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How to Set(Change) Grid Current Column/Cell ?


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Since there's no SelectedIndex property on TUniDBGrid, how to change active (selected) grid column (cell) in runtime ?


I tried to call ExtJS tweak:




but without success (no error, no action).


Is there ANY solution how to control grid active column ?


(Active Row is DataSet Current Record).


Thanks a lot.


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You can create a inherited component, i.e. TUniExDBGrid = class( TUniDBGrid ); add one property "property Col: Integer read GetCol write SetCol;" and in implementation add below code:

  TUniExDBGrid = class( TUniDBGrid )

    function  GetCol: Integer;
    procedure SetCol(Value: Integer);

    property Col: Integer read GetCol write SetCol;

function TUniExDBGrid.GetCol: Integer; 
  Result := CurrCol-1; {-1 for CurrCol} 

procedure TUniExDBGrid.SetCol(Value: Integer); 
  CurrCol:=Value+1; {+1 for CurrCol} 


It works for me, let me know whether it works for you or not.

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One more option is using Hack


unit Main;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics,  Controls, Forms, Dialogs, uniGUITypes, uniGUIAbstractClasses...
type THackGrid = class(TUniDBGrid);
  TMainForm = class(TUniForm)
    Grid1: TUniDBGrid;
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }


procedure TMainForm.BitBtnmovecolClick(Sender: TObject);
   THackGrid(Grid1).CurrCol :=  newindex ;  // Set the required columindex

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  • 5 years later...

What an odd property (CurrCol) to be protected. Has anything changed in this respect in the past 5 years ?
I'm coming towards the end of my UniGUI evaluation - just the Grid to test and I'm finding it missing a lot of functionality compared to thge VCL grids I'm used to. Hopefully just the learning curve, rather than missing features.

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What an odd property (CurrCol) to be protected. Has anything changed in this respect in the past 5 years ?

I'm coming towards the end of my UniGUI evaluation - just the Grid to test and I'm finding it missing a lot of functionality compared to thge VCL grids I'm used to. Hopefully just the learning curve, rather than missing features.




What are those functions that you have found missing?

If you are referring to standard VCL.TDBGrid, uniGUI already has a lot far more features compared with it.

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