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Farshad Mohajeri

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Everything posted by Farshad Mohajeri

  1. I'll try to be helpful as long as I can. My other object is to see if we miss something on uniGUI side when Apache server is involved.
  2. Is your server remotely accessible from internet? I may connect and try to see what's going on.
  3. You put them on Form with no problem.
  4. I have an existing Apache 2.2 installation on port 8080 In ServerModule: ExtRoot -> 'ext-x.y.z\' ServerRoot -> '' I copied ext-3.3.0 folder to C:\testapp I added below lines to httpd.conf <Directory "C:/testapp"> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> Alias /test "C:/testapp" Here is my URL: http://localhost:8080/test/testapp.dll App is working fine. I think your problem is here. Don't put the Alias inside section. Put it directly below the section as I did in my example above.
  5. Let's do it this way: Attach your "hello world" app. I'll setup it up in Apache and publish all required steps here.
  6. Yes, but for unknown reasons your Apache server doesn't recognize your Alias and it is trying to access your DLL from wrong folder.
  7. Yes, text should contain line breaks or carriage return.
  8. Well, as far as I can see %95 percent of topics are related to the web so there will little gain for us if we divide topics in two separate forums.
  9. Row height is automatically determined by cell content. If cell content has multiple lines then row is adjusted automatically.
  10. Have you created an ALIAS for your application? What is the URL you're using to access your app?
  11. Why don't you use one instance instead?
  12. Is above location where your DLL resides?
  13. I became aware of this issue. It seems to be an IDE bug or something else which I couldn't find yet. I added a temporary fix for this which will ne available in 0.87.
  14. Disabling Tab key is actually a "Hack" and there is no guarantee that it will work on all browsers including all past, present and future versions.
  15. If I could give an exact date I would do that for certain.
  16. You can already navigate in a UniDBGrid using arrow keys.
  17. Number pages are shown correctly only when DataSet returns a valid RecordCount.
  18. In short: Only uniGUI visual components will work in web mode. Non-visual components must be fully thread-safe if you want to use them in a uniGUI project.
  19. Can you specify the underlying DB Engine type?
  20. Have you debugged this line? What happens when above line is executed? It seems that it completely crashes the server.
  21. It is not implemented yet. Ext JS doesn't generically support "Fixed Row/COL" conecpt so I need to find a workaround.
  22. There can be many differences so all conversion should be done manually. The easiest way is to open Form DFM file in an editor and replace all instances of say TEdit with TUniEdit.
  23. I couldn't fully understand your purpose here. Are "app1" and "app2" two different instances of same uniGUI app running on different servers? Or is it a single app? Can you explain more?
  24. I asked a question in above thread.
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