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  1. Past hour
  2. Hello, This post may help you:
  3. Tam nasıl başlık atacağımı bilemedim. UniDBgridde CheckSelect ve MultiSelect özelliğini açıp kendi checkbox özelliğini kullanıyorum. Seçilenleri tespit ediyorum buraya kadar her şey normal. Peki ben kod ile nasıl seçtirebilirim bunu bulamadım. kod içerisinden belirli rowların checkbox'larını işaretlemek istiyorum.
  4. Yesterday
  5. picyka

    Only errors.

    I was reviewing some codes, and I found what must be generating the error several times a day. Self.FGrid.Columns[i].Filtering.ChangeDelay := 400; I have a default query that is inherited, so I changed it to 400, giving the user time after typing the search to exit by clicking on the grid. I missed an option in the grid filter settings MinQueryLength In some cases where it is a heavier query, it could be very useful.
  6. Hi, I also have the same problem, any previous project that used unimdbgrids no longer works with 1.95 build 1584 Unigui version, I also tried looking in the demos, and they also display the same message "Ext.form.field.hidden"
  7. Hello, You can look at the "Thread sort" demo for example.
  8. Good morning gentlemen, how can I update the components unigauge, unichar with the values to be generated using a thread, as the process could take 2 or more minutes to generate the calculations, what components should I use and how to update the data and graphics on the screen? unigui1583
  9. Is there any way to upload the new version of project file directly to Hyperserver without login to UI? We have a deploy environment and we'd like to do the full deploy without human interaction. Is it possible? Thank you, Franco
  10. Exactly, sgcIndy binaries are free but source code is only available in the ALL-ACCESS license package. We have this license and the source code, but I think modifying uniGUI to use sgcIndy binaries should be possible as well.
  11. Ну это получается аналог TStringList, только визуально мы не видим параметр "name". И при запросе можно строить список тех итемов, что отметили. Сейчас приходится держать отдельно какой то массив в памяти, соотношения имени и id, и после по нем искать соотношение имени с отмеченными итемами. Для чего это нужно?....так как в БД. намного проще работать с id строк, чем с именем. Ну вот как стандартный компонент TComboBoxEX
  12. If I understood properly sgcIndy has no free open sources?
  13. Ну это получается аналог TStringList, только визуально мы не видим параметр "name". И при запросе можно строить список тех итемов, что отметили. Сейчас приходится держать отдельно какой то массив в памяти, соотношения имени и id, и после по нем искать соотношение имени с отмеченными итемами. Для чего это нужно?....так как в БД. намного проще работать с id строк, чем с именем.
  14. Hi, Does Stress Tool work fine with servers farm in Mode-2 architecture ? It seems not according to the screenshot : furthermore when i run the scenario with 500 sessions in a real time speed, many were not found as you can see below. How to solve this ?
  15. .customComboInput .x-input-el { color: green; } function painted(sender, eOpts) { sender.getPicker().addCls('customCombo'); sender.addCls('customComboInput'); }
  16. Hello and thank you. It's work fine. I added the following change to the font in the CSS code. .customCombo .x-listitem-inner-el { width: 100%; direction: rtl; font-family: Shabnam FD; font-weight: normal; } The font of the items was changed. But the font value of the unimcombobox did not change. What should I do to change the font of the unimcombobox ? Regards.
  17. И как это Вам поможет?
  18. Есть компонент TUniCheckComboBox, его выпадающий список заполнен из БД. И вот было бы шикарно, если можно было в компоненте держать id записи из БД, что бы при запросе слать не содержание выделенных итемов а сразу id.
  19. Добрый день! Пожалуйста, проясните Ваш случай.
  20. Hello, 1. CustomCSS -> .customCombo .x-listitem-inner-el { width: 100%; direction: rtl; } 2. UnimComboBox.ClientEvents.ExtEvents -> function painted(sender, eOpts) { sender.getPicker().addCls('customCombo'); }
  21. Yes i have already checked and I'm just running the demo for mobile device
  22. Are you sure you are using mobile components? UnimDBGrid...
  23. Demos work but DBgrid component don't
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