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open pdf


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Yes, I've seen, but is not exactly what I'm looking for.


It uses the viewer of the browser, and uses the same configuration that the browser.


In my case, I use firefox, and allways ask if I want to open on my pdf viewer or save the file.


I need a unigui form, and allways open the pdf file inside the form, without asking, like a report preview.



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Ok. this is solved.


But in general this s not the same that I'm looking for.


In my vcl apps, I have a customized preview for the reports, with the options of print, save, send as attachment in e-mail, zoom in, zoom out, etc.


I'm trying to do this with unigui, but I can't find the way.


I need to show a pdf file in a form, and add functionalities to the form.



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