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  2. Yes and when it reaches zero I would like to execute an event or show a message to the user
  3. Hi @Woutero Thank you! Have you tried through the customer portal?
  4. Today
  5. Hi Sherzod I ‘m very happy with uniGUI and would like to renew my uniGUI Complete - Professional Edition license. On your web-site it says that the price for renewal is around 60% of original price, but I cannot find a link where to renew?
  6. Sorry, I couldn't do it. I wanted to execute a command when the timer reaches zero, how can I catch this event and execute the command?
  7. JSCODE := Self.Name + '.seconds = 60; ' + '' + Self.Name+'.timer = Ext.TaskManager.start({ ' + ' run: function() { ' + ' var date = new Date(null); ' + ' date.setSeconds(--' + Self.Name + '.seconds); ' + ' var timeString = date.toISOString().substr(11, 8); ' + ' '+Self.Name+'.UniLabelTimer.setHtml(''<i class="far fa-clock"></i> Tempo: '' + timeString); ' + ' }, ' + ' interval: 1000 ' + '});';
  8. Yes. 'boxready', 'function(sender, width, height, eOpts) {...' 'hide', 'function(sender, eOpts) {...'
  9. Great job, I managed to do the countdown, but how do you know when the timer reaches zero?
  10. I am after the same parameters as above:- "boxready" sender, width, height, eOpts "hide" sender, eOpts
  11. Hello, This post may help you:
  12. You can modify the code for the countdown.
  13. Can you please give me examples on how to add listeners with their appropriate parameters:- "hide" "boxready" Thanks
  14. TrayClock (on the client side) - Components and Code Samples - uniGUI Discussion Forums
  15. Is there a way to set a countdown timer starting at 5 minutes? And when he finishes, can I get his finish?
  16. picyka

    Only errors.

    From the tests I did, I understood that errors can happen at times. ActionClick for example, if the user clicks on an action, and there is no mask there, for some reason there may be a delay in processing, if the user changes the grid lines the error will also occur. There in the example, I put a Sleep(1000) just to simulate a delay in loading the data. I don't know how to solve this, but I believe that the filter event mask should be activated when the filter is selected, blocking the grid so the user cannot do anything.
  17. I have this problem every day, but it only happens in production and it's difficult to know when it is, I know in which times but I don't know in which event it happens.
  18. Hi, Is it possible to restrict the file types that can be uploaded? I'm using TUniFileUpload for the upload procedure.
  19. Yes, that's it. I want to know how many lines are possible on the screen to make SQL fetch the same amount per page.
  20. Version: Demo: C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Touch\DBListGrid UnimDBListGrid1->Options->dgDontShowSelected = True Error when compiling: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'selectRecs') Note: Mobile.
  21. Должны быть плагины для этого. Прикрепите тестовый случай, если Вас это не затруднит. Я попробую проанализировать.
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