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  1. Hi I'm starting to desarrolllar and am testing but let me be looking could help me. I see you sent one a key to continue. Thank you
  2. Hola estoy empezando a desarrolllar y estoy en pruebas pero no me deja ser mirando me podrian ayudar. Veo que le envian a uno una key para poder seguir. Gracias
  3. Hello, very good morning, I could help. I'm working with a UDBGrid when I enter Insert mode other call data UDBGrid to call a list of search data as follows. MainForm.UDBGrol.ReadOnly: = False; UFbus.ShowModal; Choose the data and close as follows if Mtab.ZTusu_rol.State in [dsInsert, dsEdit] then begin try Mtab.ZTusu_rol.FieldValues ​​['ID_ROL']: = Mtab.ZTrol.FieldValues ​​['ID_ROL']; MainForm.UDBGrol.Columns [1] .Field.AsInteger: Mtab.ZTrol.FieldValues ​​= ['ID_ROL']; except end; MainForm.UDBGrol.Repaint; end; But it shows me the first UDBGrid but when I press the POST data and records at that time if sample. But I want mostra when inserted before recording. Thank you for your help.
  4. Hi, I'm testing, UNIGUI, I have a concern, if the amount under a linux server, when I generate PDF reports, I get strange code, but it shows codes, but the structure and lines, if successful logos. I could help
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