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  1. Here I need it for an other purpose but for me it would be strange this can't be done because I thought this is a common thing if someone want to create a list of articles and after selecting and adding one in the list then it would be useful to automatically select Qty column and activate editing so the user can faster change Qty by typing only the number. At least I use this frequently in my Vcl apps.
  2. I have a grid of images and with uniDBGrid I can select a row by changing dataset cursor but I don't see how to select programmatically one specific cell in that row. For VCL I can do like this: DBGrid.SelectedField := DBGrid.DataSource.DataSet.FieldByName('Value')
  3. It is possible to programmatically select a Column in a uniDBGrid? I need to show a grid of images an select a specific one.
  4. In this case HTML5 Audio demo should better use UniSession.AddJS instead of UniSession.SendResponse?
  5. I know about GroupIndex and as I said before all is working if I exclude SendResponse()
  6. With SendResponse I want to play a sound: UniSession.SendResponse('audioOK.load();audioOK.play();'); I solved it with a timer 100ms and activate the timer to do this job at the client side. And because TUniTimer.RunOnce will run only once per session I've done it myself. //Timer function function(sender) { audioOK.load(); audioOK.play(); try{MainForm.UniTimerAudioOK.stopAll()}catch(e){}; } procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniSpeedButton1.Down := True; UniTimerAudioOK.Enabled := False;//because stopAll() is called at client side UniTimerAudioOK.Enabled := True; end; P.S. maybe there is a better solution but my javascript knowledge is poor.
  7. If I have two TUniSpeedButton trying to set UniSpeedButton1.Down isn't working if I use UniSession.SendResponse() in the same call. procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniSpeedButton1.Down := True; UniSession.SendResponse('');//if this line is present then then previous change to Down doesn't work end;
  8. UniGUI, Delphi 10.4.1 I need the UniEdit1 value in javascript and MainForm.UniEdit1.getValue returns a strange and not usable value. I tried the demo unit UniClientEventsEditClientEvents where is a UniEdit1.ClientEvents.change() function that does not exists if I place a new TUniEdit component on the form. What is the explanation? It is obsolete and better not to use it? I ask because reading from javascript MainForm.UniEdit1.getValue returns something like this in is not the edit value: "function(){var b=this.callParent(arguments);if(b&&this.uniCase){var a=document.documentElement.lang;if(!a){a=""}if(this.uniCase=="up"&&b.toLocaleUpperCase){b=b.toLocaleUpperCase(a)}else{if(this.uniCase=="low"&&b.toLocaleLowerCase){b=b.toLocaleLowerCase(a)}}}return b}"
  9. Thank you. I just found this and also I need to put a uniDBGrid into a panel because uniDBGrid doesn't have OnResize event (or is not exposed?). The values I will save into the cookies.
  10. I have the same question. Has someone found a solution for this? I've found a solution: the width of the left child is coming in child's OnResize event in Sender.Width
  11. CristianPeta

    open pdf

    I just tested "PDF Viewer" in FireFox 48.0.2 and it's working without any questions. But in the settings I have "Use Adobe Acrobat (in FireFox)" and not "Always ask". But I think this was default.
  12. I don't use exactly MVC but I put all the logic in other units (full of ClientDatasets). It's helps very much to have two interfaces (one for desktop and one for mobile) because the interface units are very light. And if I need to change the interface it's much easier. And for reports, FastReport scripts helps a lot.
  13. There is also Mida Converter. uniGUI is not supported now but you can build your list of conversion rules. http://www.midaconverter.com/vcl_to_intraweb.html
  14. It looks it is not so easy. EXT JS 5.x was released in 2014, more than two years ago. But don't understand me wrong. I think it's OK to be two years behind.
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