - Open this form in "TMainForm.UniFileUpload1Completed" (with callback function) No javscript needed...
  10. There is no "Clientside.Refresh;" in uniGUI. So i have developed this.
  11. Your code (from other post) cannot work in web. In web (1) the browser sends a request to the server (2) the server does some processing (3) and then the server sends the response back to the browser Everything you do in step 2, the browser receives after step 3 But you can you do it with a "2nd communication channel" (Long poll), see here.
  12. "MessageScreen" - Blocking(!) Message- and InputDialogs and "Live" StatusMessages (with Abort option) No need for callbacks or extra threads or ... - Live Status messages (show the user at every time, what you are just doing) - Blocking(!) Input Dialog - Blocking(!) Message Dialog - "Abort option" at every time Sample Code: procedure TfrmMain.btnTestClick(Sender: TObject); var Nam: String; i: Integer; Br: Boolean; begin MS.Show; try // "Live" Status Messages: MS.StatusMsg('Step 1 / 3 ...'); Sleep(4000); // Do Something here ... MS.StatusMsg('Step 2 / 3 ...'); Sleep(4000); // Do Something here ... MS.StatusMsg('Step 3 / 3 ...'); Sleep(4000); // Do Something here ... // Input Dialog: if MS.InputDlg('Please enter your name:', 'Bill', 50) = 1 then begin Nam := MS.LastAnswerVal; MS.MessageDlg('Your name is ' + Nam + '!', 'OK'); end; // Message Dialog: case MS.MessageDlg('What do you want to do today, ' + Nam + '?', 'Do This', 'Do That', 'Do Everything', 'Do Anything' , 'Do Nothing') of 1: MS.MessageDlg('You Pressed Button 1!', 'OK'); 2: MS.MessageDlg('You Pressed Button 2!', 'OK'); 3: MS.MessageDlg('You Pressed Button 3!', 'OK'); 4: MS.MessageDlg('You Pressed Button 4!', 'OK'); 5: MS.MessageDlg('You Pressed Button 5!', 'OK'); else raise Exception.Create('There is no other Button, only 1 - 5 ?!'); end; // "Live" Status Messages with "ABORT" option: Br := False; for i := 1 to 10000000 do begin MS.StatusMsg('Record ' + IntToStr(i) + ' / 10000000', 1000, True); // !!! Important: Use "Delay" (here 1000 ms) if there are many Updates per second !!! if MS.HasAbort then begin if MS.MessageDlg('Really ABORT ?', 'Yes', 'No') = 1 then begin Br := True; BREAK; end; end; end; if Br then begin MS.MessageDlg('User has pressed ABORT !', 'OK'); end; MS.StatusMsg('Ready!'); Sleep(2000); finally MS.Hide; end; end; MsgScr.zip
  13. Additional you can use a (your) function "FDataModule" in your DataModule as follows: function FDataModule: TFDataModule; begin result := uniMainModule.FDataModule; end; Instead of "uniMainModule.FDataModule" you could you use a (String)List/Array/HashMap/... as UniMainModule field with containing all datamodules for the current session; so you have not to declare something for each of your modules in UniMainModule.
  14. This is not thread safe !!!. (session list ist a global var and there is no access control, ... ) Better you store a reference to your DataModule in a Field of TUniMainModule. That would be easy to read/write - no thoughts about sessions and threads, because thread safe and per session by default.
  15. You have the same problem if you are using delphi/firemonkey for programming android: there are no blocking calls (showmodal, message Dialog, ...).
  16. #2 Use "free form" and you are free... UniGui forms that are not in use (displayed) will be freed for less memory consumption. If you show you them later again they are created again, but so prior changes are lost. #4 That is how HTTP works: Server can only answer a request - if there is no request, there will be no answer. #5 Not every keystroke or mouse move will be sent by default. Would be too much traffic. If you can use such high traffic depends on your own system. Do you have view users in a local network, there should be no Problem. Do you have many users over (slow) internet connection, there is a Problem In second case you should use (client side) JavaScript...
  17. #1: You have "Free Form" and "UniGUI managed Form". Free Form you must create/free by yourself, you can have more than one instance of it per session at a time. With UniGui Form you have only one per session, create and free will be done by uniGUI. accessing the form (function) will create it, close will free it. The difference to Delphi/VCL is that it can't use global vars for that, because each user/session wants its own instance. So there is a function "MyForm" that delivers the instance for the current session (including create when needed). #2: So that auto create (on access and show) and auto free (on Close) works correct. #3: See #1. And be aware that you do not use global vars. #4: UniTimer fires on client side (browser). That is needed, because browser must first send a request, otherwise Server could not answer (send something to browser). #5: So every key press is send to the Server -> much traffic. You can use Client Events (JavaScript in browser) and then use AjaxRequest(...) when you must process something on Server.
  18. There are 347 downloads - and no bug reports till now... No.
  19. Yes. No. TUniTimer runs/fires on client side (browser). But for every "onTimer" the browser sends a request to ther server. So you have very much network trafffic and the server must handle all these requests. In my opinion: No. See option 2 and 3 in Post #4.
  20. By default web servers can't send messages to (all) clients. Servers can only answer a request. So you can do one of the following; - using TUniTimer (client (browser) sends every x seconds a request for updates to the server) - using "web sockets" (HTML5) - using "long polling" (see here)
  21. Please check the working directory in isapi mode -> The search path for the dll could be the iis/apache directory instead your app directory.
  22. But you can show a VCL form with a TWebBrowser in it. So it looks like a standard program (with a web gui). create a normal VCL (not UniGUI !) form in your project that is shown at startup put a TwebBrowser onto this form (Align: alClient) onFormShow: WebBrowser.Navigate('http://localhost:8077/'); onFormClose: Applicatin.Terminate; // shuts down server if form is closed To use a new browser version that works with UniGUI you must must add a registry entry or change !DOCTYPE (second I don't know how doing in UniGUI, but first works for me)
  23. You are not alone -> Windows 8.1 Pro + IE11 Chrome is OK.
  24. With http://wkhtmltopdf.org/ you can convert html to a pdf or image on server side. But if you use image: - the size will be big - you can't search for text in PDF - the font will not scale (can look terrible) But you can make the complete report with html and then use wkhtmltopdf or you make 2 PDFs (from report and html) and then merge them.
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