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Farshad Mohajeri

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Everything posted by Farshad Mohajeri

  1. After Form OnScreenResize event. In new build 882 it is only available if MainForm.MonitorBrowserResize is True.
  2. I'm looking into issue. I can see the problem and trying to find a solution.
  3. The best solution is to prevent any single IP from owning more than one session at a time. Already logged as #1003 Same thing can be done by tracking cookies.
  4. Try setting UniForm.AutoScroll -> True
  5. For UniDBGrid: function OnCellmousedown(sender, rowIndex, columnIndex, e) { var c = sender.getXY(e); ajaxRequest(sender, 'CellXY', ['x='+c.x, 'y='+c.y]); } Monitor this event on server side to get X and Y.
  6. Do you need a X,Y position?
  7. Position of the mouse? Do you mean the grid cell which is click?
  8. http://delphi.about.com/od/delphitips2007/qt/memory_usage.htm
  9. Task Manager doesn't show the actual memory usage after sessions are released. Windows doesn't immediately release the memory pool reserved for your app. For your case after creating 100 sessions task manager will show 60 MB memory usage. Now terminate all sessions. Task manager still shows 60 MB usage. Now if you recreate another 100 sessions memory usage will not increase because same memory pool is used again.
  10. Then you must find another workaround or redesign your UI.
  11. Alternatively you can show/hide panels.
  12. It is possible only by modifying Z-Index property, but Ext JS manages Z-Index internally and it is not open for general usage. Besides, I think you shouldn't normally need doing this. Ext JS provides lots of other options.
  13. Thank you. Currently the only way is to modify Ext JS CSS themes.
  14. Session remains active and automatically terminated after session timeout duration is passed which is 10 minutes by default. Yes, the old session remains active and terminated after timeout period. We have issue #855 for this. We will add an event for monitoring session timeouts. You can restart app which will redirect user to login screen. Use below code for InvalidSessionTemplate: <html> <script> document.location="[###url###]"; </script> </html>
  15. In current version you can do it by directly assigning html links to Grid cells. <img src="http://..." /> In future releases I will try to add support for images that are directly loaded from DataSet.
  16. We don't have an indicator in web mode. Do you mean the left most thin column?
  17. hi, In web mode Forms can not be child controls. It is not supported. Use Frames or Panels instead.
  18. Need a test case for this one.
  19. In 0.86 it can be resolved like this: function OnAfterrender(sender) { var aa=document.getElementById(sender.id+'-tb-prev'); var bb=document.getElementById(sender.id+'-tb-next'); if (aa) aa.style.visibility="hidden"; if (bb) bb.style.visibility="hidden"; } Logged #1073 Can you provide a Test case for this?
  20. Items.FontData = {0100000000} It stores Font data for TreeView
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