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Farshad Mohajeri

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Everything posted by Farshad Mohajeri

  1. Can you reproduce this issue with any uniGUI app or just a particular app has this issue?
  2. If output file is an ISAPI dll then it maybe in use by ISAPI server. If not it looks like an XE2 issue. At compiling stage, a uniGUI app is just like any other Delphi app.
  3. UniLabel1.Caption:=UniApplication.RemoteAddress;
  4. By test case I meant a Delphi project.
  5. Please send a simple test case.
  6. No there is no way to implement it right now. Ext JS has a web desktop. In future we may adopt it.
  7. As far as I remember Chrome has a Web Application mode where Web site is displayed inside a naked window. http://superuser.com/questions/33548/how-to-start-chrome-in-application-mode
  8. Well, "this" keyword was defined in versions prior to 0.85.0 . It is no longer needed as a result of architectural changes.
  9. Thx. As I expected RecordCount value is not consistent. After call to Open, RecordCount is 1. When you call Last it is updated to actual row count. I'll try to find a fix. Logged #1167
  10. It is natural and behavior is same for a regular Delphi VCL application too.
  11. So is this a problem with 2010 only? I mean is this issue resolved in Delphi XE?
  12. Well, if anyone can prepare a test case for this it will be highly appreciated.
  13. procedure TMainForm.UniFormShow(Sender: TObject); begin if WebMode then if not AFlag then begin Hide; AFlag:=True; LoginForm.Show; end; end; procedure TLoginForm.UniFormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin MainForm.Show; end;
  14. I'm afraid it is not possible. First of all you can't instantiate a TWebBrowser inside a uniGUI application. Second when displaying google maps in a TWebBrowser, it will contain lots of dynamic JS code and other things which can't be simply transferred by copying HTML code.
  15. Client side window property of UniForm is defined by uniGUI not Ext JS. It is an Ext JS Ext.Window object. Some of uniGUI controls are associated with more than one Ext JS objects. You can open ClientEvents->ExtEvents to see them. In attached pics UniForm wraps two Ext JS objects: window and form window = Ext.Window form = Ext.form.FormPanel You can refer to Sencha Ext JS docs to see what methods and properties Ext.Window and Ext.form.FormPanel have. http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/3-4/
  16. I added a new event to ServerModule named : OnBeforeInit
  17. It can be done using an Ajax request: UniSession.AddJS( 'var d = new Date(); ' + 'var _offset = (d.getTimezoneOffset() / 60 ) * -1; ' + 'ajaxRequest(MainForm.form, "mycall", ["ofs="+_offset]); ' ); procedure TMainForm.UniFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); begin if EventName='mycall' then begin UniLabel1.Caption:=Params.Values['ofs']; end; end;
  18. function OnClick(sender, e) { MainForm.window.setWidth(300); }
  19. You can monitor OnResize event, but it only gives new info about sizes.
  20. function OnAfterrender(sender) { sender.getEl().dom.style.backgroundImage="url('logo.png')"; }
  21. We has Session Id which is unique: aPath + '\' + UniApplication.UniSession.SessionID + '_data1.txt';
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