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  1. Somebody used Service Worker to use Firebase for send push notifications for web mobile application? Where put register service worker javascript? Where put manifest.json? Information about what i am talking about you can see in https://firebase.google.com
  2. http://delphi.org/2018/02/live-13-feb-2018-delphi-web-frameworks/
  3. Boa tarde, eu estou desenvolvendo uma aplicação com hospedagem no IIS, e neste como todos, gero relatorios em PDF usando o FastReports. Uso esse código para gerar o PDF. NomeRPT.PrepareReport(True); ArqPDF := NomeRelPDF+'_'+FormatDateTime('ddmmyyyy_hhmmss.zzz',Now)+'.pdf'; PDFExport.FileName := ArqPDF; PDFExport.DefaultPath := UniServerModule.LocalCachePath; PDFExport.ShowDialog := false; PDFExport.ShowProgress := False; NomeRPT.Export(Self.PDFExport); NomeRPT.PreviewPages.SaveToFile(ArqPDF); frmRelatorios_Movimento.UniPDFFrame1.PdfURL := UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL + ArqPDF; // Displayed on UniURLFrame frmRelatorios_Movimento.ShowModal; Ele está gerando normalmente o arquivo na Cache do Servidor (pasta criada pelo Unigui na raíz da aplicação), porém, ele cria o mesmo arquivo dentro da C:\Windows\SysWOW64, só que isso vai enchendo a pasta de sistemas com arquivos PDF e eu não consigo encontrar onde é o problema que o mesmo salva uma copia do arquivo na pasta de sistema. Alguém já viu algo parecido com isso?
  4. Hello, We just purchased a license for UNIGUI and we converted 2 existing exexutables from Win64 to UniGUI. The result is awesome! Thank you all! I just noticed that specifically the indy components are pre-compiled using record field allignment Quad. And our software is compiled with byte. I can change our programs by putting the word packed in front of all the records (about 1500 records) and it will work but i was wondering if there is any other way. Also i found a bug in Sencha where if you have a UNIMAINMENU and the UNIMAINMENUOPTIONS contain a checkbox, if you set the check option then it popups with a script error "There is no setChecked method for this object". Thank you very much for any ideas or resolutions regarding this issue. Nick
  5. Bom dia. Pessoal preciso criar no CRUD, parte de pesquisa, por exemplo tenho 100 usuário cadastrados, e quero pesquisar o nome do João. Alguém tem algum bizu para isso. Obrigado.
  6. I would like to know how when editing in a cell in the grid would have like the text to be edited, to be selected. -> When editing, select all cell contents
  7. The unigui always have compatibility with new versions of Delphi? What can we expect from unigui for years to come? We are thinking of starting a large project with unigui, we are enjoying what we are seeing, but I wonder if we can believe that the project will last for many years out. Thank you
  8. why i cant create excel file, this is the error i use fast report, here is my code procedure TRptModule.MyFrxexcel(frxReport: TfrxReport); begin frxReport.ShowProgress:=False; frxReport.PrintOptions.ShowDialog:=False; frxReport.EngineOptions.SilentMode:=True; frxXLSXExport1.SlaveExport:=False; frxXLSXExport1.SuppressPageHeadersFooters:=False; frxXLSXExport1.Wysiwyg:=True; frxXLSXExport1.FileName := UniServerModule.LocalCachePath +RptName; frxXLSXExport1.DefaultPath := ''; frxReport.PrepareReport(); frxReport.Export(frxXLSXExport1); // Export Report UniSession.SendFile(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath +RptName, RptName); end; Regards yudi
  9. Hi How do I get a photo from the camera and save this file in .jpg format using unigui-mobile? Thank You
  10. You can change the application's load image? Thanks.
  11. Hi, I have seen CreateOrder property in various components of uniGUI. How can I see the effect of setting value of this property. What is actual use of this property? Thanks & Regards,
  12. Could anyone help me I am trying to "deploy" to the windows server 2012 but the problem is that it uses the IIS 8 and I'm not getting run my ISAPI I, tried everything following the unigui manual, but the manual tells you how to do this in IIS 6 and 7, 8 is different, anyone has any tutorial on how to do this? Leandro
  13. I have a serious problem with RichText. - I´m use XE5 with FR 5.3.9. - In the form, I put RichObject and the report put the RichText. The problem occurs when I print, gives the error "window handle is invalid." If I remove the report RichText, print normally. I have uninstalled it and I downloaded again, but the error persists. Would anyone tell me how to solve this? Eu tenho um sério problema com RichText. - Uso XE5 com FR 5.3.9. - No form, eu coloquei RichObject e no relatório coloquei o RichText. O problema ocorre quando eu vou imprimir, dá o erro: "identificador da janela é inválido." Se eu remover do relatório o RichText, imprime normalmente. Eu desinstalei e eu baixei de novo, mas o erro persiste. Será que alguém me dizer como resolver isso?
  14. Hola foro! Necesito pasarle datos a la aplicación unigui. En mi caso es una "isapi". Alguien sabe como pasarle variables de sesión cargadas en HTML, php o ASP, por ejemplo, a la aplicación?. Qué unidades usar y/o en qué eventos? Muchas gracias
  15. When we have a UNIGUI for Delphi XE7?
  16. Hi everyone, i'm having my project already set up, but i was thinking about the following. I want the a user-lock on login, that means, if a user is already logged in to the user-area or the user is logging in new, i dont want the same user to have another session. My idea is to add a field ('loggedIn') in my user-table of my database which i then use for the lock. BUT what if the session gets killed or the users database connection breaks up. Then i have a logged user which cant log in anymore. How do you handle this or whats your idea? Thanks
  17. can someone give me a sample to show how SDAC works with UniGui? Thank!
  18. Hi Is it possible to install unigiu with delphi xe5 starter? thanks Emiliano
  19. Olá Fiz um breve video mostrando o unigui, divulgem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbceBk892p8 grato fui...
  20. Saludos a la comunidad de desarrolladores de uniGui en España. LLevo unos meses desarrollando aplicaciones en uniGui, todas ellas de gestión de base de datos, y el principal problema que me encuentro es que cargar la página principal, así como los formularios y frames sucesivos, la aplicación tarda mucho tiempo en cargar los mismos. Así la pagina principal tarda sobre 7 segundos y los formulario y frames secundarios 5 segundo. Esto hace que los usuarios de la aplicación se quejen de la lentitud de la misma. Mi pregunta es: ¿ Hay alguna forma de acelerar la carga de la página principal y de los formulario y frames sucesivos ? Estoy utilizando Delphi XE2, FireBird y desarrollo en modo Web dentro de uniGui. Así mismo mis aplicaciones son de tipo standalong. Muchisimas gracias de antemano por vuestro interés. un saludo.
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