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Farshad Mohajeri

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Everything posted by Farshad Mohajeri

  1. It is very similar to way Indy handle HTTP requests. We have ARequest: TIdHTTPRequestInfo and AResponse:TIdHTTPResponseInfo Objects
  2. This issue #1154 will be fixed in next build. Workaround: function OnAfterrender(sender) { sender.getEl().dom.wrap="OFF"; }
  3. What is the "strange" code you get? Do you have PDF viewer installed on your client PC?
  4. It should be scrollTo() not ScrollTo().
  5. UniStringGrid is not optimized for sending big number of rows in a loop. It is in todo list. I recommend using uniDBGrid anyway.
  6. How many rows do you send in above loop?
  7. OK. You need to increase height of your Toolbar.
  8. Captions are shown only when UniToolBar->ShowCaption is true
  9. !!! File is removed by accident during server maintenance. I'm restoring it now. Try again in five minutes. Thanks
  10. UniDBNavigator simply calls Next on Dataset. Since you manually fill StringGrid I need to see your code. It would be better if you send a test case created with Clientdataset.
  11. Your Dataset doesn't fetch all records in advance. You must solve it by forcing it to fetch all recs. Dataset.Open; Dataset.Last; Dataset.First;
  12. TExtGridRowSelectionModel is defined in ExtGrid.pas which is under ExtPascal folder. Can you verify this?
  13. Applying updates to XE2 can be problematic sometimes. Best way is a fresh install. Thanks for feedback.
  14. Have you went through installation instructions?
  15. You must be sure you don't have any other version of ExtPascal in your library path.
  16. We have plenty of demos in installation of folder.
  17. IE doesn't send URL parameters in a proper way. I will investigate it.
  18. There is a problem in IE8 though Let me check
  19. uniGUI 0.88.1 Delphi XE URL: http://localhost:8077/?button=BB&edit=华语/華語 I get same text in UniEdit1
  20. Sleep() is only used to simulate lengthy operation. For obvious reasons it is not possible to start and stop mask in server side code.
  21. It is not possible on server side. Such functionality must be developed on client side. Use client side OnKeyDown event.
  22. If both server and browser are on same PC it can be slow.
  23. Are you testing it with our URLParameters demo?
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