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  1. Past hour
  2. Try this customCSS: .x-column-header-text-inner { background-repeat: no-repeat; white-space: normal; }
  3. Today
  4. Hello~~ I am in an urgent need of help: 1. Fixed Col 2. Column 3. normal col Thanks for the trouble. 😀
  5. Hello, Okay, I will try. But tell me, did you get an answer (solution) to one of your questions?
  6. Yesterday
  7. Yes, attached simple testcase. Thanks your attention and support Sherzod. The problem occurs that when UniEdit receives focus or leaves focus, ExtJS automatically redoes the css class assignments internally, removing my css class (x-mb-home-search). UniEdit.rar
  8. Hello, Can you please make a simple testcase to check your solution, workaround?
  9. Hello, Yes, it's simple. I'll try to respond later.
  10. Уточните пожалуйста Ваш вопрос.
  11. Hello, I have defined for a UniEdit specify a css class in the afterrender, which does what i need regarding the color, backround, etc. Everything is OK. The problem occurs that when UniEdit receives focus and leaves focus, ExtJS automatically redoes the css class assignments internally, removing my css class. I have already done workaround, indicating in beforeinit to receive my class in the focus event, but the solution is not good, because this delay is apparent to the user. I use neptune theme. Any idea so that the framework doesn't remove my class? Thanks for support.
  12. Create a new UniGui Standalone project Drop 2 Unidatetimepickers on the main form. Copy and paste the code from the above post into the maintain form and Unidatetimepickers. Set your the MainFormDisplay to mfPage in the UniServerModule. There you go. Better to teach someone to fish then just give them fish.
  13. Did any one ever find a solution for multiple column combo dropdowns? I see many posts about this but nothing ever gets resolved. This is a must for database forms development, so crazy that FMSoft could not develope the components. All component packages that I use includes them for standalone and data aware.
  14. Anyone else receiving Console warnings: content.js:2 [Deprecation] -ms-high-contrast-adjust is in the process of being deprecated. Please see https://blogs.windows.com/msedgedev/2020/09/17/styling-for-windows-high-contrast-with-new-standards-for-forced-colors/ for tips on updating to the new Forced Colors Mode standard. In your browser debug console? I believe is just started the last couple of days, but then again I don't use Edge very often.
  15. When i use mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN,x, y, 0, 0); mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP,x, y, 0, 0); in DropRowsEvent all is ok, the database cursor go the line where the mouse points and update the rigth dataset. But these two function are windows functions and fire only local. So it don't fires on client machine. How can i do this with javascript to do this on client side?
  16. Dear Sherzod I have UniGUI 1.95.0 build 1580 . Could you advise if the solution still works. Where are these js files located?
  17. The subscription was extended and I tried it with but I have the same error.
  18. А возможно при релогине пропустить событие UniGUIMainModuleBeforeLogin? В нем обращаюсь в Cookies, и что бы не брать оттуда сохраненный логин?
  19. Спасибо! Я просто думал такая операция доступна только из формы авторизации.
  20. Есть в примерах перелогиниться ModalResult := mrOK выйти из сессии ModalResult := mrCancel
  21. Добрый день. Немного странный вопрос, а как правильно разлогинится в Uni и заново вызвать форму TUniLoginForm ? Просто обычное использование UniGUISession->Logout(); не дает того результата. Спасибо.
  22. Hello sir~ Can you answer both? thank you.
  23. Спасибо, а событие UniFormReady, это Вы сами задали или является частью формы? Не нашел его у себя.
  24. Last week
  25. Same problem, i have no idea to do this. Maybe to simulate a mouseclick to trackoverrow. But how to do this?
  26. 1. UniDBPivotGrid1.ClientEvents.UniEvents -> function afterCreate(sender) { sender.on('showdrilldownpanel', function(panel) { //Adding exporter plugin panel.down('grid').addPlugin('gridexporter'); var grid = panel.down('grid'); var gridColIndx = 0; grid.on('itemdblclick', function() { if (grid.getSelection()[0]) { ajaxRequest(sender, "drilldowngrid", {id: grid.getSelection()[0].data[grid.columnManager.columns[gridColIndx].dataIndex]}) } }); var exporterCfg = new Object({ type: "xlsx", mimeType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", title: panel.title, //title fileName: "Export.xlsx" }); if (!panel.exportBtn) { panel.exportBtn = panel.getHeader().insert( 1, {xtype: 'button', text: 'Export2Excel', handler: function() { panel.down('grid').saveDocumentAs(exporterCfg); }} ) } }); } 2. procedure TMainForm.UniDBPivotGrid1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if EventName = 'drilldowngrid' then begin ShowMessage(Params.Values['id']) end; end;
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